2015-04-05 17:37:11 -05:00

79 lines
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Name: simulateShot
Author: Pabst Mirror
Simulates the path of a fired shell.
0: NUMBER - Shot Angle (degrees)
1: NUMBER - Muzzle Velocity (m/s)
2: NUMBER - Air Friction
3: NUMBER - Tempeture (degres celcius)
4: NUMBER - Relative Air Denisty
5: NUMBER - Tail Wind (m/s)
6: NUMBER - Cross Wind (m/s)
7: NUMBER - Height Of Target (M)
8: NUMBER - Time Step (fraction of a second)
NUMBER - Distance Traveld
NUMBER - Shot Time
NUMBER - Offset (degrees)
[45, 180, -0.0001, 15, 1, 10, 0, 0, 1/50] call simulateShot;
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_angleDeg", "_muzzleVelocity", "_airFriction", "_temp", "_relDensity", "_tailWind", "_crosswind", "_heightOfTarget", "_wind", "_gravity", "_timeStep", "_currentPos", "_currentVelocity", "_currentTime", "_lastPos", "_kCoefficent", "_aparentWind", "_changeInVelocity", "_linConversion", "_middlePos", "_middlePosOld", "_middleTotalTravelTime", "_offsetDeg"];
_angleDeg = _this select 0;
_muzzleVelocity = _this select 1;
_airFriction = _this select 2;
_temp = _this select 3;
_relDensity = _this select 4;
_tailWind = _this select 5;
_crosswind = _this select 6;
_heightOfTarget = _this select 7;
_timeStep = _this select 8;
_wind = [_crosswind, _tailWind, 0];
_gravity = [0,0,-9.8];
_currentPos = [0,0,0];
_muzzleVelocity = _muzzleVelocity * (((_temp + 273.13) / 288.13 - 1) / 40 + 1);
_currentVelocity = [0, (_muzzleVelocity * cos _angleDeg), (_muzzleVelocity * sin _angleDeg)];
_currentTime = 0;
_lastPos = _currentPos;
_kCoefficent = -1 * _relDensity * _airFriction; //save time in the loop and compute once
while {((_currentVelocity select 2) > 0) || ((_currentPos select 2) >= _heightOfTarget)} do {
_lastPos = _currentPos;
_aparentWind = _wind vectorDiff _currentVelocity;
_changeInVelocity = _gravity vectorAdd (_aparentWind vectorMultiply ((vectorMagnitude _aparentWind) * _kCoefficent));
_currentVelocity = _currentVelocity vectorAdd (_changeInVelocity vectorMultiply _timeStep);
_currentPos = _currentPos vectorAdd (_currentVelocity vectorMultiply _timeStep);
_currentTime = _currentTime + _timeStep;
//Uses linearConversion to get a weighted average betwen points before and after dropping below target height
_linConversion = linearConversion [(_lastPos select 2), (_currentPos select 2), _heightOfTarget, 0, 1, true];
_middlePos = (_lastPos vectorMultiply (1 - _linConversion)) vectorAdd (_currentPos vectorMultiply (_linConversion));
// _middlePosOld = (_lastPos vectorAdd _currentPos) vectorMultiply 0.5;
//Same to find travel time
_middleTotalTravelTime = _currentTime - (_timeStep * (1-_linConversion));
//Find shot offset (from crosswind), in degrees
_offsetDeg = (_middlePos select 0) aTan2 (_middlePos select 1);
[(_middlePos select 1), _middleTotalTravelTime, _offsetDeg]