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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Fix #3062 - Add basic AB configs for subsonic russian bullets. - When building ab ammo cache, if round is subsonic and does not have AB configured attempt to use the parent's config, scaled down to the subsonic's round speed.
94 lines
4.7 KiB
94 lines
4.7 KiB
* Author: Ruthberg
* Reads the ammo class config and updates the config cache
* Arguments:
* ammo - classname <STRING>
* Return Value:
* 0: _airFriction
* 1: _caliber
* 2: _bulletLength
* 3: _bulletMass
* 4: _transonicStabilityCoef
* 5: _dragModel
* 6: _ballisticCoefficients
* 7: _velocityBoundaries
* 8: _atmosphereModel
* 9: _ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts
* 10: _muzzleVelocityTable
* 11: _barrelLengthTable
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
TRACE_1("Reading Ammo Config",_this);
private ["_ammo", "_airFriction", "_caliber", "_bulletLength", "_bulletMass", "_transonicStabilityCoef", "_dragModel", "_ballisticCoefficients", "_velocityBoundaries", "_atmosphereModel", "_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts", "_muzzleVelocityTable", "_barrelLengthTable", "_result"];
_ammoConfig = configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _this;
_airFriction = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> "airFriction");
_caliber = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_caliber");
_bulletLength = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_bulletLength");
_bulletMass = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_bulletMass");
_transonicStabilityCoef = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_transonicStabilityCoef");
if (_transonicStabilityCoef == 0) then {
_transonicStabilityCoef = 0.5;
_dragModel = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_dragModel");
if (_dragModel == 0 || !(_dragModel in [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8])) then {
_dragModel = 1;
_ballisticCoefficients = getArray(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_ballisticCoefficients");
_velocityBoundaries = getArray(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_velocityBoundaries");
_atmosphereModel = getText(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_standardAtmosphere");
if (_atmosphereModel isEqualTo "") then {
_atmosphereModel = "ICAO";
_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts = getArray(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts");
_muzzleVelocityTable = getArray(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_muzzleVelocities");
_barrelLengthTable = getArray(_ammoConfig >> "ACE_barrelLengths");
//Handle subsonic ammo that would have a huge muzzle velocity shift (when ballistic configs not explicitly defined)
private _typicalSpeed = getNumber (_ammoConfig >> "typicalSpeed");
if ((_typicalSpeed > 0) && {_typicalSpeed < 360}) then {
private _inheritedBarrelConfig = (!(_muzzleVelocityTable isEqualTo [])) && {(configProperties [_ammoConfig, "(configName _x) == 'ACE_muzzleVelocities'", false]) isEqualTo []};
private _inheritedTempConfig = (!(_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts isEqualTo [])) && {(configProperties [_ammoConfig, "(configName _x) == 'ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts'", false]) isEqualTo []};
if (_inheritedBarrelConfig || _inheritedTempConfig) then {
private _parentConfig = inheritsFrom _ammoConfig;
private _parentSpeed = getNumber (_parentConfig >> "typicalSpeed");
ACE_LOGWARNING_4("Subsonic Ammo %1 (%2 m/s) missing `ACE_muzzleVelocities` or `ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts` configs, attempting to use parent %3 (%4m/s)",_this,_typicalSpeed,configName _parentConfig, _parentSpeed);
if (_parentSpeed <= 0) exitWith {//Handle weird or null parent
_muzzleVelocityTable = [];
_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts = [];
private _linearMuliplier = _typicalSpeed / _parentSpeed;
if (_inheritedBarrelConfig) then {
if (!((configProperties [_parentConfig, "(configName _x) == 'ACE_muzzleVelocities'", false]) isEqualTo [])) then {
TRACE_2("Parent Has Defined Barrel MV",_linearMuliplier,_muzzleVelocityTable);
{ _muzzleVelocityTable set [_forEachIndex, (_x * _linearMuliplier)]; } forEach _muzzleVelocityTable;
} else {
TRACE_2("Parent DOES NOT Have Defined Barrel MV",_linearMuliplier,_muzzleVelocityTable);
_muzzleVelocityTable = [];
if (_inheritedTempConfig) then {
if (!((configProperties [_parentConfig, "(configName _x) == 'ACE_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts'", false]) isEqualTo [])) then {
TRACE_2("Parent Has Defined Ammo Temp Shifts",_linearMuliplier,_muzzleVelocityTable);
{ _ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts set [_forEachIndex, (_x * _linearMuliplier)]; } forEach _ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts;
} else {
TRACE_2("Parent DOES NOT Have Defined Ammo Temp Shifts",_linearMuliplier,_muzzleVelocityTable);
_ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts = [];
_result = [_airFriction, _caliber, _bulletLength, _bulletMass, _transonicStabilityCoef, _dragModel, _ballisticCoefficients, _velocityBoundaries, _atmosphereModel, _ammoTempMuzzleVelocityShifts, _muzzleVelocityTable, _barrelLengthTable];
uiNamespace setVariable [format[QGVAR(%1), _this], _result];