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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
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159 lines
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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Jaynus, NouberNou
* Server func to create the fragmentation for a round.
* Arguments:
* 0: Last Position (ASL) <ARRAY>
* 1: Velocity <ARRAY>
* 2: Ammo Classname <STRING>
* 3: Shot parents <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [[], [], "handGrenade"] call ace_frag_fnc_frago
* Public: No
#define FRAG_VEC_VAR 0.004
#define MAX_FRAG_COUNT 50
params ["_lastPos", "_lastVel", "_shellType", "_shotParents"];
// Limit max frag count if there was a recent frag
private _maxFrags = round (MAX_FRAG_COUNT * linearConversion [ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MIN_TIME, ACE_FRAG_COUNT_MAX_TIME, (CBA_missionTime - GVAR(lastFragTime)), 0.1, 1, true]);
TRACE_2("",_maxFrags,CBA_missionTime - GVAR(lastFragTime));
GVAR(lastFragTime) = CBA_missionTime;
_shellType call ace_frag_fnc_getFragInfo params ["_fragRange", "_fragVelocity", "_fragTypes"];
private _atlPos = ASLtoATL _lastPos;
private _fragVelocityRandom = _fragVelocity * 0.5;
// Post 2.18 change - uncomment line 41, and remove lines 43, 50-55, 64-66
// private _targets = [_posAGL, _fragRange, _fragRange, 0, false, _fragRange] nearEntities [["Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "StaticWeapon", "CAManBase", "Air", "Ship"], false, true, true];
private _objects = _posAGL nearEntities [["Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "StaticWeapon", "CAManBase", "Air", "Ship"], _fragRange];
if (_objects isEqualTo []) exitWith {
TRACE_2("No nearby targets",_posAGL,_fragRange);
// grab crews and add them in so that targets stay approx. sorted by distance
private _targets = [];
private _crew = crew _x;
_crew pushBackUnique _x;
_targets append _crew;
} forEach _objects;
TRACE_2("",_fragRange,count _targets);
private _fragCount = 0;
private _fragArcs = [];
_fragArcs set [360, 0];
if (_targets isNotEqualTo []) then {
if (GVAR(reflectionsEnabled)) then {
[_lastPos, _shellType] call FUNC(doReflections);
private _target = _x;
if (alive _target) then {
(boundingBox _target) params ["_boundingBoxA", "_boundingBoxB"];
private _cubic = ((abs (_boundingBoxA select 0)) + (_boundingBoxB select 0)) * ((abs (_boundingBoxA select 1)) + (_boundingBoxB select 1)) * ((abs (_boundingBoxA select 2)) + (_boundingBoxB select 2));
if (_cubic <= 1) then {continue};
private _targetVel = velocity _target;
private _targetPos = getPosASL _target;
private _distance = _targetPos vectorDistance _lastPos;
private _add = ((_boundingBoxB select 2) / 2) + ((((_distance - (_fragVelocity / 8)) max 0) / _fragVelocity) * 10);
_targetPos = _targetPos vectorAdd [
(_targetVel select 0) * (_distance / _fragVelocity),
(_targetVel select 1) * (_distance / _fragVelocity),
private _baseVec = _lastPos vectorFromTo _targetPos;
private _dir = floor (_baseVec call CBA_fnc_vectDir);
private _currentCount = RETDEF(_fragArcs select _dir,0);
if (_currentCount < 10) then {
private _count = ceil (random (sqrt (_m / 1000)));
private _vecVar = FRAG_VEC_VAR;
if !(_target isKindOf "Man") then {
ADD(_vecVar,(sqrt _cubic) / 2000);
if ((crew _target) isEqualTo [] && {_count > 0}) then {
_count = 0 max (_count / 2);
for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
private _vec = _baseVec vectorDiff [
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar),
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar),
(_vecVar / 2) + (random _vecVar)
private _fp = _fragVelocity - (random (_fragVelocityRandom));
private _vel = _vec vectorMultiply _fp;
private _fragObj = (selectRandom _fragTypes) createVehicleLocal [0,0,10000];
// TRACE_4("targeted",_fp,typeOf _fragObj,_lastPos vectorDistance _targetPos,typeOf _x);
_fragObj setPosASL _lastPos;
_fragObj setVectorDir _vec;
_fragObj setVelocity _vel;
_fragObj setShotParents _shotParents;
[ACE_player, _fragObj, [1,0,0,1]] call FUNC(dev_addTrack);
_fragArcs set [_dir, _currentCount];
if (_fragCount > _maxFrags) exitWith {};
} forEach _targets;
if (_fragCount > _maxFrags) exitWith {};
private _randomCount = ceil ((_maxFrags - _fragCount) * 0.35);
private _sectorSize = 360 / (_randomCount max 1);
for "_i" from 1 to _randomCount do {
// Distribute evenly
private _sectorOffset = 360 * (_i - 1) / (_randomCount max 1);
private _randomDir = random (_sectorSize);
_vec = [cos (_sectorOffset + _randomDir), sin (_sectorOffset + _randomDir), sin (30 - (random 45))];
_fp = (_fragVelocity - (random (_fragVelocityRandom)));
_vel = _vec vectorMultiply _fp;
_fragObj = (selectRandom _fragTypes) createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 10000];
_fragObj setPosASL _lastPos;
_fragObj setVectorDir _vec;
_fragObj setVelocity _vel;
_fragObj setShotParents _shotParents;
[ACE_player, _fragObj, [1,0.5,0,1]] call FUNC(dev_addTrack);
TRACE_1("total created",_fragCount);