Grzegorz 5280ded680 Bandage and tourniquet on adv. medical change proposal
Make bandaging longer as it is not very fast process.
Make putting on tourniquet faster cause it's should be easy to put one on limb, so it's actually useful now and with above change (putting it on before was longer than bandagin).
2015-08-25 20:05:05 +02:00

941 lines
38 KiB

class ACE_Medical_Actions {
class Basic {
class Bandage {
displayName = CSTRING(Bandage);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Bandaging);
category = "bandage";
treatmentLocations[] = {"All"};
allowedSelections[] = {"All"};
requiredMedic = 0;
treatmentTime = 5;
treatmentTimeSelfCoef = 1;
items[] = {{"ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_quikclot"}};
condition = "";
patientStateCondition = 0;
itemConsumed = 1;
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentBasic_bandage));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "";
animationPatient = "";
animationPatientUnconscious = "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";
animationPatientUnconsciousExcludeOn[] = {"ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon"};
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medicOther";
animationCallerProne = "AinvPpneMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medicOther";
animationCallerSelf = "AinvPknlMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medic";
animationCallerSelfProne = "AinvPpneMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medic";
litter[] = { {"All", "_previousDamage > 0", {{"ACE_MedicalLitterBase", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage1", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage2", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage3"}}}, {"All", "_previousDamage <= 0", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_clean"}} };
class Morphine: Bandage {
displayName = CSTRING(Inject_Morphine);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Injecting_Morphine);
allowedSelections[] = {"hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"};
category = "medication";
treatmentTime = 2;
items[] = {"ACE_morphine"};
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentBasic_morphine));
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_morphine"}} };
class Epinephrine: Bandage {
displayName = CSTRING(Inject_Epinephrine);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Injecting_Epinephrine);
allowedSelections[] = {"hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"};
category = "medication";
requiredMedic = 1;
treatmentTime = 3;
items[] = {"ACE_epinephrine"};
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentBasic_epipen));
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_epinephrine"}} };
class BloodIV: Bandage {
displayName = CSTRING(Transfuse_Blood);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Transfusing_Blood);
allowedSelections[] = {"hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"};
category = "advanced";
requiredMedic = 1;
treatmentTime = 20;
items[] = {"ACE_bloodIV"};
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentBasic_bloodbag));
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
litter[] = {};
class BloodIV_500: BloodIV {
category = "advanced";
items[] = {"ACE_bloodIV_500"};
class BloodIV_250: BloodIV {
category = "advanced";
items[] = {"ACE_bloodIV_250"};
class BodyBag: Bandage {
displayName = CSTRING(PlaceInBodyBag);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(PlacingInBodyBag);
category = "advanced";
treatmentLocations[] = {"All"};
requiredMedic = 0;
treatmentTime = 4;
items[] = {"ACE_bodyBag"};
condition = "!alive (_this select 1);";
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(actionPlaceInBodyBag));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "";
animationPatient = "";
animationPatientUnconscious = "";
itemConsumed = 1;
litter[] = {};
class Diagnose: Bandage {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Diagnose);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Actions_Diagnosing);
category = "examine";
treatmentLocations[] = {"All"};
allowedSelections[] = {"head"};
requiredMedic = 0;
treatmentTime = 1;
items[] = {};
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(actionDiagnose));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "";
animationPatient = "";
animationCaller = ""; // TODO
itemConsumed = 0;
litter[] = {};
class Advanced {
class FieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_FieldDressing);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Bandaging);
category = "bandage";
// Which locations can this treatment action be used? Available: Field, MedicalFacility, MedicalVehicle, All.
treatmentLocations[] = {"All"};
allowedSelections[] = {"All"};
// What is the level of medical skill required for this treatment action? 0 = all soldiers, 1 = medic, 2 = doctor
requiredMedic = 0;
// The time it takes for a treatment action to complete. Time is in seconds.
treatmentTime = 8;
// Item required for the action. Leave empty for no item required.
