mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Mike-MF 1c6c4d6bff
All - Fix parentheses around code ()
* Fix Brackets around code

* Update fnc_handleFired.sqf

* Shouldn't have changed this one


Co-authored-by: Grim <69561145+LinkIsGrim@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-06-18 14:08:03 +00:00

98 lines
4.1 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(PFID) = -1;
GVAR(running) = false;
GVAR(nextEffectsUpdate) = -1;
GVAR(playerHMD) = "#";
GVAR(priorFog) = nil;
GVAR(nvgFog) = [0,0,0];
GVAR(nvgBlurRadius) = -1;
GVAR(nvgGeneration) = -1;
GVAR(defaultPositionBorder) = [];
GVAR(defaultPositionHex) = [];
GVAR(ppeffectGrain) = -1;
GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) = -1;
GVAR(ppeffectColorCorrect) = -1;
GVAR(ppeffectBlur) = -1;
GVAR(isUsingMagnification) = false;
["CBA_settingsInitialized", {
["visionMode", LINKFUNC(onVisionModeChanged), false] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["loadout", LINKFUNC(onLoadoutChanged), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["cameraView", LINKFUNC(onCameraViewChanged), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["vehicle", LINKFUNC(refreshGoggleType), false] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["turret", LINKFUNC(refreshGoggleType), true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler;
["ACE_controlledUAV", LINKFUNC(refreshGoggleType)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// handle only brightness if effects are disabled
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1236];
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) ppEffectForceInNVG true;
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) ppEffectAdjust [1, (-3+3)/5 + 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]];
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(ppEffectNVGBrightness) ppEffectEnable (GVAR(effectScaling) == 0);
addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded", { // Restart UI vars on mission load
if (GVAR(running)) then {
TRACE_1("restarting effects",CBA_missionTime);
[false] call FUNC(setupDisplayEffects);
[true] call FUNC(setupDisplayEffects);
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// Handle an edge case for non-dedicated servers were the server running the fog effect would sync fog to other clients
[QGVAR(nonDedicatedFix), LINKFUNC(nonDedicatedFix)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (!isNil QGVAR(serverPriorFog)) then {[] call FUNC(nonDedicatedFix);}; // If var is defined, run it now (we must be a jip)
// Add keybinds
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(IncreaseNVGBrightness), localize LSTRING(IncreaseNVGBrightness), {
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotEscorting", "isNotInside", "isNotSitting", "isNotRefueling"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if ((currentVisionMode ACE_player != 1)) exitWith {false};
if !(missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(allowBrightnessControl), true]) exitWith {false}; // just a mission setVar (not ace_setting)
// Statement
[ACE_player, 1] call FUNC(changeNVGBrightness);
}, {false}, [201, [false, false, true]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //PageUp + ALT
["ACE3 Equipment", QGVAR(DecreaseNVGBrightness), localize LSTRING(DecreaseNVGBrightness), {
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotEscorting", "isNotInside", "isNotSitting", "isNotRefueling"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if ((currentVisionMode ACE_player != 1)) exitWith {false};
if !(missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(allowBrightnessControl), true]) exitWith {false}; // just a mission setVar (not ace_setting)
// Statement
[ACE_player, -1] call FUNC(changeNVGBrightness);
}, {false}, [209, [false, false, true]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //PageDown + ALT
WARNING("Debug mouse wheel action enabled, this should NOT be in a final release");
["MouseZChanged", {
GVAR(nextEffectsUpdate) = 0;
if (cba_events_shift) then {
GVAR(effectScaling) = ((GVAR(effectScaling) + ((_this select 1) / 20)) max 0) min 1;
systemChat format ["%1: %2", QGVAR(effectScaling), GVAR(effectScaling)];
if (cba_events_control) then {
GVAR(fogScaling) = ((GVAR(fogScaling) + ((_this select 1) / 20)) max 0) min 1;
systemChat format ["%1: %2", QGVAR(fogScaling), GVAR(fogScaling)];
}] call CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler;