2016-09-03 09:35:37 +02:00

84 lines
2.7 KiB

* Author: Gundy
* Description:
* Retrieve available interfaces
* Arguments:
* 0: Device ID <STRING>
* 1: Unit to check for <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* List of interface strings <ARRAY>
* Example:
* ["deviceID",ACE_player] call ace_bft_fnc_getInterfaces;
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_deviceData","_deviceOwner","_interfaces","_interface","_deviceType","_vehicleInterfaces","_assignedVehicleRole","_roleIndex","_roleName","_whereAvailable","_found"];
params ["_deviceID", "_unit"];
_deviceData = [_deviceID] call EFUNC(bft,getDeviceData);
_deviceOwner = D_GET_OWNER(_deviceData);
_interfaces = [];
if (_deviceOwner isKindOf "ParachuteBase" || _deviceOwner isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
// personal device
_deviceType = D_GET_DEVICETYPE(_deviceData);
if (isText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Devices" >> _deviceType >> "interface")) then {
_interface = getText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Devices" >> _deviceType >> "interface");
if (_interface != "") then {
_interfaces pushBack _interface;
} else {
// vehicle device
_vehicleInterfaces = _deviceOwner getvariable [QGVAR(vehicleInterfaces), getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _deviceOwner >> QGVAR(vehicleInterfaces))];
// bail if there are no interfaces defined
if (isNil "_vehicleInterfaces" || {_vehicleInterfaces isEqualTo []}) exitWith {};
_assignedVehicleRole = assignedVehicleRole _unit;
// bail if unit is not in a vehicle
if (_assignedVehicleRole isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
_roleName = _assignedVehicleRole select 0;
_roleIndex = call {
if (_roleName == "Cargo") exitWith {_deviceOwner getCargoIndex _unit};
if (_roleName == "Turret") exitWith {_assignedVehicleRole select 1 select 0};
switch (typeName _x) do {
case "STRING": {_interfaces pushBack _x};
case "ARRAY": {
// whereAvailable test
_interface = _x select 0;
_whereAvailable = _x select 1;
_found = switch (typeName _x) do {
case "STRING": {
if (_x == _roleName) then {true};
case "ARRAY": {
if ((_x select 0) == _roleName && _roleIndex in (_x select 1)) then {true};
default {false};
if (_found) exitWith {_interfaces pushBack _interface};
} forEach _whereAvailable;
} forEach _vehicleInterfaces;