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* Author: Dslyecxi, MikeMatrix
* Receives and draws map gestures from nearby players.
* Arguments:
* 0: Map Handle <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51] call ace_map_gesutres_fnc_drawMapGestures
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define ICON_TEXT_ALIGN "left"
#define ICON_ANGLE 0
#define ICON_SHADOW 1
#define TEXT_FONT "RobotoCondensedBold"
#define TEXT_SIZE 0.030
#define TEXT_SHADOW 0
if (!GVAR(enabled) || !visibleMap) exitWith {};
private ["_color", "_drawPosVariableName", "_group", "_grpName", "_pos", "_unitUID"];
params ["_mapHandle"];
// Iterate over all nearby players and render their pointer if player is transmitting.
// Data variable name for unit
_unitUID = getPlayerUID _x;
_drawPosVariableName = if (!isNil "_unitUID" && _unitUID != "") then {format [QGVAR(%1_DrawPos), _unitUID]} else {nil};
if (!isNil "_drawPosVariableName") then {
if (isNil {missionNamespace getVariable _drawPosVariableName}) then {missionNamespace setVariable [_drawPosVariableName, [1, 1, 1]];};
_pos = missionNamespace getVariable _drawPosVariableName;
// Only render if the unit is alive and transmitting
if (alive _x && {_x getVariable QGVAR(Transmit)}) then {
_group = group _x;
_grpName = groupID _group;
// If color settings for the group exist, then use those, otherwise fall back to the default colors
_color = if ([GVAR(GroupColorConfigurationMapping), _grpName] call CBA_fnc_hashHasKey) then {
(GVAR(GroupColorConfigurations) select ([GVAR(GroupColorConfigurationMapping), _grpName] call CBA_fnc_hashGet)) select (_x != leader _group)
} else {
if (_x == leader _group) then {GVAR(defaultLeadColor)} else {GVAR(defaultColor)};
// Render icon and player name
_mapHandle drawIcon ["\a3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\Hints\icon_text\group_1_ca.paa", _color, _pos, ICON_RENDER_SIZE, ICON_RENDER_SIZE, ICON_ANGLE, "", ICON_SHADOW, TEXT_SIZE, TEXT_FONT, ICON_TEXT_ALIGN];
_mapHandle drawIcon ["#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)", GVAR(nameTextColor), _pos, TEXT_ICON_RENDER_SIZE, TEXT_ICON_RENDER_SIZE, ICON_ANGLE, name _x, TEXT_SHADOW, TEXT_SIZE, TEXT_FONT, ICON_TEXT_ALIGN];
} count ([ACE_player, GVAR(maxRange)] call FUNC(getProximityPlayers));