mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Optimizations with private, params, and isEqualType * Fixed tab being used instead of space * Fixed tabs inserted by notepad++ * More usage of new private syntax and params - changed a few checks for an array being empty to `_arr isEqualTo []` rather than `count _arr == 0` - added more uses of `private` on the same line as the variable is declared - added more uses of params to assign variables passed as parameters - removed unnecessary parentheses - removed several unnecessary variable declarations with private array syntax * clean up and formatting
91 lines
3.4 KiB
91 lines
3.4 KiB
* Author: jaynus
* Turns on laser self designation from this vehicle based on the turret.
* There are no arguments, because it is all strictly based on the users vehicle.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
TRACE_1("enter", _this);
FUNC(laserHudDesignatePFH) = {
private ["_strongestResultPos", "_args", "_localLaserTarget", "_laserResultPosition", "_laserResult", "_shooter", "_vehicle", "_weapon", "_gunnerInfo", "_turretInfo", "_pov", "_gunBeg", "_gunEnd", "_povPos", "_povDir", "_result", "_resultPositions", "_firstResult", "_forceUpdateTime"];
params ["_args"];
_args params ["_shooter", "_localLaserTarget"];
_vehicle = vehicle _shooter;
TRACE_1("", _args);
if((vehicle _shooter) == _shooter || {!alive _shooter} || {isNull _vehicle} || {!GVAR(active)} ) exitWith {
_args call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOff);
if(!([_shooter] call FUNC(unitTurretHasDesignator)) ) exitWith {
_args call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOff);
if( (count _args) < 4) then {
_args set[3, diag_tickTime + FCS_UPDATE_DELAY];
_forceUpdateTime = _args select 3;
// @TODO: We don't have anything here we need to do the calculations for right now
_gunnerInfo = [_vehicle, (currentWeapon _vehicle)] call CBA_fnc_getFirer;
_turretInfo = [_vehicle, _gunnerInfo select 1] call EFUNC(common,getTurretDirection);
_povPos = _turretInfo select 0;
_laserCode = (vehicle ACE_player) getVariable["ace_laser_code", ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_CODE];
_waveLength = (vehicle ACE_player) getVariable["ace_laser_waveLength", ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_WAVELENGTH];
_laserResult = [_povPos, [_waveLength,_waveLength], _laserCode] call EFUNC(laser,seekerFindLaserSpot);
_laserResultPosition = _laserResult select 0;
TRACE_1("Search", _laserResult);
if((count _laserResult) > 0) then {
// @TODO: Nou gets to field all tickets about missing lasers.
//_localLaserTarget setPosASL _laserResultPosition;
if(diag_tickTime > _forceUpdateTime) then {
["ace_fcs_forceUpdate", []] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent;
_args set[3, diag_tickTime + FCS_UPDATE_DELAY];
_this set[0, _args];
private ["_laserTarget", "_handle", "_vehicle", "_laserUuid", "_waveLength", "_beamSpread", "_laserCode"];
if(!GVAR(active)) then {
GVAR(active) = true;
TRACE_1("Activating laser", "");
// Get the self-designation variables, or use defaults
_laserCode = (vehicle ACE_player) getVariable["ace_laser_code", ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_CODE];
_waveLength = (vehicle ACE_player) getVariable["ace_laser_waveLength", ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_WAVELENGTH];
_beamSpread = (vehicle ACE_player) getVariable["ace_laser_beamSpread", ACE_DEFAULT_LASER_BEAMSPREAD];
_laserUuid = [(vehicle ACE_player), ACE_player, QFUNC(findLaserSource), _waveLength, _laserCode, _beamSpread] call EFUNC(laser,laserOn);
// @TODO: Create the local target for the players side
// @TODO: Nou gets to field all tickets about missing lasers.
//_localLaserTarget = "LaserTargetW" createVehicleLocal (getpos ACE_player);
GVAR(selfDesignateHandle) = [FUNC(laserHudDesignatePFH), 0.1, [ACE_player, _laserUuid, nil]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
} else {
[] call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOff);
[] call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOn);