2018-10-04 16:43:06 +02:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal
* Arguments:
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
params ["_viewModes", "_add"];
// if _add is nil, rebuild list from scratch
if (isNil "_add") then {
// clear current list
GVAR(availableDevices) = [];
_add = true;
// exit if there is nothing to add / remove
if (count _viewModes == 0) exitWith {};
if (_add) then {
if !(isNull D_GET_OWNER(_x)) then {
if (!(D_GET_OWNER(_x) isKindOf "CAManBAse") && {D_GET_DEVICE_STATE_VALUE(_x) isEqualTo STATE_NORMAL} && {!(isEngineOn D_GET_OWNER(_x)) && alive D_GET_OWNER(_x)}) exitwith {};
private _deviceModes = D_GET_DEVICEMODES(_x);
if !([_deviceModes, _viewModes] call FUNC(encryptionKeyMatch)) exitWith {};
private _encryptionKeys = D_GET_ENCRYPTION(_x);
if !([_encryptionKeys, GVAR(registeredEncyptionKeys)] call FUNC(encryptionKeyMatch)) exitWith {};
private _displayData = _x call FUNC(deviceDataToMapData);
if (count _displayData > 0) then {
GVAR(availableDevices) pushback _displayData;
} foreach GVAR(deviceData);
} else { // if we remove one, we only have to check the already available devices
private ["_device"];
for "_i" from (count GVAR(availableDevices) - 1) to 0 step -1 do {
_device = GVAR(availableDevices) select _i;
if !([AD_GET_VIEWMOES(_device), GVAR(registeredViewModes)] call FUNC(encryptionKeyMatch)) then {
GVAR(availableDevices) deleteAt _i;
_i = _i - 1;
if !(GVAR(currentOpenedDevice) isEqualTo []) then {
[GVAR(currentOpenedDevice)] call FUNC(removeDeviceByOwner);