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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal
* Check if a device can be opened
* Arguments:
* 0: unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Device Type <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Can open device of type <BOOL>
* Example:
* [ACE_player, "myDeviceType"] call ace_bft_devices_fnc_canOpenDevice
* Public: No
params ["_player", "_target", "_targetDeviceType"];
if (GVAR(ifOpenStart) || {GVAR(uavViewActive)} || {!I_CLOSED}) exitWith {false};
// if (_player != _target && {_target isKindOf "CAManBase"}) exitwith {false};
private _ownedDevices = [_target] call EFUNC(bft,getOwnedDevices);
if (_ownedDevices isEqualTo []) exitwith {false};
private _return = false;
private _deviceData = [_x] call EFUNC(bft,getDeviceData);
if (toLower D_GET_DEVICETYPE(_deviceData) isEqualTo toLower _targetDeviceType) exitwith {_return = true;};
} forEach _ownedDevices;
if (!_return) then {
_vehicle = _target;
if (_vehicle != _unit) then {
_ownedDevices = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(bft,getOwnedDevices);
if (count _ownedDevices == 0) exitwith {};
_deviceData = [_playerDeviceId] call EFUNC(bft,getDeviceData);
if (D_GET_DEVICETYPE(_deviceData) isEqualTo _targetDeviceType) exitwith {_return = true;};
} forEach _ownedDevices;