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96 lines
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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal
* Spawns litter for the treatment action on the ground around the target
* Arguments:
* 0: The Caller <OBJECT>
* 1: The target <OBJECT>
* 2: The treatment Selection Name <STRING>
* 3: The treatment classname <STRING>
* 4: ? <UNKNOWN>
* 5: Users of Items <UNKNOWN>
* 6: Blood Loss on selection (previously called _previousDamage) <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [bob, kevin, "selection", "classname", , , 5] call ACE_medical_fnc_createLitter
* Public: No
params ["_caller", "_target", "_selectionName", "_className", "", "_usersOfItems", "_bloodLossOnSelection"];
//Ensures comptibilty with other possible medical treatment configs
private _previousDamage = _bloodLossOnSelection;
if !(GVAR(allowLitterCreation)) exitwith {};
if (vehicle _caller != _caller || {vehicle _target != _target}) exitwith {};
private _config = if (GVAR(level) >= 2) then {
(configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Advanced" >> _className);
} else {
(configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Basic" >> _className)
if !(isClass _config) exitwith {TRACE_1("No action config", _className);};
if !(isArray (_config >> "litter")) exitwith {TRACE_1("No litter config", _className);};
private _litter = getArray (_config >> "litter");
private _createLitter = {
params ["_unit", "_litterClass"];
// @TODO: handle carriers over water
// For now, don't spawn litter if we are over water to avoid floating litter
if (surfaceIsWater (getPos _unit)) exitWith { false };
private _position = getPosATL _unit;
_position params ["_posX", "_posY", "_posZ"];
_position = [_posX + (random 2) - 1, _posY + (random 2) - 1, _posZ];
private _direction = (random 360);
// Create the litter, and timeout the event based on the cleanup delay
// The cleanup delay for events in MP is handled by the server side
TRACE_3("Creating Litter on server",_litterClass,_position,_direction);
[QGVAR(createLitterServer), [_litterClass, _position, _direction]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
private _createdLitter = [];
if (_x isEqualType []) then {
if (count _x < MIN_ENTRIES_LITTER_CONFIG) exitwith {};
_x params ["_selection", "_litterCondition", "_litterOptions"];
if (toLower _selection in [toLower _selectionName, "all"]) then { // in is case sensitve. We can be forgiving here, so lets use toLower.
if (isnil _litterCondition) then {
_litterCondition = if (_litterCondition != "") then {compile _litterCondition} else {{true}};
} else {
_litterCondition = missionNamespace getVariable _litterCondition;
if (!(_litterCondition isEqualType {})) then {_litterCondition = {false}};
if !([_caller, _target, _selectionName, _className, _usersOfItems, _bloodLossOnSelection] call _litterCondition) exitwith {};
if (_litterOptions isEqualType []) then {
// Loop through through the litter options and place the litter
if (_x isEqualType [] && {(count _x > 0)}) then {
[_target, selectRandom _x] call _createLitter;
if (_x isEqualType "") then {
[_target, _x] call _createLitter;
} foreach _litterOptions;
} foreach _litter;