PabstMirror 8e3fd45500
Artillery rangletables (universal) (#6853)
* Initial

* Update artillerytables.cpp

* Pass by value, remove c17 features

* Tweak accuracy

* SQF work

- improve compat with a3 mlrs with remote cam (animationSourcePhase)
- handle non [0] turrets (rhs prp)
- add config entries
- use vectorCos to fix fp error (thanks commy)

* Support per mag air friction

* tweak friction

* Integrate with mk6

* more acos fixes

* Handle invalid memPointGunOptic (CUP_BM21_Base)

* Cleanup

* cleanup/tweaks

* Update checkConfigs.sqf

* Finish cleanup of ace_mk6mortar

* Update stringtable.xml

* fix bwc for ACE_RangeTable_82mm

* Update fnc_rangeTableCanUse.sqf

* build 32dll, fix some headers

* strncpy and move testing to seperate file

* Move to sub-category

* Update for ACE_Extensions changes and add warning to ace_common

* Update stringtable.xml

* Update addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf

Co-Authored-By: jonpas <>

* Update stringtable.xml

* Update stringtable.xml

* test extension.yml update logical operator

* Revert "test extension.yml update logical operator"

This reverts commit b1871724ad.

* more guess and test
2019-12-17 10:14:45 -06:00

48 lines
2.3 KiB

// #include "\z\ace\addons\artillerytables\script_component.hpp"
INFO("showing shot info");
["LandVehicle", "fired", {
params ["_shooter", "", "", "", "_ammo", "", "_proj"];
((velocity _proj) call CBA_fnc_vect2Polar) params ["_mag", "_dir", "_elev"];
private _shootPos = getPosASL _shooter;
if (_dir < 0) then {_dir = _dir + 360;};
private _offsetElev = _elev - (missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(predictedElevation), -999]);
private _offsetAz = _dir - (missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(predictedAzimuth), -999]);
hintSilent format ["%1 m/s\nAz: %2 [%3]\nEl: %4 [%5]\nError Az: %6\nError EL: %7",_mag toFixed 1, _dir toFixed 2, ((6400 / 360) * _dir) toFixed 0, _elev toFixed 2, ((6400 / 360) * _elev) toFixed 0,
_offsetAz toFixed 3, _offsetElev toFixed 3];
private _submunitionAmmo = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "submunitionAmmo");
params ["_proj", "_shootPos", "_lastPos", "_submunitionAmmo"];
if ((isNull _proj) && {_submunitionAmmo != ""}) then {
_proj = nearestObject [_lastPos, _submunitionAmmo];
_this set [0, _proj];
if (isNull _proj) exitWith {true};
_this set [2, getPosASL _proj];
}, {
params ["", "_shootPos", "_lastPos"];
private _mkrB = createMarker [format ["shotInfo-%1-%2",_shootPos,_lastPos], _lastPos];
_mkrB setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_mkrB setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
_mkrB setMarkerSize [0.5,0.5];
private _diff = _lastPos vectorDiff _shootPos;
_mkrB setMarkerText format ["%1", _diff apply {round _x}];
private _dist2d = _shootPos distance2d _lastPos;
private _dir = _shootPos getDir _lastPos;
private _height = (_lastPos select 2) - (_shootPos select 2);
_mkrB setMarkerText format ["Dist: %1m Az: %2[%3] Height:%4", _dist2d toFixed 0, _dir toFixed 2, ((6400 / 360) * _dir) toFixed 0, _height toFixed 0];
}, [_proj, _shootPos, [0,0,0], _submunitionAmmo]] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
private _mkrA = createMarker [format ["shotInfo-%1",_shootPos], _shootPos];
_mkrA setMarkerType "mil_dot";
_mkrA setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_mkrA setMarkerSize [0.5,0.5];
}] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;