2016-03-05 13:15:56 -03:00

53 lines
1.7 KiB

* Author: esteldunedain
* Collect the temperature of all the spare barrels a unit has and load the
* coolest on the unit weapon. Runs on the server.
* Argument:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Weapon <STRING>
* 2: Weapon temp before switching <NUMBER>
* 3: Mass of the removed barrel <NUMBER>
* Return value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_weaponTemp", "_barrelMass"];
// Find all spare barrel the player has
private _allBarrels = [_unit, "ACE_SpareBarrel"] call CBA_fnc_getMagazineIndex;
if ((count _allBarrels) < 1) exitWith {};
// Determine which on is coolest
private _coolestTemp = 10000;
private _coolestMag = _allBarrels select 0;
private _temp = 0;
if ([GVAR(storedSpareBarrels), _x] call CBA_fnc_hashHasKey) then {
_temp = ([GVAR(storedSpareBarrels), _x] call CBA_fnc_hashGet) select 0;
if (_temp < _coolestTemp) then {
_coolestTemp = _temp;
_coolestMag = _x;
} forEach _allBarrels;
// The new weapon temperature is similar to the coolest barrel
// Publish the new temperature value
_unit setVariable [format [QGVAR(%1_temp), _weapon], _coolestTemp, true];
// Heat up the coolest barrel to the former weapon temperature
[GVAR(storedSpareBarrels), _coolestMag, [_weaponTemp, ACE_Time, _barrelMass]] call CBA_fnc_hashSet;
// Send an event so the local machine can show the hint
["barrelSwapped", _unit, [_unit, _weapon]] call EFUNC(common,objectEvent);