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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * Update French Explosives Translation Update * Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation * Update hearing french translation * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Frag Module - Gestures Module - Goggles Module - Grenades Module - Gunbag Module - Hearing Module - Hellfire Module - Hitreactions Module - Hot Module - Interact_Menu Module - Interaction Module - Inventory Module - Laser Module - Laserpointer Module - Magazinerepack Module - Map Module - Map_gesture Module - Maptools Module - Markers Module - Maverick Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Interaction Module - Medical Module - Medical_damage Module - Medical_feedback Module - Medical_gui Module - Medical_statemachine Module - Medical_treatment Module - Microdagr Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Missileguidance Module - Missionmodules Module - Nametags Module - Nightvision Module - Nlaw Module - Noradio Module - Optionsmenu Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Overheating Module - Overpressure Module - Parachute Module - Pylons Module - Quickmount Module - Rangecard Module - Realisticnames Module - Rearm Module - Refuel Module - Reload Module * Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module * Correction typo mineure * Adding French translation and / or correction for : - Respawn Module - Safemode Module - Sandbag Module - Scopes Module * Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal * Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module * Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden. Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission. En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin. Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;). De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée. Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Slideshow Module, - Spectator Module, - Spottingscope Module, - Swichunits Module, Minor correction on Nametags Module * Correction ponctuation * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Tacticalladder Module, - Tagging Module, - Trenches Module, - Tripod Module. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - UI Module, - Vehiclelock Module, - Vehicles Module. Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Fastroping">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Module_FRIES_DisplayName">
<English>Equip FRIES</English>
<German>Rüste FRIES aus</German>
<Polish>Wyposaż FRIES</Polish>
<French>Équiper le FRIES</French>
<Spanish>Equipar FRIES</Spanish>
<Italian>Equipaggia il FRIES</Italian>
<Czech>Vybavit FRIES</Czech>
<Portuguese>Equipar FRIES</Portuguese>
<Russian>Десантирование по канатам</Russian>
<Japanese>FRIES を装備</Japanese>
<Korean>FRIES 장착</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Module_FRIES_Description">
<English>Equips compatible helicopters with a Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System.</English>
<German>Rüstet kompatible Helikopter mit einem Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System aus.</German>
<Polish>Wyposaża kompatybilne helikoptery w zestaw Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System.</Polish>
<French>Équipe les hélicoptères compatibles avec un FRIES (Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System).</French>
<Spanish>Equipar helicoptero compatible con un Sistema de Inserción Extracción Fast Rope.</Spanish>
<Italian>Equipagga l'elicottero compatibile con il Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System</Italian>
<Czech>Vybavit kompatibilní vrtulníky systémem Fast Rope Insertion Extraction (FRIES).</Czech>
<Portuguese>Equipa um helicóptero compatível com o Fast Rope Insertion Exctraction System.</Portuguese>
<Russian>Снаряжает совместимые вертолеты оборудованием для спуска десанта по канатам.</Russian>
<Japanese>ヘリコプターで Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System を使えるようにします。</Japanese>
<Korean>패스트로프 투입 및 탈출 시스템을 호환되는 헬리콥터에 적용합니다.</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_prepareFRIES">
<English>Prepare fast roping system</English>
<German>Bereite "Fast Roping"-System vor</German>
<Polish>Przygotuj system zjazdu na linach</Polish>
<French>Préparer le système de descente rapide</French>
<Spanish>Preparar el sistema fast roping</Spanish>
<Italian>Prepara le corde</Italian>
<Czech>Připravit systém slaňování</Czech>
