2015-09-20 15:52:40 +02:00

42 lines
1.4 KiB

* Author: bovine3dom
* Determines whether one string matches another and how many characters match. Case insensitive.
* Arguments:
* 0: stringA <STRING>
* 1: stringB <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Number of matching characters >NUMBER>
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_string", "_searchTerm"];
_string = toLower _string; // removes case sensitivity
_searchTerm = toLower _searchTerm;
private ["_arraySearchTerm", "_arrayString", "_sizeSearchTerm", "_sizeString", "_matchingCharacters", "_searchIterator", "_targetIterator"];
_arraySearchTerm = toArray _searchTerm; // splits string into array of unicode decimals
_arrayString = toArray _string;
_sizeSearchTerm = count _arraySearchTerm; // We only measure the array once
_sizeString = count _arrayString;
_matchingCharacters = 0;
_searchIterator = 0;
_targetIterator = 0;
while {_searchIterator < _sizeSearchTerm && _targetIterator < _sizeString} do { // Prevents us from going out of bounds
if (_arraySearchTerm select _searchIterator == _arrayString select _targetIterator) then { // If we have a match, start looking for the next character in the search term
_matchingCharacters = _matchingCharacters + 1;
_searchIterator = _searchIterator + 1
_targetIterator = _targetIterator + 1; // Look at the next character in the string