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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
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148 lines
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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Gundy
* Description:
* Called whenever a interface toggle (open/close) key is pressed. Based on situation will open or close the interface for a BFT device
* Arguments:
* 0: 0 = Primary, 1 = Secondary, 3 = Tertiary <INTEGER>
* Return Value:
* Handled <BOOL>
* Example:
* 0 call ace_bft_devices_fnc_onIfToggleKey;
* Public: No
params ["_type"];
private _handled = false;
// exit if we have already an interface starting up
if (GVAR(ifOpenStart)) exitWith {_handled};
private _previousInterface = "";
// if UAV gunner view is open, exit the view
if (GVAR(uavViewActive)) then {
objNull remoteControl (gunner GVAR(actUav));
vehicle ACE_player switchCamera 'internal';
GVAR(uavViewActive) = false;
// close interface and exit if there is an interface open of the same type
if (!I_CLOSED && {I_GET_TYPE == _type}) exitWith {
[] call FUNC(ifClose);
// close interface if there is one open
if !(I_CLOSED) then {
_previousInterface = I_GET_NAME;
[] call FUNC(ifClose);
_handled = true;
// see if player is carrying any devices
private _playerDevices = [ACE_player] call EFUNC(bft,getOwnedDevices);
// get devices for the vehicle the player might be in
private _vehicleDevices = [vehicle ACE_player] call EFUNC(bft,getOwnedDevices);
// select a device --- the first one for now
private _playerDeviceId = ["", _playerDevices select 0] select !(_playerDevices isEqualTo []);
private _vehicleDeviceId = ["", _vehicleDevices select 0] select !(_vehicleDevices isEqualTo []);
// bail if we could not retrieve a device ID
if (_playerDeviceId == "" && _vehicleDeviceId == "") exitWith {_handled};
// get device data
private _playerDeviceData = [[], [_playerDeviceId] call EFUNC(bft,getDeviceData)] select (_playerDeviceId != "");
private _vehicleDeviceData = [[], [_vehicleDeviceId] call EFUNC(bft,getDeviceData)] select (_vehicleDeviceId != "");
// bail if we could not receive device data
if (_playerDeviceData isEqualTo [] && _vehicleDeviceData isEqualTo []) exitWith {_handled};
// get interface for device
private _playerDeviceInterface = if !(_playerDeviceData isEqualTo []) then {
private _interfaces = [_playerDeviceId,ACE_player] call EFUNC(bft,getInterfaces);
// select the first device -- for now
if (count _interfaces > 0) then {_interfaces select 0} else {""};
} else {""};
private _vehicleDeviceInterface = if !(_vehicleDeviceData isEqualTo []) then {
private _interfaces = [_vehicleDeviceId,ACE_player] call EFUNC(bft,getInterfaces);
// select the first device -- for now
if (count _interfaces > 0) then {_interfaces select 0} else {""};
} else {""};
// get uiNamespace variable names
private _playerDeviceDisplayName = if (_playerDeviceInterface != "") then {
if (isText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _playerDeviceInterface >> "displayName")) then {
getText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _playerDeviceInterface >> "displayName")
} else {""};
} else {""};
private _playerDeviceDialogName = if (_playerDeviceInterface != "") then {
if (isText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _playerDeviceInterface >> "dialogName")) then {
getText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _playerDeviceInterface >> "dialogName")
} else {""};
} else {""};
private _vehicleDeviceDisplayName = if (_vehicleDeviceInterface != "") then {
if (isText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _vehicleDeviceInterface >> "displayName")) then {
getText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _vehicleDeviceInterface >> "displayName")
} else {""};
} else {""};
private _vehicleDeviceDialogName = if (_vehicleDeviceInterface != "") then {
if (isText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _vehicleDeviceInterface >> "dialogName")) then {
getText (configFile >> "ACE_BFT" >> "Interfaces" >> _vehicleDeviceInterface >> "dialogName")
} else {""};
} else {""};
// logic to determine which interface to open
private _selectedInterface = switch (_type) do {
case 0: {
// display first, vehicle device first
if (_vehicleDeviceDisplayName != "") exitWith {[_vehicleDeviceInterface,_vehicleDeviceDisplayName,_vehicleDeviceId,false]};
if (_playerDeviceDisplayName != "") exitWith {[_playerDeviceInterface,_playerDeviceDisplayName,_playerDeviceId,false]};
if (_vehicleDeviceDialogName != "") exitWith {[_vehicleDeviceInterface,_vehicleDeviceDialogName,_vehicleDeviceId,true]};
if (_playerDeviceDialogName != "") exitWith {[_playerDeviceInterface,_playerDeviceDialogName,_playerDeviceId,true]};
case 1: {
// dialog first, vehicle device first
if (_vehicleDeviceDialogName != "") exitWith {[_vehicleDeviceInterface,_vehicleDeviceDialogName,_vehicleDeviceId,true]};
if (_playerDeviceDialogName != "") exitWith {[_playerDeviceInterface,_playerDeviceDialogName,_playerDeviceId,true]};
if (_vehicleDeviceDisplayName != "") exitWith {[_vehicleDeviceInterface,_vehicleDeviceDisplayName,_vehicleDeviceId,false]};
if (_playerDeviceDisplayName != "") exitWith {[_playerDeviceInterface,_playerDeviceDisplayName,_playerDeviceId,false]};
case 2: {
// dialog first, player device first
if (_playerDeviceDialogName != "") exitWith {[_playerDeviceInterface,_playerDeviceDialogName,_playerDeviceId,true]};
if (_vehicleDeviceDialogName != "") exitWith {[_vehicleDeviceInterface,_vehicleDeviceDialogName,_vehicleDeviceId,true]};
if (_playerDeviceDisplayName != "") exitWith {[_playerDeviceInterface,_playerDeviceDisplayName,_playerDeviceId,false]};
if (_vehicleDeviceDisplayName != "") exitWith {[_vehicleDeviceInterface,_vehicleDeviceDisplayName,_vehicleDeviceId,false]};
default {["","","",false]};
_selectedInterface params ["_interface", "_interfaceName", "_deviceID", "_isDialog"];
if (_interfaceName != "" && _interfaceName != _previousInterface) then {
// queue the start up of the interface as we might still have one closing down
if (I_CLOSED) then {
params ["_args", "_idPFH"];
[_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
(_args + [ACE_player, vehicle ACE_player]) call FUNC(ifOpen);
}, 0, [_deviceID,_interface,_type,_interfaceName,_isDialog]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;