
77 lines
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* Author: KoffeinFlummi
* Creates a rope for the vehicle at the given position.
* Arguments:
* 0: Vehicle
* 1: Position
* 2: Spawn bottom part of rope in place? (Default: False)
* Return Value:
* Array:
* 0: rope 1
* 1: rope 2
* 2-3: helper objects
* __/|
* | <- rope 1
* |
* X <- helper 1; attached to player
* |
* | <- rope 2
* |
* X <- helper 2
#define HELPER "AGM_FastRoping_Helper"
#define ROPELENGTH 35
#define OFFSET 2
private ["_vehicle", "_pos", "_inPlace", "_helper1", "_helper1", "_helper2", "_rope1", "_rope2"];
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_pos = _this select 1;
_inPlace = False;
if (count _this > 2) then {
_inPlace = _this select 2;
if (typeName _pos == "STRING") then {
_pos = _vehicle selectionPosition _pos;
_posWorld = _vehicle modelToWorld _pos;
// modelToWorld seems to ignore buildings; let's fix that.
_posWorld = _posWorld vectorDiff ((getPosATL _vehicle) vectorDiff (getPos _vehicle));
_posWorld set [2, (_posWorld select 2) - OFFSET];
_posWorld2 =+ _posWorld;
if (_inPlace) then {
_posWorld2 set [2, ((_posWorld select 2) - (ROPELENGTH - OFFSET)) max 0];
_helper1 = HELPER createVehicle _posWorld;
_helper1 allowDamage False;
_helper2 = HELPER createVehicle _posWorld2;
_helper2 allowDamage False;
//_rope1 = ropeCreate [_helper1, [0,0,0], _helper1, [0,0,0], OFFSET];
_rope1 = ropeCreate [_vehicle, _pos, _helper1, [0,0,0], OFFSET + 1];
_rope2 = ropeCreate [_helper1, [0,0,0], _helper2, [0,0,0], ROPELENGTH - (OFFSET + 1)];
if (_inPlace) then {
_roof = ((getPosATL _vehicle) vectorDiff (getPos _vehicle)) select 2;
_helper2 setPosATL [
(getPosATL _helper1) select 0,
(getPosATL _helper1) select 1,
(((getPosATL _helper1) select 2) - ROPELENGTH) max (_roof + 1)
} else {
_helper2 setPosATL (getPosATL _helper1);
[_rope1, _rope2, _helper1, _helper2]