2015-03-13 22:27:38 -03:00

148 lines
5.0 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_darkenMap","_darkenColor","_createLight","_gunlight","_nearObjects","_light"];
// @todo: Update the way to check for flashlights
_gunlight = isArray(configFile>> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon player >>"ace_gunlight_classes") || {"ACE_MugLite" in weapons player};
_fnc_blendColor = {
[(_c1 select 0) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 0) * _alpha,
(_c1 select 1) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 1) * _alpha,
(_c1 select 2) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 2) * _alpha,
(_c1 select 3) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 3) * _alpha]
_lightTint = switch (true) do {
case (sunOrMoon == 1.0) : { [1,1,1,1] };
case (sunOrMoon > 0.80) : {[[1.0 - overcast,0.2,0,1], [1,1,1,1], (sunOrMoon - 0.8)/0.2] call _fnc_blendColor};
case (sunOrMoon > 0.50) : {[[0,0,0.1,1], [1.0 - overcast,0.2,0,1], (sunOrMoon - 0.5)/0.3] call _fnc_blendColor};
case (sunOrMoon <= 0.5) : { [0,0,0.1,1] };
_lightLevel = 0.04 + (0.96 * call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness));
_fnc_calcColor = {
_l = abs(_lightLevel - 0.5) / 0.5;
if (_lightLevel < 0.5) then {
[(_c1 select 0) * _l * _l * _l,
(_c1 select 1) * _l * _l * _l,
(_c1 select 2) * _l * _l * _l,
(_c1 select 3) * (1 - _lightLevel)]
} else {
[(_c1 select 0) * (1 - _l) + _l,
(_c1 select 1) * (1 - _l) + _l,
(_c1 select 2) * (1 - _l) + _l,
(_c1 select 3) * (1 - _lightLevel)]
_darkenMap = true;
_createLight = false;
// check if player has NVG enabled
if (currentVisionMode ACE_player == 1) exitWith {
// stick to nvg color
_darkenMap = true;
_darkenColor = [154/255,253/255,177/255,0.5];
_createLight = false;
if (_lightLevel > 0.95) exitWith {
[false, [1,1,1,0], false]
// Check if player is not in a vehicle
if (vehicle ACE_player == ACE_player) then {
// Player is not in a vehicle
TRACE_1("NOT in vehicle","");
// darken map, unless following cases are fulfilled
// Priorities: Weapons flashlight, lamppost, fire, chemlight, flares
// Check if player is near a campfires, lights or vehicles with lights on - 15m
_nearObjects = [nearestObjects [ACE_player, ["All"], 15], {(inflamed _this) || (isLightOn _this)}] call EFUNC(common,filter);
if (count (_nearObjects) > 0) then {
_light = _nearObjects select 0;
_lightLevel = _lightLevel max (1 - (((((ACE_player distance _light) - 5)/10) max 0) min 1));
TRACE_1("player near campfire","");
// TODO: Illumination flares (timed)
// Using chemlights
_fnc_chemLight = {
if (count (_no) == 0) exitWith {};
_light = _no select 0;
_ll = (1 - ((((ACE_player distance _light) - 2)/2) max 0)) * 0.4;
if (_ll > _lightLevel) then {
_lightLevel = _ll;
_lightTint = +_lc;
hint format ["%1 %2",ACE_player distance _light,_ll];
TRACE_1("player near chemlight","");
_nearObjects = [ACE_player nearObjects ["Chemlight_red", 4], {alive _this}] call EFUNC(common,filter);
[_nearObjects, [1,0,0,1]] call _fnc_chemLight;
_nearObjects = [ACE_player nearObjects ["Chemlight_green", 4], {alive _this}] call EFUNC(common,filter);
[_nearObjects, [0,1,0,1]] call _fnc_chemLight;
_nearObjects = [ACE_player nearObjects ["Chemlight_blue", 4], {alive _this}] call EFUNC(common,filter);
[_nearObjects, [0,0,1,1]] call _fnc_chemLight;
_nearObjects = [ACE_player nearObjects ["Chemlight_yellow", 4], {alive _this}] call EFUNC(common,filter);
[_nearObjects, [1,1,0,1]] call _fnc_chemLight;
// Gun with light
if (_gunlight) then {
_darkenMap = false;
_createLight = true;
TRACE_1("using gun light","");
} else {
// Player is in a vehicle
if ((vehicle ACE_player) isKindOf "Tank") exitWith {
_darkenMap = false;
_createLight = false;
// check if vehicle is not of following type: parachute
TRACE_1("in vehicle","");
// darken map if vehicle is kind of bicycle or motorbike or ATV or parachute or PBX boat
if (vehicle ACE_player isKindOf "Bicycle" || {vehicle ACE_player isKindOf "Motorcycle"}) then {
if (_gunlight) then {
_darkenMap = false;
_createLight = true;
TRACE_1("bright map - gun lights","");
} else {
_darkenColor = [0,0,0,(_alpha*1.1)];
TRACE_1("darken map - no lights","");
} else {
// do not darken map, but create a lightpoint at players eye pos to simulate dash light / flashlight usage to view map
// do nothing if in a tank or apc
_darkenMap = false;
_createLight = true;
TRACE_1("using vehicle light","");
_darkenColor = [_lightTint, _lightLevel] call _fnc_calcColor;