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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
1.54 Armor Translate selectiosn to hitpoints Calc newDamage using hitIndex (because sel is translated) Fix isFalling never being reset Cache hitpointIndex to reset damage Normalize Limb Armor to 1.54 Cleanup Cleanup
97 lines
3.4 KiB
97 lines
3.4 KiB
* Author: Glowbal
* Translate selection names into medical usable hit selection names.
* Aims to deal with the new hitpoint system introduced in Arma3 v1.50 and later.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: selection name <STRING>
* 2: HitPoint Index/True to get hitpoint <SCALAR><BOOL>
* Return Value:
* translated selection/hitpoint name <STRING>
* Example:
* [bob, "pelvis", 4] call ace_medical_fnc_translateSelections
* Returns "body"
* [bob, "body", true] call ace_medical_fnc_translateSelections
* Returns "HitBody"
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define HEAD_SELECTIONS ["face_hub", "neck", "head"]
#define HEAD_HITPOINTS ["hitface", "hitneck", "hithead"]
#define TORSO_SELECTIONS ["pelvis", "spine1", "spine2", "spine3", "body"]
#define TORSO_HITPOINTS ["hitpelvis", "hitabdomen", "hitdiaphragm", "hitchest", "hitbody"]
#define L_ARM_SELECTIONS ["hand_l"]
#define L_ARM_HITPOINTS ["hitleftarm", "hand_l"]
#define R_ARM_SELECTIONS ["hand_r"]
#define R_ARM_HITPOINTS ["hitrightarm", "hand_r"]
#define L_LEG_SELECTIONS ["leg_l"]
#define L_LEG_HITPOINTS ["hitleftleg", "leg_l"]
#define R_LEG_SELECTIONS ["leg_r"]
#define R_LEG_HITPOINTS ["hitrightleg", "leg_r"]
params ["_unit", "_selection", "_hitPointIndex"];
if (_selection == "") exitWith {""};
//Get Selection from standard selection ["head","body","hand_l","hand_r","leg_l","leg_r"]
if (_hitPointIndex isEqualTo true) exitWith {
private _returnHitPoint = GVAR(HITPOINTS) select (GVAR(SELECTIONS) find _selection);
//If the selection is a valid hitpoint just return it:
if (!isNil {_unit getHitPointDamage _returnHitPoint}) exitWith {
//Those VR fuckers have weird limb hitpoints
private _hitPoints = switch (_selection) do {
case ("hand_l"): {L_ARM_HITPOINTS};
case ("hand_r"): {R_ARM_HITPOINTS};
case ("leg_l"): {L_LEG_HITPOINTS};
case ("leg_r"): {R_LEG_HITPOINTS};
case ("head"): {HEAD_HITPOINTS};
case ("body"): {TORSO_HITPOINTS};
default {[]};
if (!isNil {_unit getHitPointDamage _x}) exitWith {
_returnHitPoint = _x;
} forEach _hitPoints;
//Get Selection from Selection/HitIndex:
if (_selection in HEAD_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"head"};
if (_selection in TORSO_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"body"};
// Not necessary unless we get more hitpoints variants in an next arma update
/*if (_selection in L_ARM_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"hand_l"};
if (_selection in R_ARM_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"hand_r"};
if (_selection in L_LEG_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"leg_l"};
if (_selection in R_LEG_SELECTIONS) exitwith {"leg_r"};*/
//Backup method to detect weird selections/hitpoints
if ((_selection == "?") || {!(_selection in GVAR(SELECTIONS))}) exitWith {
if (_hitPointIndex < 0) exitWith {_selection};
private _hitPoint = toLower configName ((configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _unit) >> "HitPoints")]) select _hitPointIndex);
TRACE_4("Weird sel/hit", _unit, _selection, _hitPointIndex, _hitPoint);
if (_hitPoint in HEAD_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"head"};
if (_hitPoint in TORSO_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"body"};
if (_hitPoint in L_ARM_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"hand_l"};
if (_hitPoint in R_ARM_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"hand_r"};
if (_hitPoint in L_LEG_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"leg_l"};
if (_hitPoint in R_LEG_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"leg_r"};