2018-10-04 16:43:06 +02:00

49 lines
1.3 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Gundy
* Description:
* Called from various interface list boxes and executes the appropriate function
* Arguments:
* 0: Function to trigger <STRING>
* 1: _this variable from the onLBSelChanged event <ARRAY>
* 0: Interface control <OBJECT>
* 1: Selected item (-1 if nothing is selected) <INTEGER>
* 2:
* Return Value:
* Example:
* ["UAVlist",_this] call ace_bft_devices_fnc_ifOnLBSelChanged;
* Public: No
// ignore function call if the interface has not finished setup
if (GVAR(ifOpenStart) || I_CLOSED) exitWith {true};
params ["_function", "_controlArguments"];
_controlArguments params ["_control", "_selectedIndex"];
systemChat format ["this %1 _control %2 _selectedIndex %3", _this, _control, _selectedIndex];
private _display = ctrlParent _control;
private _interfaceID = I_GET_ID;
switch (_function) do {
case "UAVlist": {
if (_selectedIndex != -1) then {
[_interfaceID,[['uavCam',_control lbData _selectedIndex]]] call FUNC(setSettings);
case "HCAMlist": {
if (_selectedIndex != -1) then {
[_interfaceID,[['hCam',_control lbData _selectedIndex]]] call FUNC(setSettings);