Glowbal 2420db78a1 CreateLitter now supports conditions and is selection specific.
litter[] = {
   {"SelectionName", "Condition", {"litterClassname"} },

The array with litter classnames also support 2d arrays. ie:
{"SelectionName", "Condition", {{"litterClassname"}} }
Of array entries it will select a random classname.
2015-04-04 20:20:29 +02:00

40 lines
1.0 KiB

* Author: Glowbal
* IV Treatment local callback
* Arguments:
* 0: The medic <OBJECT>
* 1: Item used classname <STRING>
* Return Value:
* nil
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_target", "_ivItem", "_config", "_volumeAdded", "_typeOf", "_varName"];
_target = _this select 0;
_ivItem = _this select 1;
// Find the proper attributes for the used IV
_config = (configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Advanced" >> "Treatment" >> "IV");
_volumeAdded = getNumber (_config >> "volume");
_typeOf = getText (_config >> "type");
if (isClass (_config >> _className)) then {
_config = (_config >> _className);
if (isNumber (_config >> "volume")) then { _volumeAdded = getNumber (_config >> "volume");};
if (isText (_config >> "type")) then { _typeOf = getText (_config >> "type"); };
_varName = format["ACE_Medical_IVVolume_%1",_typeOf];
_target setvariable [_varName, (_target getvariable [_varName, 0]) + _volumeAdded];
if !(_varName in GVAR(IVBags)) then {
GVAR(IVBags) pushback _varName;
publicVariable QGVAR(IVBags);