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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Refactor medical to use hashmaps for wound storage - We most frequently want to access wounds by body part, so this makes that a constant time lookup. - The body part index is no longer stored in every wound since it's inherent in the wound storage. - Using body part names as the keys of the hashmap to improve code clarity (no more magic numbers). closes #6468 * Add deserilization migration from old wound arrays Will migrate from old form array wound storage to the new hashmap strucutre during deserlization. This is relevant for communities piping medical state out to a database or similar between sessions. * fix issue with suture stitching * change version number in comment --------- Co-authored-by: Salluci <salluci.lovi@gmail.com>
172 lines
9.4 KiB
172 lines
9.4 KiB
#include "\z\ace\addons\medical\script_component.hpp"
if (missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(dev_watchVariableRunning), false]) exitWith {};
GVAR(dev_watchVariableRunning) = true;
["medical", {
// Hide when patient display is up because they might overlap
private _display = uiNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(medical_gui,RscPatientInfo), displayNull];
if (!isNull _display) exitWith {"Paused"};
private _unit = cursorTarget;
if (!(_unit isKindOf "CAManBase")) then {_unit = cursorObject};
if (!(_unit isKindOf "CAManBase")) then {_unit = ACE_player};
if ((_unit != ACE_player) && {IS_UNCONSCIOUS(ACE_player)}) then {_unit = ACE_player};
if (!(_unit isKindOf "CAManBase")) exitWith {"No Unit?"};
private _return = [];
// Header:
_return pushBack format ["<t size='1.2'><t color='#%1'>%2</t> [%3]", (["00FF00", "0000FF"] select (_unit == ACE_player)), [_unit] call EFUNC(common,getName), typeOf _unit];
_return pushBack "";
// State:
private _targetState = [_unit, EGVAR(medical,STATE_MACHINE)] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_getCurrentState;
if (!local _unit) then {_targetState = "NotLocal";};
private _color = switch (_targetState) do {case "Default": {"33FF33"}; case "Injured": {"FF3333"}; case "Unconscious": {"FF8833"}; case "CardiacArrest": {"FF33AA"}; default {"555555"}};
_return pushBack format ["<t color='#%1'>State: %2</t>", _color, _targetState];
private _hasStableVitals = ["N", "Y"] select ([_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,hasStableVitals));
private _hasStableCondition = ["N", "Y"] select ([_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,isInStableCondition));
private _unconcFlag = if IS_UNCONSCIOUS(_unit) then {"[<t color='#BBFFBB'>U</t>]"} else {""};
private _timeLeft = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical_statemachine,cardiacArrestTimeLeft), -1];
private _cardiactArrestFlag = if IN_CRDC_ARRST(_unit) then {format ["[<t color='#BBBBFF'>CA</t> %1]", _timeLeft toFixed 1]} else {""};
_return pushBack format ["[StableVitals: %1] [StableCon: %2] %3 %4", _hasStableVitals, _hasStableCondition, _unconcFlag, _cardiactArrestFlag];
// Blood:
private _bloodVolume = GET_BLOOD_VOLUME(_unit);
private _woundBleeding = GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(_unit);
private _bloodLoss = GET_BLOOD_LOSS(_unit);
private _hemorrhage = GET_HEMORRHAGE(_unit);
private _isBleeding = if (IS_BLEEDING(_unit)) then {"<t color ='#FF9999'>Bleeding</t>"} else {""};
private _secondsToHeartstop = if (_bloodLoss != 0) then {format ["[<t color ='#FF9999'>Time Left:</t> %1 sec]", (((_bloodVolume - BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_4_HEMORRHAGE) max 0) / _bloodLoss) toFixed 0]} else {""};
_return pushBack format ["Blood: %1 [Hemorrhage: %2] %3", _bloodVolume toFixed 3, _hemorrhage, _isBleeding];
_return pushBack format [" - [W: %1 T: %2] %3", _woundBleeding toFixed 4, _bloodLoss toFixed 4, _secondsToHeartstop];
// Heart:
private _cardiacOutput = [_unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,getCardiacOutput);
private _heartRate = GET_HEART_RATE(_unit);
GET_BLOOD_PRESSURE(_unit) params ["_bpLow", "_bpHigh"];
_return pushBack format ["CardiacOutput %1", _cardiacOutput toFixed 5];
_return pushBack format [" - [HR: %1] [BP: %2 / %3]", _heartRate toFixed 1, _bpHigh toFixed 1, _bpLow toFixed 1];
// Pain:
private _pain = GET_PAIN(_unit);
private _painSuppress = GET_PAIN_SUPPRESS(_unit);
private _painLevel = GET_PAIN_PERCEIVED(_unit);
private _isInPain = IS_IN_PAIN(_unit);
_return pushBack format ["Effective Pain: %1 [%2]", _painLevel toFixed 3, _isInPain];
_return pushBack format [" - [Pain: %1] [Suppress: %2]", _pain toFixed 3, _painSuppress toFixed 3];
// Damage:
private _damage = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), [0,0,0,0,0,0]];
private _limping = if (_unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,isLimping), false]) then {"[<t color ='#FFCC22'> Limping </t>]"} else {""};
_return pushBack format ["BodyPartDamage: [H: %1] [B: %2]", (_damage select 0) toFixed 2, (_damage select 1) toFixed 2];
