2016-09-03 09:35:37 +02:00

100 lines
3.8 KiB

* Author: Glowbal
* Arguments:
* 0: owner <OBJECT>
* 1: item <STRING>
* 2: magazine <STRING
* 3: magazine ID <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_owner", "_item", "_magazine", "_magID", ["_initialState", STATE_NORMAL]];
private ["_deviceType", "_deviceSide", "_refreshRate", "_deviceEncryptionKeys", "_assignableInformation", "_app", "_deviceInformation", "_exists", "_deviceModes", "_defaultValues", "_elementCallsign", "_elementSize", "_elementType", "_groupID"];
Device ID
Side ID/encyrption ID
time logged in
opened app ID
app data [map position, map zoom level, ..]
element type
element size
element callsign
ORBAT element ID
systemChat format["handleItemCreated: %1", _this];
diag_log format["handleItemCreated: entry args: %1", _this];
_exists = false;
if (_magID == (_x select 0)) exitwith {_exists = true};
} forEach GVAR(deviceData);
if (_exists) exitwith {
diag_log format["handleItemCreated: Already exists: %1", _magID];
_deviceType = if (_magazine != "") then { getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> QGVAR(deviceType)) } else { _item };
_deviceSide = getText(configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Devices" >> _deviceType >> "deviceSide");
_deviceModes = getArray(configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Devices" >> _deviceType >> "reportingModes");
_defaultValues = [];
// if this is a vehicle device, see if the default information is present on the vehicle
if !(isNull _owner || {_owner isKindOf "ParachuteBase" || _owner isKindOf "CAManBase"}) then {
if (isArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _owner >> QGVAR(defaultInformation))) then {
_defaultValues = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _owner >> QGVAR(defaultInformation));
// otherwise, get the default information from the device
if (_defaultValues isEqualTo []) then {
_defaultValues = getArray (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Devices" >> _deviceType >> "defaultInformation");
_refreshRate = getArray(configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Devices" >> _deviceType >> "refreshRate");
_deviceEncryptionKeys = [_deviceSide] call FUNC(getEncryptionKey); // getting the default encryption keys for this side
_elementType = _owner getvariable format[QGVAR(elementType_%1),_item];
_elementSize = _owner getvariable format[QGVAR(elementSize_%1),_item];
_elementCallsign = _owner getvariable format[QGVAR(elementCallsign_%1),_item];
_groupID = _owner getvariable format[QGVAR(groupID_%1),_item];
// format: [elementType, elementSize, elementCallsign, orbatElementID]
_assignableInformation = _owner getvariable [format[QGVAR(assignableInformation_%1),_item], _defaultValues];
if (!isnil "_elementType") then {
_assignableInformation set [0, _elementType];
if (!isnil "_elementSize") then {
_assignableInformation set [1, _elementSize];
if (!isnil "_elementCallsign") then {
_assignableInformation set [2, _elementCallsign];
if (!isnil "_groupID") then {
_assignableInformation set [3, _groupID];
// format: app ID, app data
_app = [-1, []];
// format: device ID, deviceSide [side, encryptionKeys], deviceInformation [elementType, elementSize, callsign, orbatID], appInformation [appID, appData], timeLoggedIn, owner, item, deviceType, _refreshRate [TX, RX], _deviceModes, deviceState]
_deviceInformation = [_magID, [_deviceSide, _deviceEncryptionKeys], _assignableInformation, _app, -1, _owner, _item, _deviceType, _refreshRate, _deviceModes, [_initialState]];
diag_log format["Prep raising bft_addDeviceData _deviceInformation with: %1", _deviceInformation];
diag_log format["exec bft_addDeviceData _deviceInformation with: %1", _this];
["bft_addDeviceData", _this] call EFUNC(common,globalEvent);
}, _deviceInformation, 1] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);