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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Regex used: \[(.+?),(.+?),(.+?)\]\s+call\s+E?FUNC\((common,)?(target|object)Event\) [$1,$3,$2] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent E?FUNC\((common,)?(server|global|local)Event\) CBA_fnc_$2Event E?FUNC\((common,)?(add|remove)EventHandler\) CBA_fnc_$2EventHandler
Adds a MicroDAGR infantry GPS device.
Press home to open. Then home again to toggle an interactive version. Press CTRL+Home to close.
Info/Compass/Minimap modes are selectable by the bottom buttons. Tap the top bar to open the menu and access Mark/Waypoints/Connect To/Settings modes.
Tap the minimap button again to toggle map modes (if available).
Enter waypoints from the menu or double tapping on the minimap.
Can interface with the ace_vector
. Hold Azimuth+Range and release (see page 14 of vector's manual)
Items Added:
For Mission Makers:
- MicroDAGR Map Fill - Controls the amount of map data available for the minimap. Can limit to just roads/topographical or disable entirely.
The people responsible for merging changes to this component or answering potential questions.