Dart 31217ae5d0
Fortify - Add onDeployStop event for cancelling before confirming ()
* onDeployStop event

* Updated wiki with new event

* Fixed params

* Revert "onDeployStop event"

This reverts commit c3dae82915.

* Uses deployCanceled

* Re-added fortify stop event

* Update fnc_deployObject.sqf


Co-authored-by: johnb432 <>
2024-03-25 09:08:06 -07:00

100 lines
4.0 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Kingsley
* Deploys the object to the player for them to move it around.
* Arguments:
* 0: Target <OBJECT>
* 1: Player <OBJECT>
* 2: Object params (side, classname, rotations) <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, player, [west, "Land_BagBunker_Small_F"]] call ace_fortify_fnc_deployObject
* Public: No
params ["", "_player", "_params"];
_params params [["_side", sideUnknown, [sideUnknown]], ["_classname", "", [""]], ["_rotations", [0,0,0]]];
private _budget = [_side] call FUNC(getBudget);
private _cost = [_side, _classname] call FUNC(getCost);
// Create a local only copy of the object
private _object = _classname createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];
_object disableCollisionWith _player;
GVAR(objectRotationX) = _rotations select 0;
GVAR(objectRotationY) = _rotations select 1;
GVAR(objectRotationZ) = _rotations select 2;
private _lmb = LLSTRING(confirm);
if (_budget > -1) then {_lmb = _lmb + format [" -$%1", _cost];};
private _rmb = localize ELSTRING(Common,Cancel);
private _wheel = LLSTRING(rotate);
private _xAxis = localize "str_disp_conf_xaxis";
private _icons = [["alt", localize "str_3den_display3den_entitymenu_movesurface_text"], ["shift", localize "str_disp_conf_xaxis" + " " + _wheel], ["control", localize "str_disp_conf_yaxis" + " " + _wheel]];
[_lmb, _rmb, _wheel, _icons] call EFUNC(interaction,showMouseHint);
private _mouseClickID = [_player, "DefaultAction", {GVAR(isPlacing) == PLACE_WAITING}, {GVAR(isPlacing) = PLACE_APPROVE}] call EFUNC(common,addActionEventHandler);
[QXGVAR(onDeployStart), [_player, _object, _cost]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
params ["_args", "_pfID"];
_args params ["_unit", "_object", "_cost", "_mouseClickID"];
if (_unit != ACE_player || {isNull _object} || {!([_unit, _object, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith))} || {!([_unit, _cost] call FUNC(canFortify))}) then {
// If place approved, verify deploy handlers
if (GVAR(isPlacing) == PLACE_APPROVE && {(GVAR(deployHandlers) findIf {([_unit, _object, _cost] call _x) isEqualTo false}) > -1}) then {
if (GVAR(isPlacing) != PLACE_WAITING) exitWith {
TRACE_3("exiting PFEH",GVAR(isPlacing),_pfID,_mouseClickID);
[_pfID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
call EFUNC(interaction,hideMouseHint);
[_unit, "DefaultAction", _mouseClickID] call EFUNC(common,removeActionEventHandler);
if (GVAR(isPlacing) == PLACE_APPROVE) then {
TRACE_1("deploying object",_object);
[_unit, _object] call FUNC(deployConfirm);
} else {
TRACE_1("deleting object",_object);
[QGVAR(onDeployStop), [_unit, _object, _cost]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
deleteVehicle _object;
([_object] call FUNC(axisLengths)) params ["_width", "_length", "_height"];
private _distance = (_width max _length) + 0.5; // for saftey, move it a bit extra away from player's center
private _start = eyePos _unit;
private _camViewDir = getCameraViewDirection _unit;
private _basePos = _start vectorAdd (_camViewDir vectorMultiply _distance);
_basePos set [2, ((_basePos select 2) - (_height / 2)) max (getTerrainHeightASL _basePos - 0.05)];
_object setPosASL _basePos;
private _vZ = 180 + GVAR(objectRotationZ) + getDir _unit;
if (cba_events_alt) then {
// Snap to terrain surface dir
_object setDir _vZ;
_object setVectorUp (surfaceNormal _basePos);
} else {
[_object, GVAR(objectRotationX), GVAR(objectRotationY), _vZ] call EFUNC(common,setPitchBankYaw);
hintSilent format ["Rotation:\nX: %1\nY: %2\nZ: %3", GVAR(objectRotationX), GVAR(objectRotationY), GVAR(objectRotationZ)];
}, 0, [_player, _object, _cost, _mouseClickID]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;