2018-10-04 16:43:06 +02:00

74 lines
2.1 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Gundy
* Description:
* Set up helmet camera and display on supplied render target
* Arguments:
* 0: Render target <STRING>
* 1: Name of unit with helmet camera (format used from `str unitObject`) <STRING>
* Return Value:
* If helmet cam could be set up or not <BOOL>
* Example:
* ["rendertarget12",str ACE_player] call ace_bft_devices_fnc_createHelmetCam;
* Public: No
params ["_renderTarget", "_data"];
private _newHost = objNull;
private _camOffSet = [];
private _targetOffSet = [];
// see if given unit name is still in the list of units with valid helmet cams
if (_data == str _x) exitWith {_newHost = _x;};
} forEach GVAR(hCamList);
call {
// should unit not be in a vehicle
if (vehicle _newHost isKindOf "CAManBase" || {vehicle _newHost isKindOf "ParachuteBase"}) exitWith {
_camOffSet = [0.12,0,0.15];
_targetOffSet = [0,8,1];
// if unit is in a vehilce, see if 3rd person view is allowed
if (difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView") exitWith {
_newHost = vehicle _newHost;
// Might want to calculate offsets based on the actual vehicle dimensions in the future
_camOffSet = [0,-8,4];
_targetOffSet = [0,8,2];
// if unit is in a vehicle and 3rd person view is not allowed
_newHost = objNull;
// if there is no valid unit or we are not allowed to set up a helmet cam in these conditions, return FALSE
if (isNull _newHost) exitWith {false};
// make sure there is no camera currently set up
[] call FUNC(deleteHelmetCam);
private _target = "Sign_Sphere10cm_F" createVehicleLocal position player;
hideObject _target;
_target attachTo [_newHost,_targetOffSet];
private _cam = "camera" camCreate getPosATL _newHost;
_cam camPrepareFov 0.700;
_cam camPrepareTarget _target;
_cam camCommitPrepared 0;
if (vehicle _newHost == _newHost) then {
_cam attachTo [_newHost,_camOffSet,"Head"];
} else {
_cam attachTo [_newHost,_camOffSet];
_cam cameraEffect ["INTERNAL","BACK",_renderTarget];
GVAR(hCams) = [_cam,_target,_newHost];