mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Dedmen Miller e2ac18a05d [WIP] Fix script errors reporting wrong line numbers ()
* advanced_ballistics

* advanced_fatigue

* advanced_throwing

* ai

* aircraft

* arsenal

* atragmx

* attach

* backpacks

* ballistics

* captives

* cargo

* chemlights

* common

* concertina_wire

* cookoff

* dagr

* disarming

* disposable

* dogtags

* dragging

* explosives

* fastroping

* fcs

* finger

* frag

* gestures

* gforces

* goggles

* grenades

* gunbag

* hearing

* hitreactions

* huntir

* interact_menu

* interaction

* inventory

* kestrel4500

* laser

* laserpointer

* logistics_uavbattery

* logistics_wirecutter

* magazinerepack

* map

* map_gestures

* maptools

* markers

* medical

* medical_ai

* medical_blood

* medical_menu

* microdagr

* minedetector

* missileguidance

* missionmodules

* mk6mortar

* modules

* movement

* nametags

* nightvision

* nlaw

* optics

* optionsmenu

* overheating

* overpressure

* parachute

* pylons

* quickmount

* rangecard

* rearm

* recoil

* refuel

* reload

* reloadlaunchers

* repair

* respawn

* safemode

* sandbag

* scopes

* slideshow

* spectator

* spottingscope

* switchunits

* tacticalladder

* tagging

* trenches

* tripod

* ui

* vector

* vehiclelock

* vehicles

* viewdistance

* weaponselect

* weather

* winddeflection

* yardage450

* zeus

* arsenal defines.hpp

* optionals



* Manual fixes

* Add SQF Validator check for #include after block comment

* explosives fnc_openTimerUI

* fix uniqueItems
2018-09-17 14:19:29 -05:00

156 lines
4.9 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Norrin, Rocko, Ruthberg
* Handles HuntIR camera
* Arguments:
* 0: HuntIR <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [cam] call ACE_huntir_fnc_cam
* Public: No
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
params ["_huntIR"];
GVAR(huntIR) = _huntIR;
GVAR(pos) = getPosVisual GVAR(huntIR);
GVAR(NV) = 0;
GVAR(TI) = 0;
GVAR(cur_cam) = 0;
GVAR(ELEVAT) = 0.01;
closedialog 0;
createDialog QGVAR(cam_dialog);
uiNameSpace setVariable [QGVAR(monitor), findDisplay 18880];
(uiNameSpace getVariable QGVAR(monitor)) displaySetEventHandler ["Keydown", QUOTE(_this call FUNC(keyPressed))];
ctrlSetText [4, "0X"];
GVAR(logic) = "Logic" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];
GVAR(logic) setPosATL (GVAR(pos) vectorAdd [0, 0, -5]);
GVAR(logic) setVectorUp [0.001, 0.001, 1];
GVAR(cam) = "camera" camCreate GVAR(pos);
GVAR(cam) camSetTarget GVAR(logic);
GVAR(cam) cameraEffect ["internal", "BACK"];
GVAR(cam) camSetRelPos [0, 0, 2];
GVAR(cam) camCommit 0;
showCinemaBorder false;
camUseNVG false;
GVAR(pphandle) = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 135522];
GVAR(pphandle) ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.01], [0.87, 1.08, 1.196, 0.3], [0.399, 0.287, 0.014, 0.0]];
GVAR(pphandle) ppEffectCommit 0;
GVAR(pphandle) ppEffectEnable true;
GVAR(stop) = false; // Var also used in ace_common_fnc_isFeatureCameraActive
