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* Author: Pabst Mirror (from captivity by commy2)
* Sets the forceWalk status of an unit. This allows the handling of more than one reason to set forceWalk.
* Unit will force walk until all reasons are removed.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Reason for forcing walking <STRING>
* 2: Is the reason still valid. True to force walk, false to remove restriction. <BOOL>
* Returns:
* None
* Example:
* [ACE_Player, "BrokenLeg", true] call FUNC(setForceWalkStatus)
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_reason", "_status"];
private ["_forceWalkReasons", "_unitForceWalkReasons", "_forceWalkReasonsBooleans", "_bitmaskNumber"];
_forceWalkReasons = missionNamespace getVariable ["ACE_forceWalkReasons", []];
// register new reason (these reasons are shared publicly, since units can change ownership, but keep their forceWalk status)
if !(_reason in _forceWalkReasons) then {
_forceWalkReasons pushBack _reason;
ACE_forceWalkReasons = _forceWalkReasons;
publicVariable "ACE_forceWalkReasons";
// get reasons why the unit is forceWalking already and update to the new status
_unitForceWalkReasons = [_unit] call FUNC(getForceWalkStatus);
_forceWalkReasonsBooleans = [];
_forceWalkReasonsBooleans set [_forEachIndex, (_forceWalkReasons select _forEachIndex) in _unitForceWalkReasons];
} forEach _forceWalkReasons;
_forceWalkReasonsBooleans set [_forceWalkReasons find _reason, _status];
_bitmaskNumber = _forceWalkReasonsBooleans call FUNC(toBitmask);
_unit setVariable ["ACE_forceWalkStatusNumber", _bitmaskNumber, true];
// actually apply the forceWalk command globaly
[[_unit], QFUNC(applyForceWalkStatus), 2] call FUNC(execRemoteFnc);