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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Sends all status effects for an object (can be run on non-local objects)
* Arguments:
* 0: Object <OBJECT>
* 1: Effect name (or "" to send all) <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, ""] call ace_common_fnc_statusEffect_sendEffects
* Public: No
params [["_object", objNull, [objNull]], ["_effectName", "", [""]]];
if (isNull _object) exitWith {};
if ((_effectName == "") || {_effectName == _x}) then {
private _effectVarName = format [QGVAR(effect_%1), _x];
private _effectNumber = _object getVariable [_effectVarName, -1];
//We only do anything if the effect has been defined at some point in the game for this unit
TRACE_2("checking if event is nil",_x,_effectNumber);
if (_effectNumber != -1) then {
private _eventName = format [QGVAR(%1), _x];
switch (true) do {
case (GVAR(statusEffect_sendJIP) select _forEachIndex): {
TRACE_2("Sending Global JIP Event", _object, _effectNumber);
private _jipID = format [QGVAR(effect_%1_%2), _eventName, hashValue _object];
[_eventName, [_object, _effectNumber], _jipID] call CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP;
[_jipID, _object] call CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP;
case (GVAR(statusEffect_isGlobal) select _forEachIndex): {
TRACE_2("Sending Global Event", _object, _effectNumber);
[_eventName, [_object, _effectNumber]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;
default {
TRACE_2("Sending Target Event", _object, _effectNumber);
[_eventName, [_object, _effectNumber], _object] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
} forEach GVAR(statusEffect_Names);