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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Refactor medical to use hashmaps for wound storage - We most frequently want to access wounds by body part, so this makes that a constant time lookup. - The body part index is no longer stored in every wound since it's inherent in the wound storage. - Using body part names as the keys of the hashmap to improve code clarity (no more magic numbers). closes #6468 * Add deserilization migration from old wound arrays Will migrate from old form array wound storage to the new hashmap strucutre during deserlization. This is relevant for communities piping medical state out to a database or similar between sessions. * fix issue with suture stitching * change version number in comment --------- Co-authored-by: Salluci <salluci.lovi@gmail.com>
216 lines
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216 lines
8.6 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal, commy2
* Handling of the open wounds & injuries upon the handleDamage eventhandler.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit That Was Hit <OBJECT>
* 1: Damage done to each body part <ARRAY>
* 2: Type of the damage done <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, [[0.5, "Body", 1]], "bullet"] call ace_medical_damage_fnc_woundsHandlerBase
* Public: No
params ["_unit", "_allDamages", "_typeOfDamage"];
if !(_typeOfDamage in GVAR(damageTypeDetails)) then {
WARNING_1("damage type not found",_typeOfDamage);
_typeOfDamage = "unknown";
GVAR(damageTypeDetails) get _typeOfDamage params ["_thresholds", "_selectionSpecific", "", "_damageWoundDetails"];
// Administration for open wounds and ids
private _openWounds = GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _createdWounds = false;
private _updateDamageEffects = false;
private _painLevel = 0;
private _criticalDamage = false;
private _bodyPartDamage = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), [0,0,0,0,0,0]];
private _bodyPartVisParams = [_unit, false, false, false, false]; // params array for EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals);
// process wounds separately for each body part hit
{ // forEach _allDamages
_x params ["_damage", "_bodyPart"];
_bodyPart = toLower _bodyPart;
// silently ignore structural damage
if (_bodyPart == "#structural") then {continue};
// Convert the selectionName to a number and ensure it is a valid selection.
private _bodyPartNToAdd = ALL_BODY_PARTS find _bodyPart;
if (_bodyPartNToAdd < 0) then {
ERROR_1("invalid body part %1",_bodyPart);
// determine how many wounds to create
private _nWounds = [_damage, _thresholds, true] call FUNC(interpolatePoints);
if (_nWounds < 1) then {
TRACE_2("Damage created zero wounds",_damage,_typeOfDamage);
private _dmgPerWound = _damage/_nWounds;
// find the available injuries for this damage type and damage amount
private _weightedWoundTypes = [];
private _weighting = _x select 1;
private _woundWeight = [_dmgPerWound, _weighting] call FUNC(interpolatePoints);
_weightedWoundTypes pushBack _x;
_weightedWoundTypes pushBack _woundWeight;
} forEach _damageWoundDetails;
if (_weightedWoundTypes isEqualTo []) then {
TRACE_2("No valid wounds",_damage,_typeOfDamage);
for "_i" from 1 to _nWounds do {
// Select the injury we are going to add
selectRandomWeighted _weightedWoundTypes params ["_woundTypeToAdd", "", "_dmgMultiplier", "_bleedMultiplier", "_sizeMultiplier", "_painMultiplier", "_fractureMultiplier"];
if (isNil "_woundTypeToAdd") then {
WARNING_4("No valid wound types",_damage,_dmgPerWound,_typeOfDamage,_bodyPart);
GVAR(woundDetails) get _woundTypeToAdd params ["","_injuryBleedingRate","_injuryPain","_causeLimping","_causeFracture"];
private _woundClassIDToAdd = GVAR(woundClassNames) find _woundTypeToAdd;
// Add a bit of random variance to wounds
private _woundDamage = _dmgPerWound * _dmgMultiplier * random [0.9, 1, 1.1];
_bodyPartDamage set [_bodyPartNToAdd, (_bodyPartDamage select _bodyPartNToAdd) + _woundDamage];
_bodyPartVisParams set [[1,2,3,3,4,4] select _bodyPartNToAdd, true]; // Mark the body part index needs updating
