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BaerMitUmlaut 0a05401e74 Fix cookoff locality issues ()
* Fix locality issue with box cookoff

* Add grenade fired EHs on hcs and dedis
2017-01-02 17:55:44 -06:00

29 lines
1.1 KiB

// by commy2
#include "script_component.hpp"
["ace_flashbangExploded", {_this call FUNC(flashbangExplosionEH)}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
// Register fired event handlers
["ace_firedPlayer", DFUNC(throwGrenade)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["ace_firedPlayerNonLocal", DFUNC(throwGrenade)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["ace_firedNonPlayer", DFUNC(throwGrenade)] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(flashbangPPEffectCC) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 4265];
GVAR(flashbangPPEffectCC) ppEffectForceInNVG true;
// Add keybinds
["ACE3 Weapons", QGVAR(switchGrenadeMode), localize LSTRING(SwitchGrenadeMode), {
// Conditions: canInteract
if !([ACE_player, objNull, ["isNotEscorting"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false};
// Conditions: specific
if (!([ACE_player] call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon)) exitWith {false};
// Don't change mode or show hint if advanced throwing is active
if (ACE_player getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_throwing,inHand), false]) exitWith {false};
// Statement
[] call FUNC(nextMode);
}, {false}, [9, [false, false, false]], false] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; //8 Key