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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Utilize isNotEqualTo * undo changes to some files * redo some changes, fix based on @Vdauphin 's comment * fix validator issues Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
155 lines
5.7 KiB
155 lines
5.7 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: commy2
* Compares version numbers of PBOs and DLLs.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* call ace_common_fnc_checkFiles
* Public: No
// check addons
private _version = getText (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main" >> "versionStr");
//CBA Versioning check - close main display if using incompatible version
private _cbaVersionAr = getArray (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "cba_main" >> "versionAr");
private _cbaRequiredAr = getArray (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "CBA" >> "Versioning" >> "ACE" >> "dependencies" >> "CBA") select 1;
private _cbaVersionStr = _cbaVersionAr joinString ".";
private _cbaRequiredStr = _cbaRequiredAr joinString ".";
INFO_3("ACE is version %1 - CBA is version %2 (min required %3)",_version,_cbaVersionStr,_cbaRequiredStr);
if ([_cbaRequiredAr, _cbaVersionAr] call cba_versioning_fnc_version_compare) then {
private _errorMsg = format ["CBA version %1 is outdated (required %2)", _cbaVersionStr, _cbaRequiredStr];
if (hasInterface) then {
["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg, {findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0}] call FUNC(errorMessage);
//private _addons = activatedAddons; // broken with High-Command module, see #2134
private _addons = (cba_common_addons select {(_x select [0,4]) == "ace_"}) apply {toLower _x};
private _oldCompats = [];
if (getText (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> _x >> "versionStr") != _version) then {
private _errorMsg = format ["File %1.pbo is outdated.", _x];
if ((_x select [0, 10]) != "ace_compat") then {
if (hasInterface) then {
["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg, {findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0}] call FUNC(errorMessage);
} else {
_oldCompats pushBack _x; // Don't block game if it's just an old compat pbo
} count _addons;
if (_oldCompats isNotEqualTo []) then {
// Lasts for ~10 seconds
ERROR_WITH_TITLE_1("The following ACE compatiblity PBOs are outdated", "%1", _this);
}, _oldCompats, 1] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
// check extensions
private _platform = toLower (productVersion select 6);
if (!isServer && {_platform in ["linux", "osx"]}) then {
// Linux and OSX client ports do not support extensions at all
INFO("Operating system does not support extensions");
} else {
private _extension = configName _x;
private _isWindows = _platform == "windows" && {getNumber (_x >> "windows") == 1};
private _isLinux = _platform == "linux" && {getNumber (_x >> "linux") == 1};
private _isClient = hasInterface && {getNumber (_x >> "client") == 1};
private _isServer = !hasInterface && {getNumber (_x >> "server") == 1};
if ((_isWindows || _isLinux) && {_isClient || _isServer}) then {
private _versionEx = _extension callExtension "version";
if (_versionEx == "") then {
private _extensionFile = _extension;
if (productVersion select 7 == "x64") then {
_extensionFile = format ["%1_x64", _extensionFile];
private _platformExt = [".dll", ".so"] select (_platform == "linux");
_extensionFile = format ["%1%2", _extensionFile, _platformExt];
private _errorMsg = format ["Extension %1 not found.", _extensionFile];
if (hasInterface) then {
["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg, {findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0}] call FUNC(errorMessage);
} else {
// Print the current extension version
INFO_2("Extension version: %1: %2",_extension,_versionEx);
} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "ACE_Extensions"));
if (isArray (configFile >> "ACE_Extensions" >> "extensions")) then {
WARNING("extensions[] array no longer supported");
// check server version/addons
if (isMultiplayer) then {
// don't check optional addons
_addons = _addons select {getNumber (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> _x >> "ACE_isOptional") != 1};
if (isServer) then {
// send servers version of ACE to all clients
GVAR(ServerVersion) = _version;
GVAR(ServerAddons) = _addons;
publicVariable QGVAR(ServerVersion);
publicVariable QGVAR(ServerAddons);
} else {
// clients have to wait for the variables
if (isNil QGVAR(ServerVersion) || isNil QGVAR(ServerAddons)) exitWith {};
(_this select 0) params ["_version", "_addons"];
if (_version != GVAR(ServerVersion)) then {
private _errorMsg = format ["Client/Server Version Mismatch. Server: %1, Client: %2.", GVAR(ServerVersion), _version];
if (hasInterface) then {
["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg, {findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0}] call FUNC(errorMessage);
_addons = _addons - GVAR(ServerAddons);
if (_addons isNotEqualTo []) then {
private _errorMsg = format ["Client/Server Addon Mismatch. Client has extra addons: %1.",_addons];
if (hasInterface) then {
["[ACE] ERROR", _errorMsg, {findDisplay 46 closeDisplay 0}] call FUNC(errorMessage);
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
}, 1, [_version,_addons]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;