items[] = {"ACE_fieldDressing"};
condition = "";
patientStateCondition = 0;
// Callbacks
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentAdvanced_bandage));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "";
itemConsumed = 1;
animationPatient = "";
animationPatientUnconscious = "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";
animationPatientUnconsciousExcludeOn[] = {"ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon"};
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medicOther";
animationCallerProne = "AinvPpneMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medicOther";
animationCallerSelf = "AinvPknlMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medic";
animationCallerSelfProne = "AinvPpneMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medic";
litter[] = { {"All", "_previousDamage > 0", {{"ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage2", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage3"}}}, {"All", "_previousDamage <= 0", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_clean"}} };
class PackingBandage: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_PackingBandage);
items[] = {"ACE_packingBandage"};
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_packingBandage"}}};
class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_ElasticBandage);
items[] = {"ACE_elasticBandage"};
class QuikClot: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_QuikClot);
items[] = {"ACE_quikclot"};
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_QuickClot"}}};
class Tourniquet: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Apply_Tourniquet);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Applying_Tourniquet);
allowedSelections[] = {"hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r", "body"};
items[] = {"ACE_tourniquet"};
treatmentTime = 4;
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentTourniquet));
condition = QUOTE(!([ARR_2(_this select 1, _this select 2)] call FUNC(hasTourniquetAppliedTo)));
litter[] = {};
class Morphine: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Inject_Morphine);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Injecting_Morphine);
allowedSelections[] = {"hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"};
category = "medication";
items[] = {"ACE_morphine"};
treatmentTime = 3;
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentAdvanced_medication));
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_morphine"}} };
class Atropine: Morphine {
displayName = CSTRING(Inject_Atropine);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Injecting_Atropine);
items[] = {"ACE_atropine"};
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_atropine"}} };
class Epinephrine: Morphine {
displayName = CSTRING(Inject_Epinephrine);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Injecting_Epinephrine);
items[] = {"ACE_epinephrine"};
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_epinephrine"}} };
class BloodIV: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Blood4_1000);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Transfusing_Blood);
allowedSelections[] = {"hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"};
category = "advanced";
items[] = {"ACE_bloodIV"};
requiredMedic = 1;
treatmentTime = 7;
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentIV));
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
litter[] = {};
class BloodIV_500: BloodIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Blood4_500);
items[] = {"ACE_bloodIV_500"};
class BloodIV_250: BloodIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Blood4_250);
items[] = {"ACE_bloodIV_250"};
class PlasmaIV: BloodIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Plasma4_1000);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Transfusing_Plasma);
items[] = {"ACE_plasmaIV"};
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
class PlasmaIV_500: PlasmaIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Plasma4_500);
items[] = {"ACE_plasmaIV_500"};
class PlasmaIV_250: PlasmaIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Plasma4_250);
items[] = {"ACE_plasmaIV_250"};
class SalineIV: BloodIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Saline4_1000);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Transfusing_Saline);
items[] = {"ACE_salineIV"};
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
class SalineIV_500: SalineIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Saline4_500);
items[] = {"ACE_salineIV_500"};
class SalineIV_250: SalineIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_Saline4_250);
items[] = {"ACE_salineIV_250"};
class SurgicalKit: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Use_SurgicalKit);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Stitching);
category = "advanced";
items[] = {"ACE_surgicalKit"};
treatmentLocations[] = {QGVAR(useLocation_SurgicalKit)};
requiredMedic = QGVAR(medicSetting_SurgicalKit);
patientStateCondition = QGVAR(useCondition_SurgicalKit);
treatmentTime = "(count ((_this select 1) getVariable ['ACE_Medical_bandagedWounds', []]) * 5)";
callbackSuccess = "";
callbackProgress = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentAdvanced_surgicalKit_onProgress));
itemConsumed = QGVAR(consumeItem_SurgicalKit);
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1";
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_gloves"} }};
class PersonalAidKit: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Use_Aid_Kit);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(TreatmentAction);
category = "advanced";
items[] = {"ACE_personalAidKit"};
treatmentLocations[] = {QGVAR(useLocation_PAK)};
requiredMedic = QGVAR(medicSetting_PAK);
patientStateCondition = QGVAR(useCondition_PAK);
treatmentTime = QUOTE((_this select 1) call FUNC(treatmentAdvanced_fullHealTreatmentTime));
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal));
itemConsumed = QGVAR(consumeItem_PAK);
animationPatient = "";
animationPatientUnconscious = "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWnonDnon_medicOther";
