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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
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190 lines
7.9 KiB
190 lines
7.9 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: jaynus, PabstMirror
* Main loop, handles scaning for targets and drawing the javelin optic
* Arguments:
* 0: Last run frame <NUMBER>
* 0: Current target (what we locked last run) <OBJECT>
* 0: Lock start time (cba mission time) <NUMBER>
* 0: Next sound play time (ticktime) <NUMBER>
* 0: Next target scan (ticktime) <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_javelin_fnc_mapHelperDraw
* Public: No
// TRACE_1("onOpticDraw",diag_frameno);
#define __TRACKINTERVAL 0 // how frequent the ui update should be.
#define __SCANNTERVAL 0.05 // how frequent the target scan check should be.
#define __LOCKONTIME 3 // Lock on won't occur sooner
// Pull the arguments
params ["_lastRunFrame", "_currentTarget", "_lockStartTime", "_soundNextPlayTime", "_fireDisabledEH", "_nextTargetScan"];
// Get shooter info
private _currentShooter = if (ACE_player call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon) then {ACE_player} else {vehicle ACE_player};
private _currentWeapon = currentWeapon _currentShooter;
private _currentMagazine = currentMagazine _currentShooter;
// Get weapon / ammo configs
private _ammoCount = _currentShooter ammo _currentWeapon;
private _weaponConfig = configProperties [configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _currentWeapon, QUOTE(configName _x == QUOTE(QGVAR(enabled))), false];
private _ammoConfig = if (_currentMagazine != "") then {
private _ammoType = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _currentMagazine >> "ammo");
configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammoType), "(configName _x) == 'ace_missileguidance'", false];
} else {
// Check if loaded and javelin enabled for wepaon and missile guidance enabled for loaded ammo
if ((_ammoCount == 0) || // No ammo loaded
{(count _weaponConfig) < 1} || {(getNumber (_weaponConfig select 0)) != 1} || // Not enabled for weapon
{(count _ammoConfig) < 1} || {(getNumber ((_ammoConfig select 0) >> "enabled")) != 1} // Not enabled for ammo
) exitWith {
__JavelinIGUITargeting ctrlShow false;
__JavelinIGUISeek ctrlSetTextColor __ColorGray;
_fireDisabledEH = [_fireDisabledEH] call FUNC(enableFire);
_this set [0, diag_frameno];
_this set [4, _fireDisabledEH];
// Bail on fast movement (keep it steady)
if ((velocity ACE_player) distance [0,0,0] > 0.75 && {cameraView == "GUNNER"} && {cameraOn == ACE_player}) exitWith {
TRACE_1("exiting gunner because movement",velocity ACE_player);
ACE_player switchCamera "INTERNAL";
if (player != ACE_player) then {
TRACE_2("Zeus, manually reseting RC after switchCamera",player,ACE_player);
player remoteControl ACE_player;
// Refresh the firemode (top/dir)
[] call FUNC(showFireMode);
// Get UI constants
private _offsetX = 0.5 * safeZoneW - safeZoneX - 0.5;
private _offsetY = 0.5 * safeZoneH - safeZoneY - 0.5;
private _newTarget = objNull;
if (GVAR(isLockKeyDown) && {cameraView == "GUNNER"} && {(currentVisionMode ACE_player) == 2}) then {
// Attempting to lock; getTarget can be expensive so it's rate is limited
if (diag_tickTime > _nextTargetScan) then {
_newTarget = [_currentTarget, 2500, 0.6] call FUNC(getTarget);
_nextTargetScan = diag_tickTime + __SCANNTERVAL;
} else {
_newTarget = _currentTarget;
// Show gate box
private _boundsInput = if (_currentTarget isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
} else {
[_currentTarget,[-1,-1,-1],_currentTarget selectionPosition "zamerny"];
private _bpos = _boundsInput call EFUNC(common,worldToScreenBounds);
private _lockTime = if (isNull _currentTarget) then {0} else {CBA_missionTime - _lockStartTime};
