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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Enable majority of actions underwater * Remove log * Add logistics_wirecutter support (don't play kneel animations underwater - looks silly) * Don't perform kneel animations when repairing or medicaling underwater * Fix interaction menu rendering underwater (was moving based on player eye level due to height max used for large vehicles) * Fix attach underwater (LIW does not work underwater, LIS does), Add attach scan drawing define * Remove left-over systemChat * Remove vehiclelock from Plane, Disallow linking belt underwater, Allow checking ammo when sitting via action (was already possible via keybind), Use param for LIS
85 lines
2.8 KiB
85 lines
2.8 KiB
* Author: esteldunedain
* Return a suitable position for the action point for the given target vehicle
* Arguments:
* None (uses local variable _target)
* Return Value:
* Children actions <ARRAY>
* Example:
* call ace_interaction_fnc_getVehiclePos
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private _bb = boundingBoxReal _target;
(_bb select 0) params ["_bbX", "_bbY", "_bbZ"];
private _cameraPosASL = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL);
private _relPos = _target worldToModelVisual ASLToAGL _cameraPosASL;
_relPos = _target worldToModelVisual ASLToAGL eyePos ACE_player;
_relPos params ["_dx", "_dy", "_dz"];
private _ndx = (abs _dx) / ((abs (_bbx)) - 1);
private _ndy = (abs _dy) / ((abs (_bbY)) - 1);
private _ndz = (abs _dz) / ((abs (_bbZ)) - 1);
private "_pos";
if (_ndx > _ndy) then {
if (_ndx > _ndz) then {
// _ndx is greater, will colide with x plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndx) min 0.8);
} else {
// _ndz is greater, will colide with z plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndz) min 0.8);
} else {
if (_ndy > _ndz) then {
// _ndy is greater, will colide with y plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndy) min 0.8);
} else {
// _ndz is greater, will colide with z plane first
_pos = _relPos vectorMultiply ((1 / _ndz) min 0.8);
// Set max height at player's eye level (prevent very high interaction point on choppers)
// Only when above water level to prevent underwater actions from following player eye level
if (_cameraPosASL select 2 >= 0) then {
_pos set [2, (_pos select 2) min _dz];
// The code belows works very well for cursor mode, but not at all in normal mode
// maybe it could be enabled by default only for that mode
if (cursorObject isEqualTo _target) exitWith {
private _dest = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL) vectorAdd (EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraDir) vectorMultiply 50);
private _origin = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL);
//private _origin = EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraPosASL) vectorAdd [0, 0, -0.35] vectorDiff (EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraDir) vectorMultiply 1.5);
//private _dest = AGLtoASL (_target modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0]);
private _results = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_origin, _dest, ACE_player, objNull, true, 5];
private _finalPos = [0,0,0];
_x params ["_pos", "", "_obj"];
if (_obj isEqualTo _target) exitWith {
_finalPos = _target worldToModelVisual ASLtoAGL (_pos vectorAdd (EGVAR(interact_menu,cameraDir) vectorMultiply 1.0));
} forEach _results;