animationCallerProne = "AinvPpneMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medicOther";
animationCallerSelf = "";
animationCallerSelfProne = "";
litter[] = { {"All", "", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_gloves"}},
{"All", "_previousDamage > 0", {{"ACE_MedicalLitterBase", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage1", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage2", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage3"}} },
{"All", "_previousDamage > 0", {{"ACE_MedicalLitterBase", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage1", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage2", "ACE_MedicalLitter_bandage3"}}},
{"All", "_previousDamage <= 0", {"ACE_MedicalLitter_clean"}}
class CheckPulse: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_CheckPulse);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Check_Pulse_Content);
category = "examine";
treatmentLocations[] = {"All"};
requiredMedic = 0;
treatmentTime = 2;
items[] = {};
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(actionCheckPulse));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "";
animationPatient = "";
animationCaller = ""; // TODO
animationCallerProne = "";
animationCallerSelfProne = "";
itemConsumed = 0;
litter[] = {};
class CheckBloodPressure: CheckPulse {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_CheckBloodPressure);
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(actionCheckBloodPressure));
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Content);
class CheckResponse: CheckPulse {
displayName = CSTRING(Check_Response);
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(actionCheckResponse));
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Check_Response_Content);
class RemoveTourniquet: Tourniquet {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_RemoveTourniquet);
items[] = {};
treatmentTime = 2.5;
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(actionRemoveTourniquet));
condition = QUOTE([ARR_2(_this select 1, _this select 2)] call FUNC(hasTourniquetAppliedTo));
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(RemovingTourniquet);
litter[] = {};
class CPR: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(Actions_CPR);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(Actions_PerformingCPR);
category = "advanced";
treatmentLocations[] = {"All"};
allowedSelections[] = {"body"};
requiredMedic = 0;
treatmentTime = 15;
items[] = {};
condition = "!([(_this select 1)] call ace_common_fnc_isAwake)";
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(treatmentAdvanced_CPR));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "!([((_this select 0) select 1)] call ace_common_fnc_isAwake)";
animationPatient = "";
animationPatientUnconscious = "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback";
animationCaller = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWnonDnon_medic";
animationCallerProne = "AinvPpneMstpSlayW[wpn]Dnon_medic";
animationCallerSelf = "";
animationCallerSelfProne = "";
itemConsumed = 0;
litter[] = {};
class BodyBag: fieldDressing {
displayName = CSTRING(PlaceInBodyBag);
displayNameProgress = CSTRING(PlacingInBodyBag);
category = "advanced";
treatmentLocations[] = {"All"};
requiredMedic = 0;
treatmentTime = 2;
items[] = {"ACE_bodyBag"};
condition = "!alive (_this select 1);";
callbackSuccess = QUOTE(DFUNC(actionPlaceInBodyBag));
callbackFailure = "";
callbackProgress = "";
animationPatient = "";
animationPatientUnconscious = "";
itemConsumed = 1;
litter[] = {};
class ACE_Medical_Advanced {
// Defines all the possible injury types for advanced medical
class Injuries {
// All the possible wounds
class wounds {
// Source: Scarle
// Also called scrapes, they occur when the skin is rubbed away by friction against another rough surface (e.g. rope burns and skinned knees).
class Abrasion {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Abrasion);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.0001;
pain = 0.01;
causes[] = {"falling", "ropeburn", "vehiclecrash", "unknown"};
minDamage = 0.01;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Abrasion_Minor);
minDamage = 0.01;
maxDamage = 0.2;
bleedingRate = 0.0001;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Abrasion_Medium);
minDamage = 0.2;
maxDamage = 0.3;
bleedingRate = 0.00015;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Abrasion_Large);
minDamage = 0.3;
maxDamage = 0.5;
bleedingRate = 0.0002;
// Occur when an entire structure or part of it is forcibly pulled away, such as the loss of a permanent tooth or an ear lobe. Explosions, gunshots, and animal bites may cause avulsions.
class Avulsions {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Avulsion);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.01;
pain = 0.3;
causes[] = {"explosive", "vehiclecrash", "grenade", "shell", "bullet", "backblast", "bite"};
minDamage = 0.2;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Avulsion_Minor);
minDamage = 0.2;
maxDamage = 0.3;
bleedingRate = 0.01;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Avulsion_Medium);
minDamage = 0.3;
maxDamage = 0.6;
bleedingRate = 0.02;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Avulsion_Large);
minDamage = 0.5;
bleedingRate = 0.05;
// Also called bruises, these are the result of a forceful trauma that injures an internal structure without breaking the skin. Blows to the chest, abdomen, or head with a blunt instrument (e.g. a football or a fist) can cause contusions.
class Contusion {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Contusion);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.0;
pain = 0.05;
causes[] = {"bullet", "backblast", "punch", "vehiclecrash", "falling"};
minDamage = 0.01;
maxDamage = 0.1;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Contusion_Minor);
minDamage = 0.01;
maxDamage = 0.1;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Contusion_Medium);
minDamage = 0.1;
maxDamage = 0.15;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Contusion_Large);
minDamage = 0.15;
maxDamage = 0.2;
// Occur when a heavy object falls onto a person, splitting the skin and shattering or tearing underlying structures.