<Portuguese>Prepara sistema de descida rápida</Portuguese>
<Russian>Подготовить канаты</Russian>
<Japanese>ファスト ロープのシステムを準備</Japanese>
<Korean>패스트로프 준비</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_stowFRIES">
<English>Stow fast roping system</English>
<German>Verstaue "Fast Roping"-System</German>
<Italian>Arrotola le corde</Italian>
<Japanese>ファスト ロープのシステムを収容</Japanese>
<Korean>패스트 로프 시스템 보관</Korean>
<Polish>Schowaj system zjazdu na linach</Polish>
<Russian>Спрятать систему спуска</Russian>
<Portuguese>Recolher o sistema de descida rápida</Portuguese>
<French>Arrimer le système de descente rapide</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes">
<English>Deploy ropes</English>
<German>Seile auswerfen</German>
<Polish>Wypuść liny</Polish>
<French>Déployer les cordes</French>
<Spanish>Desplegar cuerdas</Spanish>
<Italian>Srotola le corde</Italian>
<Czech>Připravit lana</Czech>
<Portuguese>Jogar cordas</Portuguese>
<Russian>Зацепить канаты</Russian>
<Korean>줄 배치</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_fastRope">
<English>Fast rope</English>
<Polish>Zjedź na linie</Polish>
<French>Descente rapide</French>
<Spanish>Descender por la cuerda</Spanish>
<Italian>Scendi dalla corda</Italian>
<Portuguese>Descida rápida</Portuguese>
<Russian>Спуститься по канату</Russian>
<Japanese>ファスト ロープをする</Japanese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_cutRopes">
<English>Cut ropes</English>
<German>Seile abwerfen</German>
<Polish>Odetnij liny</Polish>
<French>Couper les cordes</French>
<Spanish>Cortar cuerdas</Spanish>
<Italian>Taglia le corde</Italian>
<Czech>Odříznout lano</Czech>
<Portuguese>Cortar cordas</Portuguese>
<Russian>Обрезать канаты</Russian>
<Korean>줄 자르기</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Eden_equipFRIES">
<English>Equip helicopter with FRIES</English>
<German>Rüste Helicopter mit FRIES aus</German>
<Polish>Wyposaż helikopter w FRIES</Polish>
<French>Équiper l'hélicoptère avec le FRIES</French>
<Spanish>Equipar helicoptero con FRIES</Spanish>
<Italian>Equipaggia l'elicottero con il FRIES</Italian>
<Czech>Vybavit vrtulník pomocí FRIES</Czech>
<Portuguese>Equipar helicóptero com FRIES</Portuguese>
<Russian>Снарядить вертолет канатами для спуска</Russian>
<Japanese>ヘリコプターへ FRIES を装備</Japanese>
<Korean>헬리콥터에 FRIES 장착</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Eden_equipFRIES_Tooltip">
<English>Equips the selected helicopter with a Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System</English>
<German>Rüstet den ausgewählten Helicopter mit einem Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System aus</German>
<Polish>Wyposaża wybrany helikopter w zestaw Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System</Polish>
<French>Equipe l'hélicoptère sélectionné avec un Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System</French>
<Spanish>Equipa el helicoptero seleccionado con un Sistema de Inserción Extracción Fast Rope</Spanish>
<Italian>Equipaggia l'elicottero selezionato con il Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System</Italian>
<Czech>Vybavit vybraný vrtulník systémem Fast Rope Insertion Extraction (FRIES)</Czech>
<Portuguese>Equipa um helicóptero selecionado com um sistema de Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System</Portuguese>
<Russian>Снаряжает выбранный вертолет оборудованием для спуска десанта по канатам</Russian>
<Japanese>選択されたヘリコプターで Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System を使えるようにします。</Japanese>
<Korean>선택된 헬리콥터에 패스트로프 투입 및 탈출 시스템을 장착합니다.</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Waypoint_Fastrope">
<English>LET UNITS FAST ROPE</English>
<Italian>SCENDI DALLE CORDE</Italian>
<Portuguese>Equipa o helicóptero selecionado com o Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System</Portuguese>
<Japanese>ユニットへファスト ロープをさせる</Japanese>
<Polish>ZJAZD NA LINACH</Polish>
<Korean>패스트 로프를 놓음</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes12">
<English>Deploy 12m ropes</English>
<German>12m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 12m</French>
<Japanese>12m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 12 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Выпустить 12 м канат</Russian>
<Portuguese>Jogar cordar (12m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes15">
<English>Deploy 15m ropes</English>
<German>15m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 15m</French>
