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* Author: BaerMitUmlaut
* Server PerFrameHandler during fast roping.
* Arguments:
* 0: PFH arguments <ARRAY>
* 1: PFH handle <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [[_unit, _vehicle, _rope, _ropeIndex], 0] call ace_fastroping_fnc_fastRopeServerPFH
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_arguments", "_pfhHandle"];
_arguments params ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_rope", "_ropeIndex", "_hasBeenAttached"];
_rope params ["_attachmentPoint", "_ropeTop", "_ropeBottom", "_dummy", "_hook", "_occupied"];
private ["_vectorUp", "_vectorDir", "_origin"];
//Wait until the unit is actually outside of the helicopter
if (vehicle _unit != _unit) exitWith {};
//Start fast roping
if (getMass _dummy != 80) exitWith {
//Fix for twitchyness
_dummy setMass 80;
_dummy setCenterOfMass [0, 0, -2];
_origin = getPosASL _hook;
_dummy setPosASL (_origin vectorAdd [0, 0, -2]);
_dummy setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
ropeUnwind [_ropeTop, 6, 34.5];
ropeUnwind [_ropeBottom, 6, 0.5];
//Check if the player has been attached to the rope yet
if (!_hasBeenAttached && {!(isNull attachedTo _unit)}) then {
_hasBeenAttached = true;
_arguments set [4, true];
//Exit when the unit has been detached and is falling (rope broke, heli flew too fast, etc.)
//Make sure this isn't executed before the unit is actually fastroping
if (_hasBeenAttached && {isNull attachedTo _unit}) exitWith {
[_pfhHandle] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
//Setting the velocity manually to reduce twitching
_dummy setVelocity [0,0,-6];
//Check if fast rope is finished
if (
((getPos _unit select 2) < 0.2)
|| {ropeLength _ropeTop == 34.5}
|| {vectorMagnitude (velocity _vehicle) > 5}
|| {!([_unit] call EFUNC(common,isAwake))}
) exitWith {
detach _unit;
//Reset rope
deleteVehicle _ropeTop;
deleteVehicle _ropeBottom;
_origin = getPosASL _hook;
_dummy setPosASL (_origin vectorAdd [0, 0, -1]);
//Restore original mass and center of mass
_dummy setMass 40;
_dummy setCenterOfMass [0.000143227,0.00105986,-0.246147];
_ropeTop = ropeCreate [_dummy, [0, 0, 0], _hook, [0, 0, 0], 0.5];
_ropeBottom = ropeCreate [_dummy, [0, 0, 0], 34.5];
_ropeTop addEventHandler ["RopeBreak", {[_this, "top"] call FUNC(onRopeBreak)}];
_ropeBottom addEventHandler ["RopeBreak", {[_this, "bottom"] call FUNC(onRopeBreak)}];
//Update deployedRopes array
_deployedRopes = _vehicle getVariable [QGVAR(deployedRopes), []];
_deployedRopes set [_ropeIndex, [_attachmentPoint, _ropeTop, _ropeBottom, _dummy, _hook, false]];
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(deployedRopes), _deployedRopes, true];
[_pfhHandle] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;