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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Gundy
* Description:
* Closes the currently open interface and remove any previously registered eventhandlers
* Arguments:
* Return Value:
* Example:
* [] call ace_bft_devices_fnc_ifOnload;
* Public: No
// remove helmet and UAV cameras
[] call FUNC(deleteHelmetCam);
[] call FUNC(deleteUAVcam);
if !(I_CLOSED) then {
// [_deviceID,_interfaceConfigName,_interfaceID,_ifType,_displayName,_isDialog,_player,_playerKilledEhId,_vehicle,_vehicleGetOutEhId]
private _deviceID = I_GET_DEVICE;
private _interfaceConfigName = I_GET_CONFIGNAME;
private _interfaceID = I_GET_ID;
private _ifType = I_GET_TYPE;
private _displayName = I_GET_NAME;
private _isDialog = I_GET_ISDIALOG;
private _player = GVAR(ifOpen) select 6;
private _playerKilledEhId = GVAR(ifOpen) select 7;
private _vehicle = GVAR(ifOpen) select 8;
private _vehicleGetOutEhId = GVAR(ifOpen) select 9;
private _draw3dEhId = GVAR(ifOpen) select 10;
private _aceUnconciousEhId = GVAR(ifOpen) select 11;
private _aceUpdateDeviceOwnerEhId = GVAR(ifOpen) select 12;
private _acePlayerChangedEhId = GVAR(ifOpen) select 13;
if (!isNil "_playerKilledEhId") then {_player removeEventHandler ["killed",_playerKilledEhId]};
if (!isNil "_vehicleGetOutEhId") then {_vehicle removeEventHandler ["GetOut",_vehicleGetOutEhId]};
if (!isNil "_draw3dEhId") then {removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",_draw3dEhId]};
if (!isNil "_aceUnconciousEhId") then {["medical_onUnconscious",_aceUnconciousEhId] call CBA_fnc_removeEventHandler};
if (!isNil "_aceUpdateDeviceOwnerEhId") then {["bft_updateDeviceOwner",_aceUpdateDeviceOwnerEhId] call CBA_fnc_removeEventHandler};
if (!isNil "_acePlayerChangedEhId") then {["playerChanged",_acePlayerChangedEhId] call CBA_fnc_removeEventHandler};
// remove notification system related PFHs
if !(isNil QGVAR(processNotificationsPFH)) then {
[GVAR(processNotificationsPFH)] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
GVAR(processNotificationsPFH) = nil;
// don't call this part if we are closing down before setup has finished
if (!GVAR(ifOpenStart)) then {
if (_isDialog) then {
// convert mapscale to km
private _mapScale = GVAR(mapScale) * GVAR(mapScaleFactor) / 0.86 * (safezoneH * 0.8);
// get the current position of the background control
private _backgroundPosition = [_displayName] call FUNC(getBackgroundPosition);
private _backgroundPositionX = _backgroundPosition select 0 select 0;
private _backgroundPositionY = _backgroundPosition select 0 select 1;
// get the original position of the background control
private _backgroundConfigPositionX = _backgroundPosition select 1 select 0;
private _backgroundConfigPositionY = _backgroundPosition select 1 select 1;
// calculate x and y as offsets to the original
private _xOffset = _backgroundPositionX - _backgroundConfigPositionX;
private _yOffset = _backgroundPositionY - _backgroundConfigPositionY;
// figure out if the interface position has changed
private _backgroundOffset = [[], [_xOffset, _yOffset]] select (_xOffset != 0 || _yOffset != 0);
// Save mapWorldPos, mapScaleDlg and background offset of current dialog so it can be restored later
[_interfaceID,[["mapWorldPos",GVAR(mapWorldPos)],["mapScaleDlg",_mapScale],["dlgIfPosition",_backgroundOffset]],false] call FUNC(setSettings);
private _deviceData = [_deviceID] call EFUNC(bft,getDeviceData);
private _deviceOwner = D_GET_OWNER(_deviceData);
// if the device is a personal device, save settings to device appData store
if (_deviceOwner isKindOf "ParachuteBase" || _deviceOwner isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
[_deviceID,[-1, [GVAR(settings),_interfaceID] call CBA_fnc_hashGet]] call EFUNC(bft,handleUpdateDeviceAppData);
// send "bft_deviceClosed" event
["bft_deviceClosed",[_deviceID]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
uiNamespace setVariable [_displayName, displayNull];
GVAR(ifOpen) = nil;
GVAR(cursorOnMap) = false;
GVAR(ifOpenStart) = false;