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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Bundle fire damage into bigger chunks Redo #4223 * Use same values * Decrease combine cuttoff to 0.1
163 lines
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163 lines
5.9 KiB
* Author: commy2
* Main HandleDamage EH function for soldiers.
* Arguments:
* Handle damage EH
* Return Value:
* Damage to be inflicted <NUMBER>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
// for travis
#define HIT_STRUCTURAL QGVAR($#structural)
#define HIT_CRASH QGVAR($#crash)
params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_shooter", "_ammo", "_hitPointIndex", "_instigator"];
//diag_log text str _this;
// HD sometimes triggers for remote units - ignore.
if (!local _unit) exitWith {nil};
// Get missing meta info
private ["_hitPoint", "_oldDamage"];
private _isCrash = false;
// Store
if (_hitPointIndex < 0) then {
_hitPoint = "#structural";
_oldDamage = damage _unit;
// Handle vehicle crashes
if (_damage == _unit getVariable [HIT_CRASH, -1]) then {
_isCrash = (_ammo == "");
_unit setVariable [HIT_CRASH, -1];
} else {
_unit setVariable [HIT_CRASH, _damage];
} else {
_hitPoint = toLower (getAllHitPointsDamage _unit select 0 select _hitPointIndex);
_oldDamage = _unit getHitIndex _hitPointIndex;
// No crash, reset
_unit setVariable [HIT_CRASH, -1];
private _newDamage = _damage - _oldDamage;
_unit setVariable [format [QGVAR($%1), _hitPoint], _newDamage];
// These control blood material visuals.
// If damage is in dummy hitpoints, "hands" and "legs", don't change anything
if (_hitPoint in ["hithead", "hitbody", "hithands", "hitlegs"]) exitWith {_oldDamage};
// Add injury
if (_hitPoint isEqualTo "ace_hdbracket") exitWith {
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(lastShooter), _shooter];
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(lastInstigator), _instigator];
private _damageStructural = _unit getVariable [HIT_STRUCTURAL, 0];
// --- Head
private _damageFace = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitFace), 0];
private _damageNeck = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitNeck), 0];
private _damageHead = (_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitHead), 0]) max _damageFace max _damageNeck;
// --- Body
private _damagePelvis = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitPelvis), 0];
private _damageAbdomen = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitAbdomen), 0];
private _damageDiaphragm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitDiaphragm), 0];
private _damageChest = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitChest), 0];
private _damageBody = (_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitBody), 0]) max _damagePelvis max _damageAbdomen max _damageDiaphragm max _damageChest;
// --- Arms and Legs
private _damageLeftArm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftArm), 0];
private _damageRightArm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightArm), 0];
private _damageLeftLeg = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftLeg), 0];
private _damageRightLeg = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightLeg), 0];
// Find hit point that received the maxium damage.
// second param is a priority. should multiple hitpoints receive the same
// amount of damage (e.g. max which is 4), we don't want them to be sorted
// alphabetically (which would mean that RightLeg is always chosen)
private _allDamages = [
[_damageHead, PRIORITY_HEAD, "Head"],
[_damageBody, PRIORITY_BODY, "Body"],
[_damageLeftArm, PRIORITY_LEFT_ARM, "LeftArm"],
[_damageRightArm, PRIORITY_RIGHT_ARM, "RightArm"],
[_damageLeftLeg, PRIORITY_LEFT_LEG, "LeftLeg"],
[_damageRightLeg, PRIORITY_RIGHT_LEG, "RightLeg"]
_allDamages sort false;
(_allDamages select 0) params ["_receivedDamage", "", "_woundedHitPoint"];
if (_receivedDamage == 0) then {
_receivedDamage = _damageStructural;
_woundedHitPoint = "Body";
// Check for falling damage.
if (_ammo isEqualTo "") then {
if (velocity _unit select 2 < -2) then {
if (_receivedDamage < 0.35) then {
// Less than ~ 5 m
_woundedHitPoint = selectRandom ["LeftLeg", "RightLeg"];
} else {
// More than ~ 5 m
_woundedHitPoint = selectRandom ["LeftLeg", "RightLeg", "Body", "Head"];
_ammo = "#falling";
} else {
if (_receivedDamage > 0.1) then {
// Assume collision damage.
_woundedHitPoint = "Body";
_ammo = "#vehiclecrash";
} else {
// Probably fire damage:
_woundedHitPoint = selectRandom ["LeftLeg", "RightLeg", "Body"];
_ammo = "#unknown";
private _combinedDamage = _receivedDamage + (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(trivialDamage), 0]);
if (_combinedDamage > 0.1) then {
// if the new sum is large enough, reset variable and continue with it added in
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(trivialDamage), 0];
TRACE_2("Using sum of trivialDamage",_receivedDamage,_combinedDamage);
_receivedDamage = _combinedDamage;
} else {
// otherwise just save the new sum into the variable and exit
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(trivialDamage), _combinedDamage];
_receivedDamage = 0;
// Don't trigger for minor damage.
if (_receivedDamage > 1E-3) then {
[QGVAR(woundReceived), [_unit, _woundedHitPoint, _receivedDamage, _shooter, _ammo]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Check for drowning damage.
// Don't change the third expression. Safe method for FLOATs.
if (_hitPoint isEqualTo "#structural" && {getOxygenRemaining _unit <= 0.5} && {_damage isEqualTo (_oldDamage + 0.005)}) exitWith {
[QGVAR(woundReceived), [_unit, "Body", _newDamage, _unit, "#drowning"]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Handle vehicle crashes
if (_isCrash) exitWith {
[QGVAR(woundReceived), [_unit, "Body", _newDamage, _unit, "#vehiclecrash"]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;