call FUNC(huntirCompass);
GVAR(no_cams) = ACE_player nearEntities ["ACE_HuntIR", HUNTIR_MAX_TRANSMISSION_RANGE];
GVAR(no_cams) set [_forEachIndex, [(getPosVisual ACE_player) vectorDistance (getPosVisual _x), _x]];
} forEach GVAR(no_cams);
GVAR(no_cams) sort true;
GVAR(no_cams) set [_forEachIndex, _x select 1];
} forEach GVAR(no_cams);
//Close monitor if we no longer have the item:
if ((!([ACE_player, "ACE_HuntIR_monitor"] call EFUNC(common,hasItem))) && {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable [QGVAR(monitor), displayNull])}) then {
closeDialog 0;
GVAR(nearHuntIRs) = ACE_player nearEntities ["ACE_HuntIR", HUNTIR_MAX_TRANSMISSION_RANGE];
if (((getPosVisual _x) select 2) > 20 && {!(_x in GVAR(no_cams))} && {_x getHitPointDamage "HitCamera" < 0.25}) then {
GVAR(no_cams) pushBack _x;
} count GVAR(nearHuntIRs);
if (((getPosVisual _x) select 2) <= 20 || {!(_x in GVAR(nearHuntIRs))} || {_x getHitPointDamage "HitCamera" >= 0.25}) then {
GVAR(no_cams) deleteAt _forEachIndex;
if (_forEachIndex < GVAR(cur_cam)) then {
GVAR(cur_cam) = GVAR(cur_cam) - 1;
} forEach GVAR(no_cams);
GVAR(cur_cam) = 0 max GVAR(cur_cam) min ((count GVAR(no_cams)) - 1);
if (count GVAR(no_cams) > 0) then {
GVAR(huntIR) = GVAR(no_cams) select GVAR(cur_cam);
GVAR(pos) = getPosVisual GVAR(huntIR);
if ((!dialog) || (count GVAR(no_cams) == 0) || ((GVAR(pos) select 2) <= 20)) exitWith {
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
GVAR(stop) = true;
GVAR(pphandle) ppEffectEnable true;
ppEffectDestroy GVAR(pphandle);
GVAR(NV) = 0;
setAperture -1;
closedialog 0;
titletext [" ", "BLACK IN", 4];
ACE_player switchCamera "INTERNAL";
GVAR(cam) CameraEffect ["Terminate", "Back"];
CamDestroy GVAR(cam);
deleteVehicle GVAR(logic);
if (player != ACE_player) then {
player remoteControl ACE_player;
switch (GVAR(ZOOM)) do {
case 0: {
GVAR(cam) camsetFOV 0.7;
GVAR(cam) camSetFocus [GVAR(pos) select 2, 1];
case 1: {
GVAR(cam) camsetFOV 0.35;
GVAR(cam) camSetFocus [(GVAR(pos) select 2)/2, 1];
case 2: {
GVAR(cam) camsetFOV 0.17;
GVAR(cam) camSetFocus [(GVAR(pos) select 2)/4, 1];
case 3: {
GVAR(cam) camsetFOV 0.1;
GVAR(cam) camSetFocus [(GVAR(pos) select 2)/8, 1];
GVAR(logic) setPosATL (GVAR(pos) vectorAdd [0, 0, -5]);
GVAR(logic) setDir GVAR(ROTATE);
GVAR(logic) setVectorUp [0.0001, 0.0001, 1];
GVAR(cam) CameraEffect ["internal", "BACK"];
private _cam_coord_y = GVAR(ELEVAT) * cos(GVAR(ROTATE));
private _cam_coord_x = GVAR(ELEVAT) * sin(GVAR(ROTATE));
GVAR(cam) camSetRelPos [_cam_coord_x, _cam_coord_y, 2];
GVAR(cam) camCommit 0;
ctrlSetText [1, format["%1 m", round(GVAR(pos) select 2)]];
ctrlSetText [2, format["%1", GVAR(cur_cam) + 1]];
private _cam_time = CBA_missionTime - (GVAR(huntIR) getVariable [QGVAR(startTime), CBA_missionTime]);
ctrlSetText [3, format["%1 s", round(_cam_time)]];
private _cam_pos = getPosVisual GVAR(huntIR);
_cam_pos = format ["X = %1, Y = %2", round (_cam_pos select 0), round (_cam_pos select 1)];
ctrlSetText [5, _cam_pos];
ctrlSetText [6, ""];
}, 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;