Mike-MF 1c6c4d6bff
All - Fix parentheses around code (#10073)
* Fix Brackets around code

* Update fnc_handleFired.sqf

* Shouldn't have changed this one


Co-authored-by: Grim <>
2024-06-18 14:08:03 +00:00

78 lines
2.5 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Runs each frame while inside of a vehicle with viewports
* Arguments:
* 0: PFEH Args <ARRAY>
* 0: Player <OBJECT>
* 1: Vehicle <OBJECT>
* 2: Viewport configuration <ARRAY>
* 3: Viewport index shown (-1 for none) <NUMBER>
* 4: Last visionmode <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_viewports_fnc_eachFrame
* Public: No
params ["_args", "_pfID"];
_args params ["_player", "_vehicle", "_viewports", "_shownIndex", "_lastVisionMode"];
private _newIndex = -1;
if (cba_events_control) then {
if (cameraView != "INTERNAL") exitWith {};
if (isTurnedOut _player) exitWith {};
if !([_player, _vehicle, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {};
if ((_shownIndex > -1) && {currentVisionMode _player != _lastVisionMode}) then {
// Vision Mode Changed - Force stop cam and restart
call FUNC(viewCleanup);
_shownIndex = -1;
([_player] call FUNC(getSeatInfo)) params ["_role", "", "", "_compartment"];
private _newIndexAngle = 45; // Controls the max angle
private _eyesPosASL = AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]);
private _eyesDir = (AGLtoASL (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 1])) vectorDiff _eyesPosASL;
_x params ["", "", "_camLocation", "", "_screenLocation", "_maxDistance", "_compartments", "_roles"];
private _viewASL = AGLtoASL (_vehicle modelToWorldVisual _screenLocation);
private _viewDiff = _viewASL vectorDiff _eyesPosASL;
private _viewAngle = acos (_viewDiff vectorCos _eyesDir);
systemChat format ["%1: %2 @ %3",_forEachIndex,round _viewAngle, vectorMagnitude _viewDiff];
if (
(_viewAngle < _newIndexAngle)
&& {(_compartments isEqualTo []) || {(toLowerANSI _compartment) in _compartments}}
&& {(_roles isEqualTo []) || {(toLowerANSI _role) in _roles}}
&& {(vectorMagnitude _viewDiff) < _maxDistance}
) then {
_newIndex = _forEachIndex;
_newIndexAngle = _viewAngle;
} forEach _viewports;
if (_shownIndex == _newIndex) exitWith {}; // No-change - fast exit
if (_shownIndex > -1) then {
call FUNC(viewCleanup);
if (_newIndex > -1) then {
[_vehicle, _viewports # _newIndex, currentVisionMode _player] call FUNC(viewCreate);
_args set [4, currentVisionMode _player];
_args set [3, _newIndex];