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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* advanced_ballistics * advanced_fatigue * advanced_throwing * ai * aircraft * arsenal * atragmx * attach * backpacks * ballistics * captives * cargo * chemlights * common * concertina_wire * cookoff * dagr * disarming * disposable * dogtags * dragging * explosives * fastroping * fcs * finger * frag * gestures * gforces * goggles * grenades * gunbag * hearing * hitreactions * huntir * interact_menu * interaction * inventory * kestrel4500 * laser * laserpointer * logistics_uavbattery * logistics_wirecutter * magazinerepack * map * map_gestures * maptools * markers * medical * medical_ai * medical_blood * medical_menu * microdagr * minedetector * missileguidance * missionmodules * mk6mortar * modules * movement * nametags * nightvision * nlaw * optics * optionsmenu * overheating * overpressure * parachute * pylons * quickmount * rangecard * rearm * recoil * refuel * reload * reloadlaunchers * repair * respawn * safemode * sandbag * scopes * slideshow * spectator * spottingscope * switchunits * tacticalladder * tagging * trenches * tripod * ui * vector * vehiclelock * vehicles * viewdistance * weaponselect * weather * winddeflection * yardage450 * zeus * arsenal defines.hpp * optionals * DEBUG_MODE_FULL 1 * DEBUG_MODE_FULL 2 * Manual fixes * Add SQF Validator check for #include after block comment * explosives fnc_openTimerUI * fix uniqueItems
183 lines
6.5 KiB
183 lines
6.5 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: NouberNou and esteldunedain
* Render all action points
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* call ACE_interact_menu_fnc_renderActionPoints
* Public: No
GVAR(currentOptions) = [];
private _player = ACE_player;
GVAR(cameraPosASL) = AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]);
GVAR(cameraDir) = (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 1])) vectorDiff GVAR(cameraPosASL);
private _fnc_renderNearbyActions = {
// Render all nearby interaction menus
GVAR(foundActions) = [];
GVAR(lastTimeSearchedActions) = diag_tickTime;
private _numInteractObjects = 0;
private _nearestObjects = nearestObjects [ACE_player, ["All"], 13];
private _target = _x;
// Quick oclussion test. Skip objects more than 1 m behind the camera plane
private _lambda = ((getPosASL _x) vectorDiff GVAR(cameraPosASL)) vectorDotProduct GVAR(cameraDir);
if ((_lambda > -1) && {!isObjectHidden _target}) then {
private _numInteractions = 0;
// Prevent interacting with yourself or your own vehicle
if (_target != ACE_player && {_target != vehicle ACE_player}) then {
// Iterate through object actions, find base level actions and render them if appropiate
GVAR(objectActionList) = _target getVariable [QGVAR(actions), []];
// Only render them directly if they are base level actions
if ((_x select 1) isEqualTo []) then {
// Try to render the menu
private _action = _x;
if ([_target, _action] call FUNC(renderBaseMenu)) then {
_numInteractions = _numInteractions + 1;
GVAR(foundActions) pushBack [_target, _action, GVAR(objectActionList)];
} count GVAR(objectActionList);
// Iterate through base level class actions and render them if appropiate
private _namespace = GVAR(ActNamespace);
private _classActions = _namespace getVariable typeOf _target;
private _action = _x;
// Try to render the menu
if ([_target, _action] call FUNC(renderBaseMenu)) then {
_numInteractions = _numInteractions + 1;
GVAR(foundActions) pushBack [_target, _action, GVAR(objectActionList)];
} count _classActions;
// Limit the amount of objects the player can interact with
if (_numInteractions > 0) then {
_numInteractObjects = _numInteractObjects + 1;
if (_numInteractObjects >= MAXINTERACTOBJECTS) exitWith {};
} count _nearestObjects;
private _fnc_renderLastFrameActions = {
_x params ["_target", "_action", "_objectActionList"];
GVAR(objectActionList) = _objectActionList;
[_target, _action] call FUNC(renderBaseMenu);
} count GVAR(foundActions);
private _fnc_renderSelfActions = {
private _target = _this;
// Set object actions for collectActiveActionTree
GVAR(objectActionList) = _target getVariable [QGVAR(selfActions), []];
// Iterate through base level class actions and render them if appropiate
private _namespace = GVAR(ActSelfNamespace);
private _classActions = _namespace getVariable typeOf _target;
private _pos = if !(GVAR(useCursorMenu)) then {
//Convert to ASL, add offset and then convert back to AGL (handles waves when over water)
ASLtoAGL ((AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0])) vectorAdd GVAR(selfMenuOffset));
} else {
[0.5, 0.5]
_action = _x;
[_target, _action, _pos] call FUNC(renderBaseMenu);
} count _classActions;
private _fnc_renderZeusActions = {
private _action = _x;
[_this, _action, [0.5, 0.5]] call FUNC(renderBaseMenu);
} count GVAR(ZeusActions);
GVAR(collectedActionPoints) resize 0;
// Render nearby actions, unit self actions or vehicle self actions as appropiate
if (GVAR(openedMenuType) == 0) then {
if (isNull curatorCamera) then {
if (!(isNull (ACE_controlledUAV select 0))) then {
// Render UAV self actions when in control of UAV AI
(ACE_controlledUAV select 0) call _fnc_renderSelfActions;
} else {
if (vehicle ACE_player == ACE_player) then {
if (diag_tickTime > GVAR(lastTimeSearchedActions) + 0.20) then {
// Once every 0.2 secs, collect nearby objects active and visible action points and render them
call _fnc_renderNearbyActions;
} else {
// The rest of the frames just draw the same action points rendered the last frame
call _fnc_renderLastFrameActions;
} else {
// Render vehicle self actions when in vehicle
(vehicle ACE_player) call _fnc_renderSelfActions;
} else {
// Render zeus actions when zeus open
(getAssignedCuratorLogic player) call _fnc_renderZeusActions;
} else {
ACE_player call _fnc_renderSelfActions;
if (count GVAR(collectedActionPoints) > 1) then {
// Do the oclusion pass
// Order action points according to z
GVAR(collectedActionPoints) sort true;
for [{private _i = count GVAR(collectedActionPoints) - 1}, {_i > 0}, {_i = _i - 1}] do {
for [{private _j = _i - 1}, {_j >= 0}, {_j = _j - 1}] do {
// Check if action point _i is ocluded by _j
private _delta = vectorNormalized ((GVAR(collectedActionPoints) select _i select 1) vectorDiff (GVAR(collectedActionPoints) select _j select 1));
// If _i is inside a cone with 20º half angle with origin on _j
if ((_delta select 2 > 0.94) && {((GVAR(collectedActionPoints) select _i select 1) distance2d (GVAR(collectedActionPoints) select _j select 1)) < 0.1}) exitWith {
GVAR(collectedActionPoints) deleteAt _i;
// Render the non-ocluded points
_x params ["_z", "_sPos", "_activeActionTree"];
[[], _activeActionTree, _sPos, [180,360]] call FUNC(renderMenu);
} count GVAR(collectedActionPoints);