mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00

406 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Author: kymckay
Crawl function headers to produce appropriate documentation of public functions.
Supported header sections:
- Author(s) (with description below)
- Arguments
- Return Value
- Example(s)
- Public (by default function will only be documented if set to "Yes")
document_functions common --debug
Crawl only functions in addons/common and only reports debug messages.
import os
import sys
import re
import argparse
class FunctionFile:
def __init__(self, directory="."):
self.directory = directory
# False unless specified in processing
self.debug = False
self.lint_private = False
# Empty until imported from file
self.path = ""
self.header = ""
# Defaults until header is processed
self.public = False
self.authors = []
self.description = ""
self.arguments = []
self.return_value = []
self.example = ""
# Filepath should only be logged once
self.logged = False
# Count parse results
self.errors = 0
def import_header(self, file_path):
self.path = file_path
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
code = file.read()
header_match = re.search(r"\s*/\*.+?\*/", code, re.S)
if header_match:
self.header = header_match.group(0)
self.feedback("Missing header", 3)
def has_header(self):
return bool(self.header)
def process_header(self, debug=False, lint_private=False):
# Detailed debugging occurs here so value is set
self.debug = debug
self.lint_private = lint_private
for lineNumber, line in enumerate(self.header.splitlines()):
if (not (line.startswith(" * ") or line in ["", " *", "/*", "*/", " */"])):
self.feedback(f"header formating on line {lineNumber+1}: ({line})", 1)
# Preemptively cut away the comment characters (and leading/trailing whitespace)
self.header_text = "\n".join([x[3:].strip() for x in self.header.splitlines()])
# Split the header into expected sections
self.sections = re.split(r"^(Author|Argument|Return Value|Example|Public)s?:\s?", self.header_text, 0, re.M)
# If public section is missing we can't continue
public_raw = self.get_section("Public")
if not public_raw:
self.feedback("Public value undefined", 3)
return self.errors
# Determine whether the header is public
self.public = self.process_public(public_raw)
# Don't bother to process the rest if private
# Unless in debug mode
if not self.public and not self.lint_private:
return self.errors
# Retrieve the raw sections text for processing
author_raw = self.get_section("Author")
arguments_raw = self.get_section("Argument")
return_value_raw = self.get_section("Return Value")
example_raw = self.get_section("Example")
# Author and description are stored in first section
if author_raw:
self.authors = self.process_author(author_raw)
self.description = self.process_description(author_raw)
if arguments_raw:
self.arguments = self.process_arguments(arguments_raw)
# Process return
if return_value_raw:
self.return_value = self.process_return_value(return_value_raw)
# Process example
if example_raw:
self.example = self.process_example(example_raw)
return self.errors
def get_section(self, section_name):
section_text = self.sections[self.sections.index(section_name) + 1]
return section_text
except ValueError:
self.feedback("Missing \"{}\" header section".format(section_name), 2)
return ""
def process_public(self, raw):
# Raw just includes an EOL character
public_text = raw[:-1]
if not re.match(r"(Yes|No)", public_text, re.I):
self.feedback("Invalid public value \"{}\"".format(public_text), 2)
return public_text.capitalize() == "Yes"
def is_public(self):
return self.public
def process_author(self, raw):
# Authors are listed on the first line
authors_text = raw.splitlines()[0]
# Seperate authors are divided by commas
return authors_text.split(", ")
def process_description(self, raw):
# Just use all the lines after the authors line
description_text = "".join(raw.splitlines(1)[1:])
return description_text
def process_arguments(self, raw):
lines = raw.splitlines()
if lines[0] == "None":
return []
if lines.count("") == len(lines):
self.feedback("No arguments provided (use \"None\" where appropriate)", 2)
return []
if lines[-1] == "":
self.feedback("No blank line after arguments list", 1)
arguments = []
expectedMainIndex = 0
expectedSubIndex = 0
for argument in lines:
valid = re.match(r"^(- ){0,1}(\d+):\s(.+?)\<([\s\w,\|]+?)\>( )?(\s\(default: (.+)\))?$", argument)
if valid:
arg_isSubIndex = valid.group(1) is not None
arg_index = valid.group(2)
arg_name = valid.group(3)
arg_types = valid.group(4)
arg_default = valid.group(7)
arg_notes = []
if arg_isSubIndex:
expectedIndex = expectedSubIndex
expectedSubIndex = expectedSubIndex + 1
expectedIndex = expectedMainIndex
expectedMainIndex = expectedMainIndex + 1
expectedSubIndex = 0
if int(arg_index) != expectedIndex:
self.feedback(f"Argument index {arg_index} does not match listed order {expectedIndex}", 1)
if arg_default is None:
arg_default = ""
arguments.append([arg_index, arg_name, arg_types, arg_default, arg_notes])
# Notes about the above argument won't start with an index
# Only applies if there exists an above argument
if re.match(r"^(\d+):", argument) or not arguments:
self.feedback("Malformed argument \"{}\"".format(argument), 2)
arguments.append(["?", "Malformed", "?", "?", []])
return arguments
