mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
2015-04-13 12:04:43 +02:00

57 lines
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// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
private "_display";
_display = _this select 0;
if (!ctrlShown (_display displayCtrl 154)) exitWith {
(_display displayCtrl 1713001) ctrlShow false;
(_display displayCtrl 1713002) ctrlShow false;
(_display displayCtrl 1713005) ctrlShow false;
(_display displayCtrl 1713006) ctrlShow false;
GVAR(camera) setposATL positioncameratoworld [0,0,0.4];
GVAR(camera) camPrepareTarget positioncameratoworld [0,0,50];
GVAR(camera) camCommitPrepared 0;
// @todo, check if that needs to be done at all
if (cameraView == "GUNNER") then {
GVAR(camera) camsetFOV 0.7;
GVAR(camera) camcommit 0;
} else {
GVAR(camera) camsetFOV 0.01;
GVAR(camera) camcommit 0;
// @todo, all weapon types
private "_optic";
_optic = (primaryWeaponItems ACE_player) select 2;
// calculate lighting
private ["_dayOpacity", "_nightOpacity"];
_dayOpacity = call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness);
_nightOpacity = [1,0] select (_dayOpacity == 1);
// Apply lighting and make layers visible
(_display displayCtrl 1713001) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
(_display displayCtrl 1713002) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,[0,1] select (_dayOpacity < 0.5)];
(_display displayCtrl 1713005) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,_dayOpacity];
(_display displayCtrl 1713006) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,_nightOpacity];
(_display displayCtrl 1713001) ctrlCommit 0;
(_display displayCtrl 1713002) ctrlCommit 0;
(_display displayCtrl 1713005) ctrlCommit 0;
(_display displayCtrl 1713006) ctrlCommit 0;
(_display displayCtrl 1713001) ctrlShow true;
(_display displayCtrl 1713002) ctrlShow true;
(_display displayCtrl 1713005) ctrlShow true;
(_display displayCtrl 1713006) ctrlShow true;