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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: johnb43
* Adds custom action buttons.
* Arguments:
* 0: Tabs to add action to <ARRAY>
* 1: Action class (unique string for each action) <STRING>
* 2: Title <STRING>
* 3: Actions <ARRAY of ARRAYS>
* 4: Condition <CODE> (default: {true})
* 5: Scope editor <NUMBER> (default: 2)
* Return Value:
* 0: Array of IDs <ARRAY of STRINGS>
* Example:
* [[0, 5], "TAG_myActions", "My Actions", [
* ["text", "Text", {true}, "Text"],
* ["statement", "Statement", {true}, "", {[_this select 0] call tag_fnc_myTextStatement}],
* ["button", "Button", {true}, "", {}, {_this call tag_fnc_myAction}]
* ]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_addAction
* Public: Yes
params [
["_tabs", [], [[]]],
["_rootClass", "", [""]],
["_title", "", [""]],
["_actions", [], [[]]],
["_rootCondition", {true}, [{}]],
["_scopeEditor", 2, [0]]
// Compile actions from config (in case this is called before preInit)
call FUNC(compileActions);
// Skip if not allowed in editor and in editor
if (is3DEN && {_scopeEditor != 2}) exitWith {
TRACE_1("Skipping action because in editor",_rootClass);
// Class can't contain ~, because it's used for formatting result
if ("~" in _rootClass) exitWith {
TRACE_1("Classname can't contain '~'",_rootClass);
private _return = [];
private _fnc_addToGroup = {
params ["_group", "_tab"];
private _type = -1;
_x params [["_class", "", [""]], ["_label", "", [""]], ["_condition", {true}, [{}]], ["_text", "", [""]], ["_textStatement", {}, [{}]], ["_statement", {}, [{}]]];
// Class can't contain ~, because it's used for formatting result
if (_class == "" || {"~" in _class}) then {
// Don't allow two of the same class
if (_group findIf {(_x select 0) == _class} != -1) then {
TRACE_1("An action with this ID already exists",_class);
_type = switch (false) do {
case (_text == ""): {
_statement = format ["{""%1""}", _text];
case (_textStatement isEqualTo {}): {
_statement = _textStatement;
case (_statement isEqualTo {}): {
_statement = _statement;
default {
if (_type == -1) then {
_statement = compile format [QUOTE([GVAR(center)] call %1), _statement];
_group pushBack [_class, _type, _label, _statement, _condition];
_return pushBack ([_rootClass, _class, _tab] joinString "~");
} forEach _actions;
private _tab = [];
private _index = -1;
private _group = [];
_tab = GVAR(actionList) select _x;
_index = _tab findIf {(_x select 0) == _rootClass};
// Add to existing group
if (_index != -1) then {
[_tab select _index select 3, _x] call _fnc_addToGroup;
} else {
// Add to new group
_group = [];
[_group, _x] call _fnc_addToGroup;
_tab pushBack [_rootClass, _title, _rootCondition, _group];
} forEach _tabs;