class CrushWound {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Crush);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.01;
pain = 0.1;
causes[] = {"falling", "vehiclecrash", "punch", "unknown"};
minDamage = 0.1;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Crush_Minor);
minDamage = 0.1;
maxDamage = 0.45;
bleedingRate = 0.005;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Crush_Medium);
minDamage = 0.4;
maxDamage = 0.7;
bleedingRate = 0.007;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Crush_Large);
minDamage = 0.6;
bleedingRate = 0.0095;
// Slicing wounds made with a sharp instrument, leaving even edges. They may be as minimal as a paper cut or as significant as a surgical incision.
class Cut {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Cut);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.01;
pain = 0.075;
causes[] = {"vehiclecrash", "grenade", "explosive", "shell", "backblast", "stab", "unknown"};
minDamage = 0.1;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Cut_Minor);
minDamage = 0.1;
maxDamage = 0.3;
bleedingRate = 0.005;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Cut_Medium);
minDamage = 0.3;
maxDamage = 0.65;
bleedingRate = 0.02;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Cut_Large);
minDamage = 0.65;
bleedingRate = 0.05;
// Also called tears, these are separating wounds that produce ragged edges. They are produced by a tremendous force against the body, either from an internal source as in childbirth, or from an external source like a punch.
class Laceration {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Laceration);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.01;
pain = 0.075;
causes[] = {"vehiclecrash", "punch"};
minDamage = 0.01;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Laceration_Minor);
minDamage = 0.1;
maxDamage = 0.5;
bleedingRate = 0.005;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Laceration_Medium);
minDamage = 0.5;
maxDamage = 0.7;
bleedingRate = 0.01;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Laceration_Large);
minDamage = 0.7;
bleedingRate = 0.03;
// Also called velocity wounds, they are caused by an object entering the body at a high speed, typically a bullet or small peices of shrapnel.
class velocityWound {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_VelocityWound);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.01;
pain = 0.2;
causes[] = {"bullet", "grenade","explosive", "shell", "unknown"};
minDamage = 0.15;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_VelocityWound_Minor);
minDamage = 0.15;
maxDamage = 0.3;
bleedingRate = 0.025;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_VelocityWound_Medium);
minDamage = 0.3;
bleedingRate = 0.05;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_VelocityWound_Large);
minDamage = 0.75;
bleedingRate = 0.1;
// Deep, narrow wounds produced by sharp objects such as nails, knives, and broken glass.
class punctureWound {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_PunctureWound);
selections[] = {"All"};
bleedingRate = 0.01;
pain = 0.075;
causes[] = {"stab", "grenade"};
minDamage = 0.01;
class Minor {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_PunctureWound_Minor);
minDamage = 0.01;
maxDamage = 0.5;
bleedingRate = 0.01;
class Medium {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_PunctureWound_Medium);
minDamage = 0.5;
maxDamage = 0.75;
bleedingRate = 0.03;
class Large {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_PunctureWound_Large);
minDamage = 0.65;
bleedingRate = 0.08;
class fractures {
class Femur {
name = CSTRING(Wounds_Femur);
selections[] = {"Head", "Torso"};
pain = 0.2;
causes[] = {"Bullet", "VehicleCrash", "Backblast", "Explosive", "Shell", "Grenade"};
minDamage = 0.5;
class damageTypes {
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 1;
lethalDamage = 0.01;
class bullet {
// above damage, amount. Put the highest threshold to the left and lower the threshold with the elements to the right of it.
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 1;
class grenade {
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 3}, {0, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 0;
class explosive {
thresholds[] = {{1, 6}, {0.1, 4}, {0, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 0;
class shell {
thresholds[] = {{1, 7}, {0.1, 5}, {0, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 0;
class vehiclecrash {
thresholds[] = {{0.25, 5}};
selectionSpecific = 0;
class backblast {
thresholds[] = {{0, 2},{0.55, 5}, {1, 6}};
selectionSpecific = 0;
lethalDamage = 1;
class stab {
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 1;
class punch {
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 1;
class falling {
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 1;
class ropeburn {
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 1}};
selectionSpecific = 1;
class unknown {
thresholds[] = {{0.1, 1}};
class Treatment {
class Bandaging {
class FieldDressing {
// How effect is the bandage for treating one wounds type injury
effectiveness = 1;
// What is the chance and delays (in seconds) of the treated default injury reopening
reopeningChance = 0.1;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
class Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class Avulsions: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.3;
reopeningChance = 0.5;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
class Contusion: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class CrushWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.6;
reopeningChance = 0.2;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
class Cut: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.4;
reopeningChance = 0.5;
reopeningMinDelay = 220;
reopeningMaxDelay = 260;
class Laceration: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.7;
