PabstMirror 2565a80a22 #2098 - Option Menu Fixes for categories
Use lbValue to store the index of the filtered selection
2015-08-10 17:19:30 -05:00

46 lines
1.5 KiB

* Author: Glowbal
* Called when the listbox selection is changed for an options (eg: chaning a setting from false to true)
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ACE_optionsmenu_fnc_onListBoxSettingsChanged
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_settingsMenu", "_settingIndex", "_rightDropDownIndex"];
_rightDropDownIndex = lbCurSel 400; //Index of right drop down
if (_rightDropDownIndex < 0) then {_rightDropDownIndex = 0;};
_settingIndex = -1;
if (((lbCurSel 200) >= 0) && {(lbCurSel 200) < ((lbSize 200)/2)}) then {
_settingIndex = lbValue [200, (lbCurSel 200)];
if (_settingIndex == -1) exitWith {};
switch (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)) do {
if ((_settingIndex >= 0) && (_settingIndex < (count GVAR(clientSideOptions)))) then {
_settingIndex = (GVAR(clientSideOptions) select _settingIndex) select 0;
[MENU_TAB_OPTIONS, _settingIndex, _rightDropDownIndex] call FUNC(updateSetting);
[false] call FUNC(settingsMenuUpdateList);
if ((_settingIndex >= 0) && (_settingIndex < (count GVAR(serverSideOptions)))) then {
_settingIndex = (GVAR(serverSideOptions) select _settingIndex) select 0;
[MENU_TAB_SERVER_OPTIONS, _settingIndex, _rightDropDownIndex] call FUNC(updateSetting);
[false] call FUNC(serverSettingsMenuUpdateList);