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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
67 lines
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67 lines
3.2 KiB
* Author: Glowbal
* Arguments:
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_data", "_deviceID", "_displayData", "_encryptionKeys", "_deviceModes"];
_data = _this select 0;
_deviceID = D_GET_ID(_data);
diag_log format["hanldeDeviceDataChanged for: %1", _deviceID];
if (isNull D_GET_OWNER(_data)) exitwith { // doesn't have an owner anymore, remove.
diag_log format["hanldeDeviceDataChanged for: %1 - has no owner, removing", _deviceID];
if !(_this select 1) then {
// remove from availableDevices
if (AD_GET_ID(_x) == _deviceID) exitwith {
GVAR(availableDevices) deleteAt _forEachIndex;
} foreach GVAR(availableDevices);
_encryptionKeys = D_GET_ENCRYPTION(_data);
_deviceModes = D_GET_DEVICEMODES(_data);
if (_this select 1) then { // add new
if !([_encryptionKeys, GVAR(registeredEncyptionKeys)] call FUNC(encryptionKeyMatch)) exitwith {
diag_log format["hanldeDeviceDataChanged for: %1 - encryptionkeys not known - %2", _deviceID, _encryptionKeys];
}; // if the encryption key is not know, the device is not available
if !([_deviceModes, GVAR(registeredViewModes)] call FUNC(encryptionKeyMatch)) exitwith {
diag_log format["hanldeDeviceDataChanged for: %1 - viewModes not known - %2", _deviceID, _deviceModes];
}; // if the encryption key is not know, the device is not available
if (!(D_GET_OWNER(_data) isKindOf "CAManBAse") && {D_GET_DEVICE_STATE_VALUE(_data) isEqualTo STATE_NORMAL} && {!(isEngineOn D_GET_OWNER(_data)) && alive D_GET_OWNER(_data)}) exitwith {};
_displayData = _data call FUNC(deviceDataToMapData);
if (count _displayData > 0) then {
GVAR(availableDevices) pushback _displayData;
} else { // update existing
if (AD_GET_ID(_x) == _deviceID) exitwith { // device was already available
if !([_encryptionKeys, GVAR(registeredEncyptionKeys)] call FUNC(encryptionKeyMatch)) exitwith {
GVAR(availableDevices) deleteAt _forEachIndex; // no longer a match, so we remove it from available devices
if !([_deviceModes, GVAR(registeredViewModes)] call FUNC(encryptionKeyMatch)) exitwith {
GVAR(availableDevices) deleteAt _forEachIndex; // no longer a match, so we remove it from available devices
// TODO I don't think we need this check here? It should never make it in and otherwise be removed if the engine goes off?
//if (!(D_GET_OWNER(_data) isKindOf "CAManBAse") && {D_GET_DEVICE_STATE_VALUE(_data) isEqualTo STATE_NORMAL} && {!(isEngineOn D_GET_OWNER(_data))}) exitwith {
// GVAR(availableDevices) deleteAt _forEachIndex; // no longer a match, so we remove it from available devices
// we don't know what info has changed, so we just replace it completely.
_displayData = _data call FUNC(deviceDataToMapData);
GVAR(availableDevices) set [_forEachIndex, _displayData];
} foreach GVAR(availableDevices);