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2015-01-14 21:29:35 +01:00

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// TMR: Small Arms - Recoil initialization and functions
// (C) 2013 Ryan Schultz. See LICENSE.
// Edited for compatability in ACE by KoffeinFlummi
// Edited by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit", "_weapon", "_projectile"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_weapon = _this select 1;
_projectile = _this select 6;
if (_weapon in ["Throw", "Put"]) exitWith {};
private ["_lastFired", "_burst"];
_lastFired = _unit getVariable [QUOTE(GVAR(lastFired)), -1];
_burst = _unit getVariable [QUOTE(GVAR(burst)), 0];
if (time - _lastFired < 0.45) then {
private "_startDisperse";
_burst = _burst + 1;
_unit setVariable [QUOTE(GVAR(burst)), _burst, false];
_startDisperse = [1, 3] select (cameraView == "GUNNER");
if (_burst > _startDisperse) then {
// Reset burst size for calcs
_burst = _burst - _startDisperse;
// Increase dispersion cap if player is not using sights
_sightsBurst = [30, 0] select (cameraView == "GUNNER");
// Increase initial dispersion and cap if player is moving
if (speed _unit > 0.5) then {
_sightsBurst = 25;
_burst = _burst + 15;
// Maximum possible dispersion (without _sightsBurst mod)
_maxBurst = 50;
if (_unit getVariable [QUOTE(EGVAR(resting,weaponRested)), false]) then {_maxBurst = 25};
if (_unit getVariable [QUOTE(EGVAR(resting,bipodDeployed)), false]) then {_maxBurst = 18};
// Cap the dispersion
_burst = (_burst min _maxBurst) + _sightsBurst;
// Add random variance
_elevAngle = (_burst / 300) - random (_burst / 300) * 2;
_travAngle = (_burst / 260) - random (_burst / 260) * 2;
[_projectile, _travAngle, _elevAngle] call EFUNC(common,changeProjectileDirection);
} else {
// Long enough delay, reset burst
_unit setVariable [QUOTE(GVAR(burst)), 0, false];
_unit setVariable [QUOTE(GVAR(lastFired)), time, false];