
95 lines
3.4 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
#define __CTRL_PREP (uiNamespace getVariable "ace_arty_ammoprep_Display") displayCtrl 31337
#define __roundData configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _roundClass
_this spawn {
private ["_shell", "_shells", "_finalPos", "_distGood", "_dis"];
GVAR(fuzeTime) = _fuzeTime;
_magazineFormat = getText(__roundData >> "ACE_ARTY_MAGAZINE_FORMAT");
_magazineClass = format[_magazineFormat, GVAR(currentFuze), _charge];
_vehicleClass = getText(__roundData >> "ACE_ARTY_SHELL_VEHICLE");
[1,[localize "STR_ACE_ARTY_PREP_PROGRESS"],true,true] spawn ace_progressbar;
if !(GVAR(currentAmmoCrate) isKindOf "ACE_Arty_ShellHolder") then {
// TODO: Player animation
[GVAR(currentAmmoCrate), _roundClass, 1] call ACE_fnc_removemagazinecargo; // Fancy remove magazines from box, yay
sleep 0.2;
_cargoArray = getMagazineCargo GVAR(currentAmmoCrate);
_selIndex = 0;
_mag = _x;
_isRound = [_mag, "ace_arty_howitzer_default", "CfgMagazines"] call FUNC(isKindOf);
TRACE_2("", _mag,_isRound);
if (_isRound) then {
_count = (_cargoArray select 1) select _forEachIndex;
_displayName = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "displayName");
_index = lbAdd [ROUNDS_LISTBOX_ID, format["%1 -- %2", _count, _displayName]];
lbSetData [ROUNDS_LISTBOX_ID, _index, _mag];
if (_roundClass == _mag) then {
_selIndex = _index;
} forEach (_cargoArray select 0);
lbSetCurSel [ROUNDS_LISTBOX_ID, _selIndex];
// this spawns the rounds directly ontop of eaachother. handle collision?
_shells = (player modelToWorld [0,-1,0]) nearObjects ["ACE_Arty_ShellHolder",5];
_finalPos = player modelToWorld [0,-1,0];
_distGood = false;
_dis = 0.1;
while { !_distGood } do {
_distGood = true;
TRACE_1("dist", (_finalPos distance _x));
if (_finalPos distance _x < 0.5) exitWith {
_distGood = false;
} forEach _shells;
_finalPos = [_finalPos select 0, (_finalPos select 1) + (_dis * GVAR(shellSpawnDir)), _finalPos select 2];
GVAR(shellSpawnDir) = GVAR(shellSpawnDir) * -1;
_shell = _vehicleClass createVehicle _finalPos;
_shell setPos _finalPos;
_shell setVariable [QGVAR(belongsToBox),GVAR(currentAmmoCrate),true];
(group _x) reveal _shell;
} forEach playableUnits;
(group player) reveal _shell; // reveal it after its positioned correctly.
__CTRL_PREP ctrlShow true; __CTRL_PREP ctrlCommit 0;
} else {
sleep 1;
__CTRL_PREP ctrlShow true; __CTRL_PREP ctrlCommit 0;
closeDialog 0;
_shell = GVAR(currentAmmoCrate);
_shell setVariable ["ACE_ARTY_PREP",[_magazineClass,[_fuzeTime],abs(random 10000),_charge,GVAR(currentFuze)], true];
_confirm_data = _shell getVariable "ACE_ARTY_PREP";
// Check if there is ammo left that fits the scheme
_cargoArray = getMagazineCargo GVAR(currentAmmoCrate);
_isRound = false;
_isRound = [_x, "ace_arty_howitzer_default", "CfgMagazines"] call FUNC(isKindOf);
if (_isRound) exitWith {};
} foreach (_cargoArray select 0);
if (!_isRound) then {
__CTRL_PREP ctrlShow false; __CTRL_PREP ctrlCommit 0;
_shell call FUNC(AddModelIncrements); // Animate Mortarshell if increments added