def process_return_value(self, raw):
return_value = raw.strip()
if return_value == "None":
return []
valid = re.match(r"^(.+?)\<([\s\w]+?)\>", return_value)
if valid:
return_name = valid.group(1)
return_types = valid.group(2)
self.feedback("Malformed return value \"{}\"".format(return_value), 2)
return ["Malformed", ""]
return [return_name, return_types]
def process_example(self, raw):
return_value = raw.strip()
if return_value == "None":
return return_value
path_match = re.match(r".*addons.(.*).functions.(.*).sqf", self.path)
expected_func = f"ace_{path_match.group(1)}_{path_match.group(2)}"
if (not expected_func.lower() in return_value.lower()) and ((not return_value.startswith("Handled by")) and (not return_value.startswith("Called By"))):
self.feedback(f"Malformed example {return_value} should contain func {expected_func}", 2)
return return_value
def document(self, component):
str_list = []
# Title
str_list.append("\n## ace_{}_fnc_{}\n".format(component, os.path.basename(self.path)[4:-4]))
# Description
str_list.append("__Description__\n\n" + self.description)
# Arguments
if self.arguments:
str_list.append("__Parameters__\n\nIndex | Description | Datatype(s) | Default Value\n--- | --- | --- | ---\n")
for argument in self.arguments:
str_list.append("{} | {} | {} | {}\n".format(*argument))
# Return Value
if self.return_value:
str_list.append("__Return Value__\n\nDescription | Datatype(s)\n--- | ---\n{} | {}\n\n".format(*self.return_value))
str_list.append("__Return Value__\n\nNone\n\n")
# Example
# Authors
for author in self.authors:
str_list.append("- {}\n".format(author))
# Horizontal rule
return ''.join(str_list)
def log_file(self, error=False):
# When in debug mode we only want to see the files with errors
if not self.debug or error:
if not self.logged:
rel_path = os.path.relpath(self.path, self.directory)
self.write("Processing... {}".format(rel_path), 1)
self.logged = True
def feedback(self, message, level=0):
priority_str = ["Info", "Warning", "Error", "Aborted"][level]
self.log_file(level > 0)
self.write("{0}: {1}".format(priority_str, message))
if priority_str in ["Error", "Aborted"]:
self.errors += 1
def write(self, message, indent=2):
to_print = [" "] * indent
def get_component_name(addons_dir, component):
errors = 0
script_component = os.path.join(addons_dir, component, 'script_component.hpp')
with open(script_component, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
code = file.read()
name_match = re.search(r"#define COMPONENT_BEAUTIFIED (.*)", code)
if name_match:
name = name_match.group(1)
name = component.title()
print(" Warning: Missing COMPONENT_BEAUTIFIED")
errors += 1
return name, errors
def document_functions(addons_dir, components):
errors = 0
wiki_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(addons_dir, '../docs/wiki/functions/'))
os.makedirs(wiki_dir, exist_ok=True)
print("Wiki: {}".format(wiki_dir))
for component in components:
print(" Documenting... {}.md".format(component))
component_name, error = get_component_name(addons_dir, component)
errors += error
output = os.path.join(wiki_dir, component) + ".md"
with open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
"layout: wiki\n",
"title: {} Functions\n".format(component_name),
"description: List of functions in {} component.\n".format(component_name),
"group: functions\n",
"parent: wiki\n",
for function in components[component]:
return errors
def crawl_dir(addons_dir, directory, debug=False, lint_private=False):
components = {}
errors = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".sqf") and file.startswith("fnc_"):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
# Attempt to import the header from file
function = FunctionFile(directory)
# Undergo data extraction and detailed debug
if function.has_header():
errors += function.process_header(debug, lint_private)
if function.is_public() and not debug:
# Add functions to component key (initalise key if necessary)
component = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(root))
components.setdefault(component, []).append(function)
function.feedback("Publicly documented")
errors += 1
if not debug:
errors += document_functions(addons_dir, components)
if errors != 0:
print("\n Unclean!\n {} errors".format(errors))
print("\n Clean!")
return errors
def main():
# Documenting Functions #
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('directory', nargs="?", type=str, default=".", help='only crawl specified module addon folder')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action="store_true", help='only check for header debug messages')
parser.add_argument('--lint-private', action="store_true", help='lint private function headers as well')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Allow calling from anywhere and work our way to addons from this file
addons_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '../../../addons/'))
prospective_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(addons_dir, args.directory))
if os.path.isdir(prospective_dir):
print("Directory: {}".format(prospective_dir))
errors = crawl_dir(addons_dir, prospective_dir, args.debug, args.lint_private)
return 0 if errors == 0 else 1
print("Invalid directory: {}".format(prospective_dir))
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":