private _minX = ((linearConversion [1, (__LOCKONTIME - 0.5), _lockTime, 0.5 - 0.075*safeZoneW, (_bpos select 0), true]) + _offsetX) max __ConstraintLeft;
private _minY = ((linearConversion [1, (__LOCKONTIME - 0.5), _lockTime, 0.5 - 0.075*safeZoneH, (_bpos select 1), true]) + _offsetY) max __ConstraintTop;
private _maxX = (((linearConversion [1, (__LOCKONTIME - 0.5), _lockTime, 0.5 + 0.075*safeZoneW, (_bpos select 2), true]) + _offsetX) min __ConstraintRight) - (0.025 * (3 / 4) * safeZoneH);
private _maxY = (((linearConversion [1, (__LOCKONTIME - 0.5), _lockTime, 0.5 + 0.075*safeZoneH, (_bpos select 3), true]) + _offsetY) min __ConstraintBottom) - (0.025 * safeZoneH);
// TRACE_3("",_boundsInput,_bpos,_lockTime);
// TRACE_4("",_minX,_maxX,_minY,_maxY);
__JavelinIGUITargetingGateTL ctrlSetPosition [_minX, _minY];
__JavelinIGUITargetingGateTR ctrlSetPosition [_maxX, _minY];
__JavelinIGUITargetingGateBL ctrlSetPosition [_minX, _maxY];
__JavelinIGUITargetingGateBR ctrlSetPosition [_maxX, _maxY];
{_x ctrlCommit __TRACKINTERVAL} forEach [__JavelinIGUITargetingGateTL, __JavelinIGUITargetingGateTR, __JavelinIGUITargetingGateBL, __JavelinIGUITargetingGateBR];
__JavelinIGUITargeting ctrlShow true;
__JavelinIGUITargetingGate ctrlShow true;
} else {
// Not trying to lock
__JavelinIGUITargeting ctrlShow false;
__JavelinIGUITargetingGate ctrlShow false;
__JavelinIGUITargetingLines ctrlShow false;
if (isNull _newTarget) then {
// No target found
_currentTarget = objNull;
_lockStartTime = 0;
__JavelinIGUISeek ctrlSetTextColor __ColorGray;
_currentShooter setVariable ["ace_missileguidance_target", nil, false];
__JavelinIGUITargetingLines ctrlShow false;
// Disallow fire
_fireDisabledEH = [_fireDisabledEH] call FUNC(disableFire);
} else {
if ((!isNull _newTarget) && {_currentTarget != _newTarget}) then {
TRACE_1("New Target, reseting locking", _newTarget);
_lockStartTime = CBA_missionTime;
_currentTarget = _newTarget;
if ((CBA_missionTime - _lockStartTime) > __LOCKONTIME) then { // Lock on after 3 seconds
TRACE_2("LOCKED!", _currentTarget, _lockStartTime);
__JavelinIGUISeek ctrlSetTextColor __ColorGreen;
__JavelinIGUITargetingLines ctrlShow true;
// Move target marker (the crosshair) to aimpoint on the target
private _aimPointOnTarget = _currentTarget selectionPosition (["zamerny", "body"] select (_currentTarget isKindOf "CAManBase"));
(worldToScreen (_currentTarget modelToWorld _aimPointOnTarget)) params [["_aposX", 0.5], ["_aposY", 0.5]];
private _ctrlPos = ctrlPosition __JavelinIGUITargetingLineV;
_ctrlPos set [0, _aposX + _offsetX];
__JavelinIGUITargetingLineV ctrlSetPosition _ctrlPos;
__JavelinIGUITargetingLineV ctrlCommit __TRACKINTERVAL;
_ctrlPos = ctrlPosition __JavelinIGUITargetingLineH;
_ctrlPos set [1, _aposY + _offsetY];
__JavelinIGUITargetingLineH ctrlSetPosition _ctrlPos;
__JavelinIGUITargetingLineH ctrlCommit __TRACKINTERVAL;
_currentShooter setVariable ["ace_missileguidance_target", _currentTarget, false];
// Allow fire
_fireDisabledEH = [_fireDisabledEH] call FUNC(enableFire);
if (diag_tickTime > _soundNextPlayTime) then {
playSound "ACE_Javelin_Locked";
_soundNextPlayTime = diag_tickTime + 0.25;
} else {
// Lock in progress
__JavelinIGUISeek ctrlSetTextColor __ColorGray;
__JavelinIGUITargetingLines ctrlShow false;
_currentShooter setVariable ["ace_missileguidance_target", nil, false];
if (diag_tickTime > _soundNextPlayTime) then {
playSound "ACE_Javelin_Locking";
_soundNextPlayTime = diag_tickTime + 0.25;
// Disallow fire
_fireDisabledEH = [_fireDisabledEH] call FUNC(disableFire);
// Save arguments for next run
_this set [0, diag_frameno];
_this set [1, _currentTarget];
_this set [2, _lockStartTime];
_this set [3, _soundNextPlayTime];
_this set [4, _fireDisabledEH];
_this set [5, _nextTargetScan];