<Japanese>15m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 15 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Выпустить 15 м канат</Russian>
<Portuguese>Jogar cordar (15m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes18">
<English>Deploy 18m ropes</English>
<German>18m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 18m</French>
<Japanese>18m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 18 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Выпустить 18 м канат</Russian>
<Portuguese>Jogar cordar (18m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes27">
<English>Deploy 27m ropes</English>
<German>27m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 27m</French>
<Japanese>27m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 27 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Выпустить 27 м канат</Russian>
<Portuguese>Jogar cordar (27m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Interaction_deployRopes36">
<English>Deploy 36m ropes</English>
<German>36m Seile einsetzen</German>
<French>Déployer les cordes 36m</French>
<Japanese>36m ロープを展開</Japanese>
<Polish>Wysuń linę o długości 36 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Выпустить 36 м канат</Russian>
<Portuguese>Jogar cordar (36m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Ropesupply">
<English>[ACE] Ropes Supply crate</English>
<German>[ACE] Seil Versorgungskiste</German>
<French>[ACE] Caisse de Cordes</French>
<Japanese>[ACE] ロープ収納箱</Japanese>
<Polish>Skrzynia z linami ACE</Polish>
<Russian>[ACE] Ящик с канатами</Russian>
<Portuguese>[ACE] Suprimento de cordas</Portuguese>
<Chinese>[ACE] 繩索補充箱</Chinese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_descriptionShort">
<English>Used to do deploy ropes from a compatibile helicopter</English>
<German>Wird zum Bereitstellen von Seilen aus einem kompatiblen Hubschrauber verwendet</German>
<French>Utilisé pour déployer des cordes depuis un hélicoptère compatible</French>
<Polish>Używane do opuszczania lin z kompatybilnych smigłowców</Polish>
<Russian>Используется для выпуска канатов с совместимого вертолета</Russian>
<Portuguese>Usado para fazer descida rápida de corda em helicópteros compatíveis com FRIES</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_12_Display">
<English>Rope 12.2 meters</English>
<German>12.2 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 12.2 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (12.2 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 12,2 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Канат 12.2 метров</Russian>
<Portuguese>Corda (12.2m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_15_Display">
<English>Rope 15.2 meters</English>
<German>15.2 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 15.2 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (15.2 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 15,2 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Канат 15.2 метров</Russian>
<Portuguese>Corda (15.2m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_18_Display">
<English>Rope 18.3 meters</English>
<German>18.3 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 18.3 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (18.3 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 18,3 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Канат 18.3 метров</Russian>
<Portuguese>Corda (18.3m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_27_Display">
<English>Rope 27.4 meters</English>
<German>27.4 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 27.4 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (27.4 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 27,4 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Канат 27.4 метров</Russian>
<Portuguese>Corda (27.4m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_Rope_36_Display">
<English>Rope 36.6 meters</English>
<German>36.6 Meter Seil</German>
<French>Corde 36.6 mètres</French>
<Japanese>ロープ (36.6 メートル)</Japanese>
<Polish>Lina, długość 36,6 m.</Polish>
<Russian>Канат 36.6 метров</Russian>
<Portuguese>Corda (36.6m)</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Fastroping_setting_requireRopeItems_displayName">
<English>Require rope item to deploy</English>
<German>Seil-Item zum aufbauen benötigt</German>
<French>Nécessite une corde pour le déploiement</French>
<Japanese>展開にはロープ アイテムを必須に</Japanese>
<Polish>Wymaga przedmiotu typu lina </Polish>
<Russian>Требуется канат</Russian>
<Portuguese>Requer uma corda para jogar</Portuguese>