_return pushBack format ["[LA:%1] [RA: %2] [LL:%3] [RL: %4]", (_damage select 2) toFixed 2, (_damage select 3) toFixed 2, (_damage select 4) toFixed 2, (_damage select 5) toFixed 2];
_return pushBack format ["Hitpoints: [HHed:%1] [HBod: %2]", (_unit getHitPointDamage "HitHead") toFixed 2, (_unit getHitPointDamage "HitBody") toFixed 2];
_return pushBack format ["[HHnd:%1] [HLeg: %2] %3", (_unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands") toFixed 2, (_unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs") toFixed 2, _limping];
private _fractures = GET_FRACTURES(_unit);
private _canSprint = if (isSprintAllowed _unit) then {""} else {"[<t color ='#FFCC22'>Sprint Blocked</t>]"};
private _forceWalk = if (isForcedWalk _unit) then {"[<t color ='#FF9922'>Forced Walking</t>]"} else {""};
_return pushBack format ["Fractures: %1 %2%3", _fractures, _canSprint, _forceWalk];
// Tourniquets:
_return pushBack "------- Tourniquets: -------";
private _tourniquets = GET_TOURNIQUETS(_unit);
private _occludedMedications = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,occludedMedications), []];
private _tPartNum = _forEachIndex;
if (_x != 0) then {
_return pushBack format ["%1 [Time On: %2]", ALL_SELECTIONS select _tPartNum, (CBA_missionTime - _x) toFixed 1];
_x params ["_medPartNum", "_medClassname"];
if (_medPartNum == _tPartNum) then {
_return pushBack format [" - Occluded Med: %1", _medClassname];
} forEach _occludedMedications;
} forEach _tourniquets;
// Wounds:
_return pushBack "------- Open Wounds: -------";
private _wounds = GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _bodyPart = _x;
_x params ["_xClassID", "_xAmountOf", "_xBleeding", "_xDamage"];
_return pushBack format ["%1: [%2] [x%3] [Bld: %4] [Dmg: %5]", _bodyPart, _xClassID, _xAmountOf toFixed 1, _xBleeding toFixed 4, _xDamage toFixed 2];
} forEach _y;
} forEach _wounds;
// Bandaged Wounds:
_return pushBack "------- Bandaged Wounds: -------";
private _wounds = GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _bodyPart = _x;
_x params ["_xClassID", "_xAmountOf", "_xBleeding", "_xDamage"];
_return pushBack format ["%1: [%2] [x%3] [Bld: %4] [Dmg: %5]", _bodyPart, _xClassID, _xAmountOf toFixed 1, _xBleeding toFixed 4, _xDamage toFixed 2];
} forEach _y;
} forEach _wounds;
// Stitched Wounds:
_return pushBack "------- Stitched Wounds: -------";
private _wounds = GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(_unit);
private _bodyPart = _x;
_x params ["_xClassID", "_xAmountOf", "_xBleeding", "_xDamage"];
_return pushBack format ["%1: [%2] [x%3] [Bld: %4] [Dmg: %5]", _bodyPart, _xClassID, _xAmountOf toFixed 1, _xBleeding toFixed 4, _xDamage toFixed 2];
} forEach _y;
} forEach _wounds;
// IVs:
_return pushBack "------- IVs: -------";
private _ivBags = _unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,ivBags), []];
_x params ["_xVolumeAdded", "_xType", "_xBodyPartN"];
_return pushBack format ["%1: %2 [%3 ml]", ALL_SELECTIONS select _xBodyPartN, _xType, _xVolumeAdded];
} forEach _ivBags;
// Medications:
_return pushBack "------- Medications: -------";
private _hrTargetAdjustment = 0;
private _painSupressAdjustment = 0;
private _peripheralResistanceAdjustment = 0;
private _uniqueMedications = [];
private _rawMedications = (_unit getVariable [VAR_MEDICATIONS, []]) apply {
_x params ["_medication", "_timeAdded", "_timeTillMaxEffect", "_maxTimeInSystem", "_hrAdjust", "_painAdjust", "_flowAdjust"];
_uniqueMedications pushBackUnique _medication;
private _timeInSystem = CBA_missionTime - _timeAdded;
private _effectRatio = (((_timeInSystem / _timeTillMaxEffect) ^ 2) min 1) * (_maxTimeInSystem - _timeInSystem) / _maxTimeInSystem;
_hrTargetAdjustment = _hrTargetAdjustment + _hrAdjust * _effectRatio;
_painSupressAdjustment = _painSupressAdjustment + _painAdjust * _effectRatio;
_peripheralResistanceAdjustment = _peripheralResistanceAdjustment + _flowAdjust * _effectRatio;
format ["%1 [%2 / %3][%4][%5,%6,%7]",_medication,_timeInSystem toFixed 0,_maxTimeInSystem toFixed 0, _effectRatio toFixed 2, _hrAdjust toFixed 1, _painAdjust toFixed 2, _flowAdjust toFixed 1];
_return pushBack format ["Adjusts: [HR %1][PS %2][PR %3]", _hrTargetAdjustment toFixed 2, _painSupressAdjustment toFixed 2, _peripheralResistanceAdjustment toFixed 2];
private _medicationCount = [_unit, _x, true] call EFUNC(medical_status,getMedicationCount);
private _medicationEffectiveness = [_unit, _x, false] call EFUNC(medical_status,getMedicationCount);
_return pushBack format ["-%1: C: %2 - E: %3", _x, _medicationCount toFixed 2, _medicationEffectiveness toFixed 2];
} forEach _uniqueMedications;
_return pushBack "------- Medications Raw: -------";
_return append _rawMedications;
if (_unit isEqualTo ACE_player) then {
_return pushBack format ["ACE_setCustomAimCoef: %1", [missionNamespace, "ACE_setCustomAimCoef", "max"] call EFUNC(common,arithmeticGetResult)];
_return pushBack format ["%1 - %2",lifeState _unit, animationState _unit];
// Footer:
_return pushBack "</t>";
// Return:
_return joinString "<br/>"
}, [40]] call EFUNC(common,watchVariable);