Dystopian 559a498e6d Add fast mouse actions to refuel, add refuel eden attributes (#5418)
* Add fast mouse actions to refuel

* nobody seen that

* Add interaction condition and refuel on ladder

* Add car hit, fix change weapon on uncon

* Replace objNull with nil in setVar, unify var names

* Delete *ConnectNozzle functions

* Delete reset* functions

* Add public function and eden attributes

* Remove static actions from RHS compat

* Remove statusEffect_set on respawn

* Fix dual menu, add deprecating message

* Optimize fnc_takeNozzle

* Cleanup
2017-09-10 14:43:03 -05:00

64 lines
1.8 KiB

* Author: Dystopian
* Makes an object into a refuel source.
* Run on server only.
* Arguments:
* 0: Fuel Source <OBJECT>
* 1: Fuel amount (in liters) <NUMBER> (default: 0)
* 2: Hooks positions <ARRAY> (default: [[0,0,0]])
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [cursorObject, 100] call ace_refuel_fnc_makeSource
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
// Only run this after the settings are initialized
if !(EGVAR(common,settingsInitFinished)) exitWith {
EGVAR(common,runAtSettingsInitialized) pushBack [FUNC(makeSource), _this];
params [
["_source", objNull, [objNull]],
["_fuelCargo", 0, [0]],
["_hooks", nil, [[]]]
private _fuelCargoConfig = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _source >> QGVAR(fuelCargo));
if (
isNull _source
|| {_fuelCargo < 0 && {!(_fuelCargo in [REFUEL_INFINITE_FUEL, REFUEL_DISABLED_FUEL])}}
|| {_fuelCargo != 0 && {_fuelCargo == _fuelCargoConfig}}
) exitWith {};
[_source, _fuelCargo] call FUNC(setFuel);
if (_fuelCargo == REFUEL_DISABLED_FUEL) exitWith {};
if (
!isNil "_hooks"
&& {_hooks isEqualTypeAll []}
&& {0 == {!(_x isEqualTypeParams [0,0,0]) || {3 < count _x}} count _hooks}
) then {
_source setVariable [QGVAR(hooks), _hooks, true];
// check if menu already exists
if (_fuelCargoConfig != 0 || {!isNil {_source getVariable QGVAR(initSource_jipID)}}) exitWith {};
private _jipID = [QGVAR(initSource), [_source]] call CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP;
_source setVariable [QGVAR(initSource_jipID), _jipID];
_source addEventHandler ["Deleted", {
// delete event from JIP stack to prevent deleted vehicle init
cba_events_eventNamespaceJIP setVariable [(_this select 0) getVariable QGVAR(initSource_jipID), nil, true];