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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Jaynus, NouberNou, Lambda.Tiger
* This function creates fragments targeted at specific entities, up to
* a configured maximum.
* Arguments:
* 0: Position of fragmenting projectile ASL <ARRAY>
* 1: Velocity of the fragmenting projectile <ARRAY>
* 2: Maximum range of fragments to calculate <NUMBER>
* 3: Maximum number of fragments to produce <NUMBER>
* 4: Types of fragments <ARRAY>
* 5: A modified parameter used to calculate whether a fragment hits <NUMBER>
* 6: Shot parent <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* Number of fragments created <NUMBER>
* Example:
* [getPosASL _proj, velocity _proj, 50, 50, [], 1, [player, player]] call ace_frag_fnc_doFragTargeted;
* Public: No
params [
["_fragVelocity", 800, [123]],
["_fragRange", 50, [123]],
["_maxFrags", 20, [123]],
["_fragTypes", [], [[]]],
["_modFragCount", 1, [123]],
["_shotParents", [objNull, objNull], [[]], [2]]
if (_fragTypes isEqualTo []) then {
_fragTypes = [
QGVAR(tiny), QGVAR(tiny), QGVAR(tiny),
QGVAR(tiny_HD), QGVAR(tiny_HD), QGVAR(tiny_HD),
QGVAR(small), QGVAR(small), QGVAR(small), QGVAR(small),
QGVAR(small_HD), QGVAR(small_HD), QGVAR(small_HD), QGVAR(small_HD),
QGVAR(medium_HD), QGVAR(medium_HD), QGVAR(medium_HD), QGVAR(medium_HD), QGVAR(medium_HD)
private _objects = (ASLToATL _posASL) nearEntities [["Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "StaticWeapon", "CAManBase", "Air", "Ship"], _fragRange];
if (_objects isEqualTo []) exitWith {
TRACE_2("No nearby targets",_posASL,_fragRange);
// grab crews and add them in so that targets stay approx. sorted by distance
private _crew = crew _x;
if (count _crew > 1) then {
private _arr = [_x];
_arr pushBackUnique _x;
} forEach _crew;
_objects set [_forEachIndex, _arr];
} forEach _objects;
_objects = flatten _objects;
TRACE_3("Targets found",_posASL,_fragRange,count _objects);
// limit number of fragments per direction (2D) to 10 using _fragArcs
private _fragArcs = createHashMap;
private _totalFragCount = 0;
{ // Begin of forEach iterating on _objects
if (!alive _x) then {
private _target = _x;
[_target, false] call FUNC(dev_trackHitBox);
// Estimate volume and height of target
private _height = 0.5;
private _crossSectionArea = 1;
private _isPerson = _target isKindOf "CAManBase";
if (_isPerson) then {
switch (stance _target) do {
case ("STAND"): {_height = 1.9; _crossSectionArea = 1.5;};
case ("CROUCH"): {_height = 1.2; _crossSectionArea = 1;};
default {_crossSectionArea = 0.75;};
} else {
private _boxParams = boundingBoxReal [_target, "FireGeometry"];
_boxParams params ["_pointA", "_pointB"];
private _dims = _pointB vectorDiff _pointA;
if (_dims#0 * _dims#1 * _dims#2 <= 0.5) then {
_crossSectionArea = _dims#1 * _dims#2;
_height = _dims#2;
private _distance = _target distance _posASL;
// calculate chance to be hit by a fragment
private _fragChance = _crossSectionArea * _modFragCount / _distance^2;
private _fragCount = if (_fragChance > 1) then {
3 min (floor _fragChance);
} else {
[0, 1] select (GVAR(atLeastOne) || {random 1 < _fragChance});
if (_fragCount == 0) then {
// handle limiting fragments per degree arc
private _dir = floor (_posASL getDir _target);
private _fragPerArc = _fragArcs getOrDefault [_dir, 0];
if (_fragPerArc > 10) then {
} else {
_fragArcs set [_dir, _fragPerArc + _fragCount];
// Approximate offset to hit including speed & gravity
private _locFragVel = _fragVelocity * (1 - random 0.5);
private _timeOfFlight = _distance / _locFragVel;
// target pos for fragment to hit
private _targetPos = (velocity _target vectorMultiply _timeOfFlight) vectorAdd [0, 0, ACE_FRAG_HALF_GRAVITY_APPROX * _timeOfFlight ^ 2];
if _isPerson then {
private _hitPoint = selectRandom ACE_FRAG_HITPOINTS;
private _hitPointPos = _target selectionPosition [_hitPoint, "HitPoints", "AveragePoint"];
_targetPos = _target modelToWorldWorld _hitPointPos vectorAdd _targetPos;
} else {
_targetPos = _targetPos vectorAdd getPosASL _target vectorAdd [
-0.5 + random 1,
-0.5 + random 1,
(0.1 + random 0.4) * _height
// select a fragment / submunition frag spawner
private _fragSpawner = selectRandom _fragTypes;
if (_fragCount > 1) then {
_fragSpawner = _fragSpawner + "_spawner_" + str _fragCount + (switch (true) do {
case (_distance < 10): {"_short"};
case (_distance < 20): {"_mid"};
default {"_far"};
// Create fragment
private _vectorDir = _posASL vectorFromTo _targetPos;
private _fragObj = createVehicle [_fragSpawner, ASLtoATL _posASL, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_fragObj setVectorDir _vectorDir;
_fragObj setVelocity (_vectorDir vectorMultiply _locFragVel);
_fragObj setShotParents _shotParents;
[_fragObj, "purple", true] call FUNC(dev_trackObj);
if (GVAR(dbgSphere)) then {
[_targetPos, "orange"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw);
_totalFragCount = _totalFragCount + _fragCount;
if (_totalFragCount >= _maxFrags) then {
TRACE_2("maxFrags", _totalFragCount, _maxFrags);
} forEach _objects;
systemChat ("fragCount cnt: " + str _totalFragCount);