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2024-07-17 12:35:10 +02:00

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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal, ViperMaul
* Unload object from vehicle.
* Arguments:
* 0: Item <OBJECT or STRING>
* 1: Vehicle with the item loaded <OBJECT>
* 2: Unloading position <ARRAY>
* 3: If the object was deployed <BOOL>
* 4: Object's direction, used when deployed <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* Object that was unloaded <OBJECT>
* Example:
* ["ACE_Wheel", cursorObject, getPos player, false] call ace_cargo_fnc_unload
* Public: No
params ["_item", "_vehicle", "_posAGL", "_deployed", "_direction"];
// Unload item from cargo
private _loaded = _vehicle getVariable [QGVAR(loaded), []];
_loaded deleteAt (_loaded find _item);
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(loaded), _loaded, true];
// Update cargo space remaining
private _cargoSpace = _vehicle call FUNC(getCargoSpaceLeft);
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(space), _cargoSpace + (_item call FUNC(getSizeItem)), true];
private _object = _item;
if (_object isEqualType objNull) then {
if (isNull isVehicleCargo _object) then {
detach _object;
// If player unloads via deployment, set direction first, then unload
if (_deployed) then {
[QGVAR(setDirAndUnload), [_object, _posAGL, _direction], _object] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
} else {
[QGVAR(serverUnload), [_object, _posAGL]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
if (["ace_zeus"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
// Get which curators had this object as editable
private _objectCurators = _object getVariable [QGVAR(objectCurators), []];
if (_objectCurators isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
[QEGVAR(zeus,addObjects), [[_object], _objectCurators]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
private _cargoNet = _object getVariable [QGVAR(cargoNet), objNull];
// Delete cargo net if no items remain on it
if (
!isNull _cargoNet &&
{(_loaded findIf {_x isEqualType objNull && {_x getVariable [QGVAR(cargoNet), objNull] == _cargoNet}}) == -1}
) then {
objNull setVehicleCargo _cargoNet;
deleteVehicle _cargoNet;
} else {
objNull setVehicleCargo _object;
_object setPosASL (AGLtoASL _posAGL);
} else {
_object = createVehicle [_item, _posAGL, [], 0, "NONE"];
// If player unloads via deployment, set direction. Must happen before setPosASL command according to wiki
if (_deployed) then {
_object setDir _direction;
_object setPosASL (AGLtoASL _posAGL);
[QEGVAR(common,fixCollision), _object] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
[QEGVAR(common,fixPosition), _object] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;