reopeningChance = 0.3;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 260;
class velocityWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.3;
reopeningChance = 0.8;
reopeningMinDelay = 20;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class punctureWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.5;
reopeningChance = 0.8;
reopeningMinDelay = 20;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class PackingBandage: fieldDressing {
class Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class Avulsions: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0.3;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
class Contusion: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class CrushWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.6;
reopeningChance = 0.2;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
class Cut: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.2;
reopeningChance = 0.6;
reopeningMinDelay = 30;
reopeningMaxDelay = 260;
class Laceration: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.3;
reopeningChance = 0.3;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 260;
class velocityWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0.5;
reopeningMinDelay = 20;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class punctureWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.3;
reopeningChance = 0.5;
reopeningMinDelay = 20;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class ElasticBandage: fieldDressing {
class Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class Avulsions: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.3;
reopeningChance = 0.4;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
class Contusion: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class CrushWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class Cut: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0.2;
reopeningMinDelay = 10;
reopeningMaxDelay = 400;
class Laceration: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 1;
reopeningChance = 0.3;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 260;
class velocityWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.5;
reopeningChance = 0.5;
reopeningMinDelay = 20;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class punctureWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.85;
reopeningChance = 0.5;
reopeningMinDelay = 20;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class QuikClot: fieldDressing {
class Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.7;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class Avulsions: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.2;
reopeningChance = 0.1;
reopeningMinDelay = 300;
reopeningMaxDelay = 350;
class Contusion: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.7;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class CrushWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.7;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class Cut: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.7;
reopeningChance = 0.2;
reopeningMinDelay = 100;
reopeningMaxDelay = 400;
class Laceration: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.7;
reopeningChance = 0;
reopeningMinDelay = 0;
reopeningMaxDelay = 0;
class velocityWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.7;
reopeningChance = 0.1;
reopeningMinDelay = 200;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class punctureWound: Abrasion {
effectiveness = 0.5;
reopeningChance = 0.1;
reopeningMinDelay = 200;
reopeningMaxDelay = 300;
class Medication {
// How much does the pain get reduced?
painReduce = 0;
// How much will the heart rate be increased when the HR is low (below 55)? {minIncrease, maxIncrease, seconds}
hrIncreaseLow[] = {0, 0, 0};
hrIncreaseNormal[] = {0, 0, 0};
hrIncreaseHigh[] = {0, 0, 0};
// Callback once the heart rate values have been added.
hrCallback = "";
// How long until this medication has disappeared
timeInSystem = 120;
// How many of this type of medication can be in the system before the patient overdoses?
maxDose = 4;
// Function to execute upon overdose. Arguments passed to call back are 0: unit <OBJECT>, 1: medicationClassName <STRING>
onOverDose = "";
// The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. For liquids, it corresponds to the informal concept of "thickness". This value will increase/decrease the viscoty of the blood with the percentage given. Where 100 = max. Using the minus will decrease viscosity
viscosityChange = 0;
// specific details for the ACE_Morphine treatment action
class Morphine {
painReduce = 15;
hrIncreaseLow[] = {-10, -20, 35};
hrIncreaseNormal[] = {-10, -30, 35};
hrIncreaseHigh[] = {-10, -35, 50};
timeInSystem = 900;
maxDose = 4;
inCompatableMedication[] = {};
viscosityChange = 10;
class Epinephrine {
painReduce = 0;
hrIncreaseLow[] = {10, 20, 30};
hrIncreaseNormal[] = {10, 50, 20};
hrIncreaseHigh[] = {10, 40, 10};
timeInSystem = 120;
maxDose = 10;
inCompatableMedication[] = {};
class Atropine {
painReduce = 0;
hrIncreaseLow[] = {-5, -7, 15};
hrIncreaseNormal[] = {-10, -30, 20};
hrIncreaseHigh[] = {-10, -20, 10};
timeInSystem = 120;
maxDose = 6;
inCompatableMedication[] = {};
class PainKillers {
painReduce = 0.7;
timeInSystem = 120;
maxDose = 10;
inCompatableMedication[] = {};
viscosityChange = 5;
class IV {
// volume is in millileters
volume = 1000;
ratio[] = {};
type = "Blood";
class BloodIV {
volume = 1000;
ratio[] = {"Plasma", 1};
class BloodIV_500: BloodIV {
volume = 500;
class BloodIV_250: BloodIV {
volume = 250;
class PlasmaIV: BloodIV {
volume = 1000;
ratio[] = {"Blood", 1};
type = "Plasma";
class PlasmaIV_500: PlasmaIV {
volume = 500;
class PlasmaIV_250: PlasmaIV {
volume = 250;
class SalineIV: BloodIV {
volume = 1000;
type = "Saline";
ratio[] = {};
class SalineIV_500: SalineIV {
volume = 500;
class SalineIV_250: SalineIV {
volume = 250;