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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: tcvm, PabstMirror
* Handles the use of proxy weapons to fix engine-reload times.
* Arguments:
* 1: Turret <ARRAY>
* 2: Proxy weapon needed <BOOL>
* 2: Weapon should be emptied <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [cursorObject, [0], true, false] call ace_csw_fnc_proxyWeapon
* Public: No
params ["_vehicle", "_turret", "_needed", "_emptyWeapon"];
if (_vehicle getVariable [format [QGVAR(proxyHandled_%1), _turret], false]) exitWith { TRACE_1("already handled",typeOf _vehicle); };
private _proxyWeapon = getText (configOf _vehicle >> QUOTE(ADDON) >> "proxyWeapon");
TRACE_2("",typeOf _vehicle,_proxyWeapon);
if (_proxyWeapon == "") exitWith {};
private _currentWeapon = (_vehicle weaponsTurret [0]) param [0, "#none"];
if ((missionNamespace getVariable [_proxyWeapon, objNull]) isEqualType {}) then { // check if string is a function
TRACE_1("Calling proxyWeapon function",_proxyWeapon);
// This function may replace magazines or do other things to the static weapon
_proxyWeapon = [_vehicle, _turret, _currentWeapon, _needed, _emptyWeapon] call (missionNamespace getVariable _proxyWeapon);
_needed = _proxyWeapon != "";
if (!_needed) exitWith { TRACE_2("not needed",_needed,_proxyWeapon); };
// Rearm compatibility, prevent reloading entire static and breaking CSW
_vehicle setVariable [QEGVAR(rearm,scriptedLoadout), true, true];
TRACE_2("swapping to proxy weapon",_currentWeapon,_proxyWeapon);
_vehicle removeWeaponTurret [_currentWeapon, _turret];
_vehicle addWeaponTurret [_proxyWeapon, _turret];
_vehicle setVariable [format [QGVAR(proxyHandled_%1), _turret], true, true];