// Anything above this value is guaranteed worst wound possible
private _worstDamage = 2;
// Config specifies bleeding and pain for worst possible wound
// Worse wound correlates to higher damage, damage is not capped at 1
private _woundSize = linearConversion [0.1, _worstDamage, _woundDamage * _sizeMultiplier, LARGE_WOUND_THRESHOLD^3, 1, true];
private _pain = _woundSize * _painMultiplier * _injuryPain;
_painLevel = _painLevel + _pain;
private _bleeding = _woundSize * _bleedMultiplier * _injuryBleedingRate;
// large wounds are > LARGE_WOUND_THRESHOLD
// medium is > LARGE_WOUND_THRESHOLD^2
private _category = 0 max (2 - floor (ln _woundSize / ln LARGE_WOUND_THRESHOLD)) min 2;
private _classComplex = 10 * _woundClassIDToAdd + _category;
// Create a new injury. Format [0:classComplex, 1:amountOf, 2:bleedingRate, 3:woundDamage]
private _injury = [_classComplex, 1, _bleeding, _woundDamage];
if (_bodyPart isEqualTo "head" || {_bodyPart isEqualTo "body" && {_woundDamage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD}}) then {
_criticalDamage = true;
if ([_unit, _bodyPartNToAdd, _bodyPartDamage, _woundDamage] call FUNC(determineIfFatal)) then {
if (!isPlayer _unit || {random 1 < EGVAR(medical,deathChance)}) then {
TRACE_1("determineIfFatal returned true",_woundDamage);
[QEGVAR(medical,FatalInjury), _unit] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
systemChat format["%1, damage: %2, peneration: %3, bleeding: %4, pain: %5", _bodyPart, _woundDamage toFixed 2, _woundDamage > PENETRATION_THRESHOLD, _bleeding toFixed 3, _pain toFixed 3];
switch (true) do {
case (
&& {EGVAR(medical,fractures) > 0}
&& {_bodyPartNToAdd > 1}
&& {random 1 < (_fractureMultiplier * EGVAR(medical,fractureChance))}
): {
private _fractures = GET_FRACTURES(_unit);
_fractures set [_bodyPartNToAdd, 1];
_unit setVariable [VAR_FRACTURES, _fractures, true];
[QEGVAR(medical,fracture), [_unit, _bodyPartNToAdd]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
TRACE_1("Limb fracture",_bodyPartNToAdd);
_updateDamageEffects = true;
case (
&& {EGVAR(medical,limping) > 0}
&& {_bodyPartNToAdd > 3}
): {
_updateDamageEffects = true;
// if possible merge into existing wounds
private _createNewWound = true;
private _existingWounds = _openWounds getOrDefault [_bodyPart, [], true];
_x params ["_classID", "_oldAmountOf", "_oldBleeding", "_oldDamage"];
if (
(_classComplex == _classID) &&
{(_bodyPart isNotEqualTo "body") || {(_woundDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD) isEqualTo (_oldDamage < PENETRATION_THRESHOLD)}} && // penetrating body damage is handled differently
{(_bodyPartNToAdd > 3) || {!_causeLimping} || {(_woundDamage <= LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD) isEqualTo (_oldDamage <= LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD)}} // ensure limping damage is stacked correctly
) exitWith {
TRACE_2("merging with existing wound",_injury,_x);
private _newAmountOf = _oldAmountOf + 1;
_x set [1, _newAmountOf];
private _newBleeding = (_oldAmountOf * _oldBleeding + _bleeding) / _newAmountOf;
_x set [2, _newBleeding];
private _newDamage = (_oldAmountOf * _oldDamage + _woundDamage) / _newAmountOf;
_x set [3, _newDamage];
_createNewWound = false;
} forEach _existingWounds;
if (_createNewWound) then {
TRACE_1("adding new wound",_injury);
_existingWounds pushBack _injury;
_createdWounds = true;
// selection-specific damage only hits the first part
if (_selectionSpecific > 0) then {
} forEach _allDamages;
if (_updateDamageEffects) then {
[_unit] call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateDamageEffects);
if (_createdWounds) then {
_unit setVariable [VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS, _openWounds, true];
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), _bodyPartDamage, true];
[_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,updateWoundBloodLoss);
_bodyPartVisParams call EFUNC(medical_engine,updateBodyPartVisuals);
[QEGVAR(medical,injured), [_unit, _painLevel]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
if (_criticalDamage || {_painLevel > PAIN_UNCONSCIOUS}) then {
[_unit] call FUNC(handleIncapacitation);
[] //return, no further damage handling